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1、CET6听力必备词组1. Mr. Jefferson is really a big shot. He held a press conference yesterday. (an important or influential person)2. The exploitation of tourism is bound to destroy some natural resources and scenic areas. Environmental pollution is a case in point. (a good example)3. Students must have acc

2、ess to a good library. (means of approaching; opportunity to get)4. I was admitted to MIT in 1984. (be accepted; be enrolled)5. After all is said and done, Sam and Sally determined to maintain their marriage. (after all the various opinions and arguments have been taken into account; when everything

3、 has been considered)6. Hemingway became part of a group of Americans who felt alienated from their country. (separate from; not belong to particular surroundings)7. When the singer started to sing, the audiences were all ears. (keen to listen to what is about to be said)8. The Americans came from a

4、lmost every part of the world. Thats why America has long been known as a melting pot. (symbolizing the American multi-national culture)9. -Jenny is an excellent dancer.-And how! (You bet, certainly)10. Nothing appeals to me except for Mr. Adamss talk show. (attract, draw)11. The head of the board w

5、ill be around tomorrow morning. (appear, be seen)12. As a consequence, we tend to feel happy and usually continue doing the job. (as a result, therefore)13. The sight could confuse him, giving him no hint as to where to drop his money. (about, concerning)14. I was at a loss to give response to his c

6、hallenge. (confused)15. Although I live in London now, Im still at heart a countryman. (in ones real nature; in reality)16. I am very attached to the collecting of stamps. (be fond of)17. The police found a revolver at the scene, just beside the victims right hand. (right at the spot where an accide

7、nt takes place)18. - Do you ever know what Tony is talking about?-Never. He always beats around the bush. (Not come to the point)19. The only way to beat the crowds when you do grocery shopping on Saturday is to be here when they are open at nine o clock sharp. (avoid the crowds)20. The train is beh

8、ind schedule. You have to wait another twenty minutes. (be delayed)21. Are you bent on going abroad for a Ph.D.? (with ones mind set on; determined on)22. Tom is almost beside himself with anxiety. (almost mad with trouble or excitement)23. The quality of the new product is beyond all praise. (wonde

9、rfully good)24. Lucy and Mae are bosom friends. Theyre always together. (an especially good or close friend)25. Any discussion of this topic is bound to question the aim of education. (Certain to do sth.)26. Im by no means pleased with his behavior. (not at all, never)27. Before the bell rang, our E

10、nglish teacher said: “lets call it a day.” (to finish working for the day, determine to stop working)28. Dont be carried away by his praise, he is not very sincere when saying this. (to excite)29. After working for two hours, I would like to have a cup of coffee and catch my breath. (to rest for a s

11、hort time after hurrying, being busy)30. Its no use chasing rainbows. Youd better face the reality and take some actions. (to spend a lot of time thinking about things that one cannot possibly obtain)31. It may not be true that clothes make the man, but the first and often last impression of you is

12、determined by the clothes you wear. (clothes play an important role in mans life)32. The Open University is an educational system which will make use of television, radio and correspondence course. (a course which is usually taken by studying delivered materials with instructions)33. - Will you give

13、 me a hand when I am in trouble?- You can count on me. (rely on, depend on; trust)34. - What shall we do if the land lord asks us to leave?- I dont know. We have to cross that bridge when come to it. (to refuse to think or worry about sth. until that sth. occurs or arrives)35. Dont cry over spilt mi

14、lk. Let bygones be bygones. (to cry or grieve because of a loss or mistake that cannot be put right)36. Student politics is not my cup of tea and I dont think I should work all the time. (hobby, interest)37. I will face it that Im just not cut out to be a scientist. (be born to have certain ability)

15、38. The fashion show was cut short because the theatre was on fire. (to put an end to (sth.) or stop (sb.) From doing sth. , esp. from continuing to talk)39. The goods you have declared are far in excess of your allowances. (make a report of ones special belongings taken on the trip)40. Less food an

16、d more exercises will do you a lot of good. (bring benefits to a person)41. Judy was their only child and naturally they doted on Judys children. (give too much love to, esp. children)42. Bob didnt get a cost-of-living raise, so we have to do without a few things now. (cope with life without ones usual advantage)43. He said that he would definitely pass the exam, bu



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