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1、六年级下册英语月考试题、找出每组中发音不同的一项。(10分)( ) 1.A.than B .there C. these D. thank ( ) 2.A.mine B. kite C. his D. nice ( ) 3.A. know B .yellow C. cow D window( ) 4.A. map B. Labour C. bad D. man ( ) 5. A. get B. help C. yesterday D. metre( ) 6. A. beach B. teach C. watch D. schoolbag( ) 7. A. weak B . heavy C. b

2、read D. breakfast( ) 8.A. mother B. other C. another D. got( ) 9.A. young B. yellow C. your D. buy ( ) 10. A. when B .who C. what D. why二、单项选择(每题1分,30题, 共30分)( ) 1. My legs are longer than _. A. his B. him C. he ( )2. Did she _ English last night? A. study B. studied C. studies ( )3. I went to the p

3、ark _. A. next week B. yesterday C. on the weekend ( )4. Was your sister at home yesterday?A. Yes, she wasnt B. Yes, he was C. Yes, she was.( )5. Thanks for _ to see me. A. coming B. come C. to come( )6. He likes _ .He can _ very well. A . singing ; singing B . singing ; sing C . sing ;singing( )7.

4、She is _ teacher ,she works in _ office. A. a; an B .an ; a C. a; a( )8. What did you do last weekend? I _ my homework.A. did B. do C. does ( )9. She doesnt have _ apples. A. some B. any C. much ( )10. Would you like_ fishing with me? Sure. A. going B. to go C. go( )11. Is this computer_? No, its no

5、t _ A. your; mine B. yours; mine C. your; my ( )12. We often _ pictures on weekends, we _ many pictures yesterday. A. draw; drew B. draw; drawed C. draw; to draw ( )13. She looks _ than she is . A. the more older B. much older C. more older( )14. _ any men in the room? A. Are there B. Is there C. Ha

6、ve ( )15. Im _ than you. A. one younger year B. one year younger C. one years younger ( )16. What is she like? _. A. She is nice and clever B. She likes singing C. She likes apples( )17. Tom doesnt like pears, I dont like pears,_. A. either B. also C. too( )18. She enjoys _ hiking.A. going B. goes C

7、. to go( ) 19. Mike does his exercises_ seven _ the evening. A. at; in B. at; on C. on; on( )20. _ do you like winter? Because I can skate. A. Why B. Where C. What( )21. A rabbit has four_. A. foot B. feet C. foots( ) 22. I didnt go to school yesterday. I _ a cold. A. had B. has C. have ( )23. Liste

8、n! Who _ an English song?A. are singing B. is singing C. singing ( )24. Tom is _ of you two. A. the tallest B. the taller C. tallest( )25. I had _ umbrella when I was in _ university. A. a; an B. an ; a C. a; a D. an; an ( )26.There _ some bread in the picture.A. is B. are C. has ( )27.Its time _ no

9、w.A. get up B. to get up C. to getting up( )28. He fell off his bike. Im _ to hear that.A. sad B. sorry C. happy ( )29.Lucy is 11 years old, Lily is 15 years old. So Lily is _ than Lucy.A. four years older B. four year older C. four years younger ( )30.What happened _ him ?He hurt his foot. A. to B.

10、 with C. of 三、完形填空(每题1分,10小题,共10分)Mike and Lucy 1 brother and sister. They live 2 a big house. The house stands at the foot 3 a hill. Near the hill is a big lake. There 4 four people in their family. Mike, Lucy, their father and mother. Their father is a farmer. 5 mother is 6 home. Mike goes to scho

11、ol, 7 little Lucy does not. She is only five. Mike likes sports. He swims and skates 8 . But he likes football best. After school he often plays football 9 his friends. Lucy likes 10 , but he doesnt like sports.( ) 1. A. am B. is C. are D. be( ) 2. A. at B. in C. on D. to( ) 3 .A. for B. on C. at D.

12、 of( ) 4. A. have B. has C. is D. are( ) 5 .A. His B. his C. their D. Their( )6. A. by B. at C. on D. in( ) 7. A. so B. but C. or D. and( ) 8 .A. fine B. good C. nice D. well( ) 9. A. to B. of C. with D. at( ) 10. A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. sings四、补全对话.(10分)(将序号写在相应横线上,有两项是多余的)A. How can you g

13、et there?B. How are you going there?C. Thank you.D. What are you going to do this weekend?E. What do you often do on the weekend?F. Youre welcome.G. When are you going to the Theme Park?AHi, Sarah!_.BI often read books.AAre you going to read books this weekend?BNo, Im not.A_BIm going to the Theme Pa

14、rk with my parents.AGreat!_BWe can go by bus.A_BAt 9:00 am.AHave a good time.B_. 五、改错.(将不合适或错误单词划出来,并把正确答案写在横线上)(每题2分,10分)。1. She doesnt go to school last night. _2. How does Mike goes to the library? _3. What did you do in Saturday morning? _4. How heavier is she? She is 40 kilograms. _5.John is th



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