英语写作中句子的表达 写作方法英语怎么说.doc

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1、不问收获,但问耕耘,最好的资料给最好的自己!英语写作中句子的表达 写作方法英语怎么说时间:20XX年X月X日英语写作中句子的表达 写作方法英语怎么说 时间:2021-07-24 09:47:07 一. 教学内容:英语写作中句子的表达高考英语书面表达要求内容充实,句式丰富,用词准确,行文连贯,思路清晰,过渡自然。要想达到这一目的,句子的正确运用和表达是至关重要的。高考书面表达不仅要求学生正确运用语法规则,即结构完整,主谓一致,时态、语态准确,还要有效的使用并列、转折、递进、因果、比较等表达方式,同时“运用较多的语法结构和词汇”进行表达。学习过程一. 句子的基本结构和表达方式1. 简单句Early

2、 in the morning, we set out at the school gate.The Internet is becoming more and more important in our dailylife.Much of Canada is covered by forests, but in China the area offorest is much less.We can send e-mails anywhere at any time and get the latestinformation through Internet.2. 复合句(1)状语从句The

3、car hit the man when he was crossing thestreet. (时间)As soon as we got to the campsite, we started to put up the tentand cook food.Wherever I am, I will be thinking ofyou.(地点)She took some books with her so that she would get bored during thelong journey. (目的)As long as we dont lose heart, we will fi

4、nd a way to overcome thedifficulty.(条件)Although it is difficult, we will try our best to finish it ontime. (让步)(2)定语从句Yuan Longping, who is a pioneer of agriculture,is called “thefather of rice”.We chose Beijing World Park as our destination, which lies inFengtai in the southwest of Beijing.(3)名词性从句

5、Where we are going this weekend hasnt beendecided.(主语从句)My idea is that we should stick to our originalplan.(表语从句)The fact that the earth is seriously polluted iswell-known.(同位语从句)I dont know whether Tom will come to the partytonight(宾语从句)(4)非谓语动词Surrounded by a variety of buildings, we found oursel

6、ves deeplyabsorbed in the sight.We left the park feeling joyful.Having graduated from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953, hedevoted to finding ways to grow more rice.It is unnecessary to argue with him about it.The book explains how to solve the problem.3固定搭配的结构It was this park that was full of h

7、istory andfun.(强调结构)As the destination is located in Fengtai in the southwest ofBeijing, we had to spend one hour and a half getting there by bus.Upon arrival, we visited Lincoln Memorial.We went to Beijing World Park, which lies in Fengtai in thesouthwest of Beijing, in order to see the world-famou

8、sarchitecture.Yuan Longping is known as a pioneer of agriculture.Walking through the park was a feast for theeyes.The whole world could benefit from hiswork.His great contribution to agriculture is of greatimportance.Instead of being satisfied with his work, he was driven by a strongdesire to contin

9、ue to develop his rice.For his great achievement, he was honored by Chinesegovernment.二. 英文写作中常见错误句型分析1. 粘连句Beijing is a beautiful city, I enjoy living here.2. 句子结构不完整There are many people agree to keep pets at home.Although pets may pollute the environment.3. 不平衡结构The newhouse is large, beautiful a

10、nd has enough rooms for people to livein.There is agreat different between dining out and to have a snack athome.4. 悬空修饰Comparingwith Zhongguancun, Silicon Valley is far more developed.To finishthe task perfectly, more practice should be done ahead.5汉语式英语Who willinstead of Miss Green?We allagainst a

11、ll kinds of terrorists activities.There were20 people died in the caraccident.Dontworry. Your body will get well soon.I was veryglad to hear from her letter.The film hadbegun for 5 minutes when I got to the theatre.The westernpart of the city rained heavily yesterday evening.Our schoolhave taken pla

12、ce great changes.Welcome youto visit Beijing.三. 写作中常用的句型结构1. He worked very hard in order to achieve his goal.2. Having walked the whole day, we were so tired that we could donothing but sleep.3. No matter what problem he faces, he never gives up.4. It is too long a journey to make in one day by car

13、.5. Youd better start by introducing yourself.6. Tom prefers to stay up late to finish the work rather than leaveit done the next day.7. Forests can not only fresh the air but also reduce noises.8. You could either buy an MP3 or go to Yunnan for a visit if youpass the exam.9. He is such a boring man

14、 that he likes neither entertainment norlearning.10. Football as well as computer games is popular with youngpeople.11. Everyone is busy in the classroom. Some are reading, others arewriting.12. Beijing has a population of 13 million, making it one of thelargest cities in China.13. The distance from

15、 east to west is over 5,500 kilometers and thecountry covers 6 of the worlds 24 time zones.14. I didnt know the truth until she told me what hadhappened.15. It is no good talking without thinking carefully.16. People find it important to have some working experience.17. It is ten years since I met h

16、im last time.18. It wont be long before we graduate from thisschool.19. It is convenient for us to be able to get lots of informationthrough Internet.20. It took us quite some time to collect so muchinformation.21. Its time for us to leave the park.22. It is friendship that we value most.23. It is time that we did something to protect theenvironment.24. They believe it their duty to help those in need.25. It is said that



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