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1、苏州大学本科生毕业设计(论文)本 科 毕 业 设 计(论 文)学院(部)计算机科学与技术学院题 目共享单车的借还流量预测年 级2014级专业物联网工程班 级14级物联网学号1427407025姓 名李颖指导老师许佳捷职称副教授论文提交日期2018年5月19日苏州大学本科生毕业设计(论文)目 录前 言3第一章 绪 论.51.1 研究背景及意义51.2 本文的主要工作71.3 本文的组织结构8第二章 相关方法.92.1 随机森林算法.92.2 极端随机树算法102.3LightGBM算法102.4 KNN算法10第三章 问题定义与分析123.1 问题形式化.123.2 问题分析.13第四章 预测算

2、法.154.1 算法架构154.2 数据预处理164.3 热站点预测算法164.3.1 基于随机森林的预测算法164.3.2 基于极端随机树的预测算法184.3.3 基于LightGBM的预测算法194.3.4 加权融合.214.4 冷站点预测算法224.4.1 KNN回归算法原理224.4.2 冷站点预测224.5 预测值修正.234.5.1 KNN分类算法原理244.5.2 站点分类254.5.3 预测值修正26第五章 实验验证275.1 数据集275.2 基线预测器&评分标准285.3 实验结果29第六章 总结与展望306.1 本文总结.306.2 后续工作展望.30参考文献32致 谢3

3、41摘 要近年来,共享单车系统在各大城市逐渐流行,给大众出行的“最先一公里”和“最后一公里”提供了既方便又属于环境友好型的解决方案。虽然它的出现带来了很多便利,但共享单车系统的分配不平衡特点也给管理者和使用者带来了许多问题。对于管理者来说,由于共享单车不断变化的使用需求,它的分布是不均匀的,不加以干预会造成社会资源的极大浪费;对于使用者来说,共享单车的不均匀分布会导致站点无车可借或无车位可停的现象,这会极大影响使用者的使用体验。由于不同站点在不同时间段的借还需求不平衡,因此我们需要对共享单车系统中的自行车进行再平衡。若利用实时监控手段进行再平衡,则需要花费大量的时间、成本、人力,并且无法很好地


5、数据上进行了验证,实验结果证明本文提出的模型好于基线预测器随机森林算法、极端随机树算法和LightGBM。关键词:共享单车;流量预测;再平衡AbstractIn recent years, bike-sharing system has gradually become popular in major cities, providing a convenient and environmentally friendly solution to the the first kilometer and the last kilometer of the public travel. Althou

6、gh it has brought a lot of convenience, the unique features of bike-sharing system also bring many problems to managers and users. For the managers, the distribution is uneven because of the ever-changing usage of the shared bicycle, which will cause a great waste of social resources. For the users,

7、 the uneven distribution of the shared bicycle will lead to the phenomenon that there is no car to borrow or no parking space to stop, which will lead to a bad impact on the users experience. We need to rebalance bicycles in bike-sharing system due to the uneven demand of different sites at differen

8、t time periods. If we use real-time monitoring means to rebalance, it will take a lot of time, cost and manpower, so it cant solve this problem well. Therefore, the rebalancing strategy of shared bicycles depends largely on the prediction of shared bicycles borrowing and returning flow.In this paper

9、, we predict the shared bicycles borrowing and returning flow based on historical data and meteorological data. We propose a site level prediction model. Firstly, according to historical data, time, meteorology and other factors, we propose a prediction method with certain accuracy - random forest,

10、extremely randomized trees and LightGBM weighted fusion algorithm for these hot sites. Then, the cold sites with less historical data are treated separately, and the KNN algorithm is used to predict the borrowing and returning flow of these cold sites. Finally, according to the POI information, the

11、KNN algorithm is used to classify the bicycle sites, and the prediction algorithm of the hot and cold sites will be improved and corrected according to the classification results. Our model is verified by the Yongan bicycle companys public bike data in Yancheng. The experimental results show that th

12、e proposed model is better than the baseline predictor such as random forest algorithm, the extreme random tree algorithm and the LightGBM.Keywords: Shared bicycles ; Flow prediction ; Rebalancing前 言近年来,随着智能手机的广泛使用以及共享经济的不断发展,共享单车逐渐成为了流行趋势。共享单车系统已经逐步深入到各大城市,给大众出行的“最先一公里”和“最后一公里”提供了既方便又环保的解决方案。但事物总是存在两面,共享单车的运营管理问题逐渐暴露出来,共享单车缺少有效的调度和维护,潮汐时段与其他时段数量需求的巨大差别以及许多站点出现的单车数量与使用需求不匹配等问题造成了社会资源的浪费。由于不同站点在不同时间段的借还需求是不平衡的,所以我们需要对共享单车系统中的自行车进行再平衡以避免出现站点无车可借或无车位可停的现象。再平衡可以归纳为两种方式,其中一种是实时监控;另一种是根据历史借还数据以及气象数据等其他因素进行预测,并以预测数据作为站点投放自行



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