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1、DEREK JONES: The technology is the same as ours. 德里克琼斯:技术和我们的一样。 I have never seen two products which are so similar. 我从没见过两个如此相象的产品。 In concept and design there are no basic differences. 在理念和设计上没有根本的不同。 None. However I have examined the components and the xr590. 没有。但是,我检验过部件和xr590 KATE MCKENNA: Wha

2、t is the xr590? 凯特麦凯纳:xr590是什么? DEREK JONES: The xr590 is the power source which drives dealer dan. 德里克琼斯:xr590是驱动“商人丹”的能量源。 I think it has a few weaknesses. 我认为它有几个弱点。 It s not as good. 还不是很完善。 In my opinion it s not reliable enough for children. 我看对儿童来讲还不足够可靠。 don bradley: Exactly how unreliable i

3、s it? 堂布拉德利:具体讲,怎么个不可靠法? DEREK JONES:Ican t say exactly. 德里克琼斯:我说不出来。 I haven t completed the tests yet. 我还没完成测试。 It s too early to say. 现在说为时太早。 KATE MCKENNA: Will it affect their sales? 凯特麦凯纳:这会影响他们的销售吗? don bradley: Derek? 堂布拉德利:德里克? DEREK JONES: Not much in the first six months, i suppose. 德里克琼斯

4、:我想最初的6个月不会有太大的影响。 KATE MCKENNA: It s the first six months that are important. 凯特麦凯纳:最初的6个月才是重要的。 don bradley: Edward, what do you think of their packaging? 堂布拉德利:爱德华, 你认为他们的包装怎么样? EDWARD GREEN: Well, plenty of bright colours. 爱德华格林:色彩很鲜艳。 It ll have a lot of impact at point of sale. 在现场销售时会有很强的冲击效果

5、。 GERALDINE: I m afraid they are all meeting at the moment. 杰拉尔丁:恐怕他们现在都在开会。 No, I m sorry, I don t know what time it will finish. 不, 对不起,我不知道会议什么时候结束。 I ll put you through to mr. harris s secretary, and she can make an appointment for you. 我给你转到哈里斯先生的秘书,她可以为你安排约会。 Please hold the line. 请不要挂机。 CLIVE

6、 HARRIS: Nice to see you again, peter. 克莱夫哈里斯:很高兴再见到你,皮特。 It s been a long time. 好久不见了。 PETER DAY: How are things at bibury systems? 皮特戴:bibury系统公司运转的怎样? CLIVE HARRIS: Very interesting at the moment. 克莱夫哈里斯:正处在非常有趣的时期。 PETER DAY: I ve just heard you re going into partnership with a rather good japan

7、ese company. 皮特戴:我听说你们要和日本的一家不错的公司合伙。 CLIVE HARRIS: That s not exactly true.peter, are you still doing consultancy work? 克莱夫哈里斯:也不全是这样皮特,你还在做顾问业务吗? PETER DAY: yes. I haven t retired yet! 皮特戴:是啊。我还没退休啊! CLIVE HARRIS: Look, can i give you a lift back? 克莱夫哈里斯:那 ,我开车送你回去,好吗? We haven t had a chance to c

8、hat for a long time. 我们好久没机会一起谈谈了。 DON BRADLEY: What have you found out about their marketing strategy? 堂布拉德利:你对他们的营销策略有什么发现吗? KATE MCKENNA: They have already scheduled a television advertising campaign. 凯特麦凯纳:他们已经安排了一场电视广告推广。 DON BRADLEY: Who with? 堂布拉德利:和谁一起? KATE MCKENNA: e.g.n.c.KATE MCKENNA: E.

9、G.N.C. The company that they always use. 凯特麦凯纳:E.G.N.C.他们一直用的那家公司。 DON BRADLEY: When is it scheduled? 堂布拉德利:定在什么时候? KATE MCKENNA: Something next month, but I haven t found out the exact date yet. 凯特麦凯纳:下个月的某个时候,但还没查到具体的日期。 DON BRADLEY: Have you heard what they are spending on TV advertising? 堂布拉德利:有

10、没有听说他们在电视广告上的花费是多少? KATE MCKENNA: I don t know. 凯特麦凯纳:不知道。 GERALDINE: No, I m sorry, they are still in a meeting. 杰拉尔丁:不,对不起,他们还在开会。 I don t know how long they ll be. 不知道还要开多久。 Let me take your number and I will get one of them to call you back. 我记下你的号码,我会让他们中的一个打回给你。 PETER DAY: It s good of you to

11、give me a lift. 皮特戴:你真好,开车送我。 CLIVE HARRIS: It s no problem. 克莱夫哈里斯:没什么。 Are you still doing consultancy work for J.K. Toys? 你还在为J.K.玩具公司做顾问工作吗? PETER DAY: I wondered why you were going out of your way to give me a lift. 皮特戴:我正在想你为什么大老远地送我,又不顺路。 CLIVE HARRIS: Well, are you? 克莱夫哈里斯:嗯,你还在做吗? PETER DAY

12、: Technically no. I ve just finished. 皮特戴:可以说不做了。我刚做完。 But that work was confidential. 但那项工作是保密的。 CLIVE HARRIS: Yes, of course. 克莱夫哈里斯:是的,当然。 You could be working for us, you know, I might need a consultant. 你可以为我们工作,要知道,我们也可能需要顾问。 PETER DAY: Really? 皮特戴:真的? CLIVE HARRIS: Well, perhaps. 克莱夫哈里斯:嗯,或许。

13、 I might need an idea of the best way to react to Dealer Dan. 我需要一个反击“商人丹”的最佳方式的点子。PETER DAY: How did you get to hear about that? 皮特戴:你怎么知道的? CLIVE HARRIS: A customer. 克莱夫哈里斯:一个顾客告诉我们的。 Do you know that Dealer Dan is very like a new toy we have developed? 你知道“商人丹”跟我们的一款新玩具很相似吗? Dealer Dan could hurt

14、 us badly. “商人丹”可以重创我们。 I don t want any secrets. 我不要任何秘密。 I don t want to compromise you, I just want some general information. 我不想为难你,我只想要些大面上的信息。 PETER DAY: How general? 皮特戴:怎样才算大面上的信息? KATE MCKENNA: We know their selling price, but what s their unit cost? 凯特麦凯纳:我们知道他们的销售价格,但他们的单位成本是怎样的? DON BRAD

15、LEY: Derek, what s your estimate? 堂布拉德利:德里克,你的估计是多少? DEREK JONES: I can t say. 德里克琼斯:说不上来。 I don t know what their production run is. 我们还不知道产品是怎样的。 We haven t had that information yet. 我们还没有这方面的资料。 DON BRADLEY: Well, Big Boss s production run is three hundred thousand. 堂布拉德利:“大老板”的产量是30万。 Will they pro



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