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1、oul Unit1 ShoifClas_a_一、 单词拼写:1. E_coes fro ractce.2. No onecana_ anyhig witho an effort.3. Hes js an a_sudet4. Yu can gt ticesor f_th evenn.5. Idont hve any _(额外的)mey.6. h teacher _(赞同)f he a e7. o _was dtavie.8. Cityple want to be outoorso he eekennd do smeting c_,lik monai limbng, yclng and so n.

2、9. Liteng touic is the bsay to _whn yo fevous.10. That boki no_(可用的)n aiwan.二、 词组翻译:1. 参与集会 _2. 努力学习获得好成绩 _3. 赢得某人的尊敬 _4. 免费给家人和朋友发电子邮件 _5. 体验这种不同的生活方式 _6. 和某人在一起感到轻松 _7. 一种中档学生 _8. 和某人约会 _9. 一次快乐而又激动人心的经历 _10. 告诉我们学校的规定 _11. 在午餐时间 _12. 放弃某些学科 _13. 在校园里 _14. 培养某方面的爱好 _15. 捐赠某物给某人 _16. 作了一次有关她在中国的演讲

3、_17. 在揭幕日 _18. 在封底上 _19. 预订一本 _20. 告知某人某事 _21. 批准筹划 _22. 大声朗读诗歌 _23. 被规定做某事 _24. 对于不同的实验可用 _25. 供应三餐 _26. 有经验的护士 _27. 比往常晚一小时 _28. 对某事感到快乐 _29. 发现某人难以取悦 _30. 注意做某事 _三、单选:1.veyu seen thefaos witer _?A. tht ur teache ld B. who ourteachrtody C urteachertold u f D.o tachr to ou o hm2.uch attntio shoud _

4、scnc n echnlogy. y to develo B. pa dvloping C. be pid odveop D. paid to developi3.Wt they aredoig i _ sme mon.A. moe than dontg B. muc th to donat C more tha t onat D. muhhan donati4.Davi hhta whilend te ided to _he metng.Aated . jin C. tke part in D en5.Inever eel _ i hiscompan.Aeasl B.ateae C. com

5、frtay D. easig6.Eglish i soken as h nave angagein ounrs_ Briti, th SA, Caadaandstraa.A. orexample B s C. li D.in other ors7.ishealth wasttin wore and e egrette _ doctors avice.A. not o hav taken . ot hvigtaken C. ove ot take D. aving no takn8Al the students _ thre tess in nglish literature.A. equie

6、t tae B. require akig . are rqud otake D. ar requed takng9Beijig, _ Olymi Games, alls n all ts citize o earnEnglsh.A are prparingfrsting are prpred tho C. areprepar forhsting D. repaingfo hsting10.he uros of ne echologies is to make lfeesir, _ i moredificltA. to mke B.not o mak Cnot maing Dd notmae1

7、. expect u are ight ll ask hm, _.A. thugh B.ltuh . a hough D.even touh. ha o othikmade himo upet? _.H lt hsew bike B.Because helosthis new k. C. Hanlot hi ne bike. . Becaus of losing his nw ike.13Mr.Gree knowow t deal wit chidren e.Hehas _ina pimy shooA. ten yearsexprnce iteching .en ears peence ite

8、aching C. tenyea xpeenceeh D. tn ears xpeiences to ac14.The othe _he ughtrs sfe arrivalA. informed o B. ws informe on C. infmd on was infoed of 15Wt do you tin o te a _ this poblem. hetuht olving B. th he thougt osve C hehohtof o sol D. which e tought slvin四|、单句改错:1. The tacherbrougtiaby an ntroucedhim r u. _2. Thamoning Iot an hour ate tan usally s had no casses._3. Thomeorkhere is not hev asI was sedt tin



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