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1、中西医结合治疗眼周疾病心得体会摘要通过多年的临床经验总结出一套疗效显著的治疗方法一中西医结合治疗,根据中医理 论“肝开窍于目”内治配合现代医学技术制成眼护系列治疗眼周疾患汗管瘤、黑眼圈、眼袋、 眼角皱纹50例效果显著。关键词中西医结合汗管瘤眼袋眼角皱纹黑眼圈一、临床资料选择病例50例,女性,年龄1850岁,病程3个月至4年。其中汗管瘤10例,单纯眼角 皱纹3例、黑眼圈15例、眼袋10例,汗管瘤合并眼袋3例,黑眼圈合并眼袋7例,眼袋合并 眼角皱纹2例。其中8例长期使用含铅、汞或油腻眼霜,2例长期将不易吸收的面霜涂于眼部, 4例汗管瘤患者有3例高血脂病史,1例胆囊炎,1例由于工作经常上网熬夜,其它

2、无明显原因。 所有患者都伴有不同程度的眼睛十涩易疲劳、睡眠不足、多梦、腰膝酸软或伴有急燥易怒、经 前乳房胀痛、月经有块。二、治疗方案在我的美容院采用中西医结合的治疗方法、标本兼治,中医中药结合针灸内调脏腑、经络、 气血以治本,外用眼护系列以治标。(一)根据患者的临床表现,将13例汗管瘤患者定为肝肾阴虚、痰瘀互结型。1、口服中药补肝肾阴、化痰软坚散结。2、配合神针点破较厚处,个别汗管瘤结痂脱落。3、外用汗管瘤眼霜配合美容院护理。(二)将其余患者定为肝肾阴虚、肝火上炎型。1、口服中药补肝肾阴、清肝泻火。2、配合点穴精油,选取眼周穴位轻揉点按轻起。穴位:印堂、睛明、太阳、四白、乘泣、瞳子髎丝竹空、鱼

3、腰、攒竹。3、配眼护系列按摩膏按摩,要轻拉,提眼角、提眉等手法。4、用平刺法、挂针法,针灸眼部皱纹留针30分钟。5、将眼膜薄薄涂于上、下眼睑盖面巾纸后加敷倒膜20分钟。三、治疗观察1、汗管瘤患者分三个疗程治疗,每疗程15天,第1疗程眼周汗管瘤颗粒有平滑消退,第2 疗程汗管瘤基本消除,第3疗程治愈,睡眠差、多汗、便秘、皮肤干燥等症状明显改善,嘱其 继续口服中药巩固治疗一个月,随访无复发。2、眼袋患者经3个疗程的治疗眼袋明显消退,眼袋胀鼓消除70%,面色由青转红润,眼红, 眼十等症状消失,伴有黑眼圈和眼角皱纹的患者,黑眼圈消失,皱纹多数消失仅个别变浅。3、单纯黑眼圈和眼角皱纹的患者效果显著,黑眼圈

4、的患者只有1名效果不明显其余都治愈, 眼角有皱纹的患者皱纹消失。四、观察结果 治愈82.3%显效96.7%有效100%五、讨论:眼睛是心灵的窗口,时光流逝,岁月无情地给它留下痕迹:眼角皱纹、黑眼圈、眼袋、汗 管瘤,使我们失去昔日的风采。因此越来越多的女性进专业美容院治疗和保养。通过几年来的 观察和体会发现眼部问题和内脏功能失调有非常密切的联系。“肝开窍于目”、肝气郁结导致肝 火上炎,或横犯脾土导致脾胃虚弱、湿邪内停,湿热互结成痰,痰热上逆于眼部变形成眼袋和 汗管瘤,肝火日久耗伤肝肾阴、肾阳,肾水上犯形成黑眼圈,体内阴血不足或痰湿之邪闭阻经 络、气血运行不畅 着形成黑眼圈和皱纹。正气虚弱易感外邪

5、,运用低劣化妆品或用法错误都会 产生疾病。治疗时1)采用中药内服疏肝解郁健脾,清肝泻火养阴、去湿软坚化痰;2)配合眼 护系列(特制纯天然提取精华有效活性修护成份,富含Vc、Ve、磷脂酸、鱼蛋白、海藻、脱 色沙棘油、骨胶原、珍贵眼角膜提取液等),具有吸收快,迅速修复眼部受损纤维细胞、恢复弹 性,中草药成份可以活血化瘀,促进淋巴和血液循环,防止黑眼圈的产生,鱼蛋白、海藻等成 份还可软坚散结,软化角质,激活细胞,软化汗管瘤,天然保湿因子可以锁住水分防止皱纹 的产生;3)根据的“浅刺肌肤深固里”和刺激腧穴,可以调气血的原理采用针刺和按摩疗法 配合精油和按摩膏激活处于休眠状态的老化细胞组织,加速血液循环

6、,对眼袋、黑眼圈皱纹的 治疗起辅助作用。Chinese methods of curing the black-circles around eyesFollowing the economic development, the pressure of life, work and spirit are growing. And this lead to lots of people have “Pandas eyesblack-circles around eyes. Its a kind of pathological changes. This can affect peoples im

7、age and disserve peoples body. Whatever, who provoke this kind of bale? And how to avoid this kind of bane?The Traditional Chinese Medicine considers that all of the qi of five-zang and six-fu organs run up to eyes. Especially, the organs of heart, liver and kidney are very important. Liver and kidn

8、ey being of same source. Eye as window of liver. And liver governing blood and eyes. Liver Meridian contacts with eyes. So, deficiency of liver-blood can lead to eye-dryness and photophobia. Kidney being the prenatal functions of organism. It can store essence and governing water. Black being the pr

9、enatal function of kidney. Deficiency of kidney-qi will lead to black run upon the face and heart also governing blood. The complexion reflects the condition of the heart. But blood is the base thing of the spirit s action. So, it can make the black-circles of eyes much deeper.For this condition, we

10、 just use TCM methods:1. Determination of treatment based on different entiation of syndromes.2. intensify eye s protection3. the life must be in plan, keeping enough time to sleep, and keep your mood pleasantTypical example: Miss yang, 26 years old, manager of sale-marketThere are some black-circle

11、s around her eyes. And it had been kept three years. She often felt that heat sensation in the palms, soles and chest, being afraid of summer hot, especially, present years, heavy business lead her to sleep less. So, her “pandas eyes must be very heavy.Diagnostic: kidney deficiency of yin. Deficienc

12、y of kidney-yin. Hyperactivity of kidney-five. Lead to disharmony between ying and wei systems. Vital substance can t run up to give eyes nutrient.Treating methods: internal ant external treatment. Simultaneous treatment of symptoms and root cause.Taking orally: Hai tang mei No. 7 this kind of produ

13、ction, distilled quintessence of plant from semen sesame nigrum and mulberry. It can make efficiency of regulating function of liver and kidney, replenishing yin and regulating the mental activities and anchoring the mood. It s the best product to leave out “Pandas eyes.External treatment: the range

14、 of hai tang contained lots of VE, VC, pertain of fish, fading oil of hippophae rhamnoides L, and other nutritional ingredient which can solve the problems of a circle around eyes and furrow of eyes.Operation:1. Put tuina s oil around eyes and digital point pressure for 35 minutes. It can dredge mer

15、idians around eyes accelerate cycle of blood, promote oxide s sucking2. Using ointment of eyes tuina for 810 minutes. It also can accelerate cycle of blood, and promote bodies sucking of VE and efficacy pertain of fish. Keep water and increase elasticity of skin.3. Applying eye s remembrance for 15-

16、20 minutes. It contains lots of VC. Fresh efficacy pertain of bone and expensive water of cornea, it can rebuild the cell of eye which is damaged and leave out black-circles around eyes.4. Effacing the eyes cream around eyes in the way of drewing circles. It can active cell fast, and increase the number of cell also can promote the cycle of blood.5. Mild m


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