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1、 Unit3 Im more outgoing than my sister.一、重点短语1.more outgoing 更外向 2.asas 与 一样 3.care about 关心;介意 4.the singing competition 唱歌比赛 5.be similar to 与 相像的 / 类似的 6. be good with 善于与 相处7.the same as 和 相同;与 一致 8. be different from 与 不同9.be good at 擅长 10.be like a mirror 像一面镜子 11.the most important最重要的 12.as

2、long as 只要;既然13.bring out 使显现;使表现出 14.get better grades 取得更好的成绩15.reach for 伸手取 16.in fact 事实上;实际上 17.make friends 交朋友18.the other 其他的二、习惯用法1. as+ adj./adv. 的原级 +as 与 一样 2.Its+ adj.+for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说,做某事 的。3.have fun doing sth. 享受做某事的乐趣 be good at doing sth 擅长做某事4.make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 want

3、 to do sth. 想要做某事5.as( 原级 )as 与 一样 not as/soas 不如三、 词语辨析:1 1. laugh v. & n. 笑We all laughed loudly when she made a joke. 她说了个笑话,我们都大声笑起来。We all laughed at his joke. 听了他的笑话我们都笑起来。He laughs best who laughs last. 谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好。 / 不要高兴得太早。(与 at 连用)laugh at 嘲笑Dont laugh at him. 别嘲笑他。People have often laugh

4、ed at stories told by seamen. 人们常常嘲笑海员所讲的故事。Everyone laughed at his foolish antics. 大家都笑他那种愚蠢的滑稽动作。笑;笑声 We had a good laugh at his joke. 我们被他的笑话逗得哈哈大笑。2. though conj. 虽然;纵然;即使;尽管 = although ,都不与 but 连用。Though it was raining ,he went there. 虽然当时正下着雨,他还是到那里去了。Though he was poor, he was happy. 虽然他很穷却很快

5、乐。 though adv. 不过,可是,然而,常用于句末,用逗号隔开。2 Jim said that he would come.He didnt , though.四、重点句型1 Sam has longer hair than Tom. 萨姆的头发比汤姆的头发 长 。(比较级)2 Both Sam and Tom can play the drums. 萨姆和吉姆两个都会敲鼓。3 Thats Tara , isnt it? 那是塔拉,是不是?4. A good friend likes to do the same things as me. 好朋友喜欢做与我一样的事情(原级)。5 A

6、good friend truly cares about me. 好朋友要真的关心我。6. But I think friends are like books - you dont need a lot of them as long astheyre good.但是我认为朋友就像书一样 只要他们是好的,你就不需要很多。五、语法: 形容词和副词的比较级大多数形容词和副词有三个等级:1 )原级(不作比较) ,修饰词 very, so, too, pretty, really ;2 ) 比较级,表示 “ 较 ” 或 “ 更 ” 的意思(两者之间进行比较 ) , 标志词 than, A or B

7、, of the two, 修饰词 much, a lot, a little ;3 3 ) 最高级,表示 “ 最 ” 的意思(三者或三者以上作比较) ,形容词最高级前面 一般要加定冠词 the , 后面可带 in ( of )短语来什么比较的范围。书上 114 页形容词和副词的比较级和最高级规则变化构 成 方 法原 级比 较级最 高级单音节 词和部分双音节 high,short higher;shorter highest词一般在词尾 加 -ershortest或 -est以字母 e 词尾的词,加 -r 或 -stlatefinenicelaterlatestfinestnicerfines

8、tnicest重读闭音节词词尾只有 hothotterbiggerthinnerfatterhottestbiggestthinnestfattestfunniesteasiest一个辅音字母时, 先双big写辅音字母,再加 -erthin或 -estfat以 “ 辅音字母 +y” 结 funnyfunniereasier尾的双音节词,先把easy4 “y” 改为 “i” ,再加-er earlyearlierearliest或 -estlovelylovelierfriendlierheavierhappierlazierloveliestfriendliestheavies thappie

9、stlaziestfriendlyheavyhappylazy多音节 词和部分在词前加 beautifulmoremostmore 或beautifulbeautifulathleticmostmoremost双音节词outgoingathleticathleticmoremostoutgoingoutgoing形容词和副词的比较级和最高级不规则变化原 级比较级betterworsemore最高级bestgood/wellbad/badlymany/muchworstmost5 littlefarlessleastfarther (更远)further (更深远)farthest( 最远 )f

10、urthest (最深远)【 语法解析】一 形容词比较级1. 形容词的原形就是原级;比较级表示较 或更 ;最高级表示最 . 。2. 比较句型 : A + be 动词 + 形容词的比较级 +than +B“ A 比 B 更 ” (注意: A 与 B 必须是同级的,即必须是人与人,物与物进行对比)3. 副词比较级常用的句型结构: “A+ 实意动词 + 副词比较级 + than + B” 表示 “A 比 B” 比较 A , B 两人 / 两事物问其中哪一个较 时用句型;“Who/which + 谓语动词 + adj./adv. 比较级, A or B ?”Who is thinner , Jenny

11、 or Mary?4.much, a lot, lots of + 比较级 加强语气a bit, a little + 比较级 削弱语气6 even, still, far, only + 比较级5. very, so, too, much too, pretty, quite + 原级特殊用法1.“ 比较级 +and+ 比较级 ” ,意为 “ 越来越 ” 。多音节比较级用 “moreand more+ 原级 ”2. “the+ 比较级 (), the+ 比较级 ()” 意思是: ” 越 越 ”The more,the better.3. 主 is the 形比 +of the two+ 名复

12、 “ 主语是两者中较 .”4. 两者在某一方面相同: A+ 谓语动词 +as+ adj./adv. 原级 + as+ B.Helen is as tall as Amy.Peter studies as hard as Tom.表示两者在某一方面不及另一方时,用 “not as/so+ 形容词或副词原级+as”Eg. I am not as tall as my sister.形容词,副词比较级前的修饰语。当需要表示一方超过另一方的程度时,可以用 much, a lot, a little, a bit, 等来修饰形容词比较级。注意 : 比较级不能用 very, so, too, quite

13、等修饰。例句7 1. Who is taller, A or B? Who is the tallest, A, B or C?2. Lisa is 8 years old, Tom is 6, so Lisa is older than Tom.3. Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China. one of 和序数词都与最高级搭配4. is the second tallest boy in my class.5. Shanghai is bigger than the other cities in China.6. Shanghai i

14、s bigger than all the other cities in China.7. Shangbai is bigger than any other city in China.8. Shanghai is bigger than any of the other cities in China.9. Shanghai is bigger than any city in Japan.10. Bob is the more outgoing of the two boys.11. Susan is much more beautiful.12. Alice is quite beautiful.13. Tom runs as fast as Bob.14. Tom is as tall as Bob.15. She is more and more beautiful. 16. She is smarter and smarter.17. The more exercise you do, The stronger you will be.8 18. The more you learn, the bet


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