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1、 2009年上海市“春蕾杯”小学英语邀请赛二年级试题(答卷时间50分钟,总计100分) 得分_一、 写出含有相同因素的字母 9 %A _ _ _E _ _ _F_ _ _二、 根据所给图片完成句子 5%1. I have a big _. 2. I have got a nice _. It is in the sky.3. I live in a new _. It is very big.I like my new house.4. Can a _ jump? Yes it can .It can swim too.5. Look at my nice _.三、根据中文意思选择,完成下列句

2、子。12%1.对不起。我迟到了。 .Im late.2.我是一名学生。我的名字叫张明。Im . is Zhang Ming.3.请进来。门没关。 Please .The door is open.4.早上好!这是我的朋友,约翰。!This is John.A.my B.a C.Im D.in E.come F.sorryG.My H.name I.morning J.Good K.friend L.student四、根据所给字母,重组单词。6%1.acthere2.ifve3.iglr4.untdest5.rhete6.ou.fr五、选择填空,将正确答案的序号填入括号内12%( )1. Hel

3、lo _ Kitty.A. You B. Hes C. Im( )2. Look! You _ happy. Peter _ sad.A. are is B. areare C. arehas( )3. -Whos this boy? -_Danny.A. His B. Hes C. Im( )4. Look at the plant. It _ five flowers.A. is B. are C. has( )5. Whats Mrs Li? _ is a nurse.A. Shes B. Youre C. Hes( )6. Put _ my shoe.A. at B. on C. to

4、( )7. Stand _ please.A. down B. up C. on( )8. Count the oranges. How many _?A. orange B. an orange C. oranges( )9. Look at _ sun. Its red.A. a B. the C. an( )10. My tail _ short. My ears _long. Im a rabbit.A. is are B. areare C. areis( )11. Im nine. Shes five. Shes my _.A. big sister B. big brother

5、C. little sister( )12. - A cake Peter? - Yes please. Im _.A. thirsty B. hungry C. sad六情景反应 16%1.当你迟到了,你应说:( )A.Come in. B.Im sorry. C.Its OK.2.别人祝贺你,你应说:( )A.Thank you. B.Im sorry. C.Nice to meet you.3.向别人介绍新朋友时,你应说:( )A.Welcome. B.Nice to meet you. C.This is my new friend.4.老师欢迎学生返校,应说:( )A.Thank y

6、ou. B.This is our school. C.Welcome back to school.5.你想提醒别人小心,你应说:( )A.Watch out! B.Look at me. C.Ohno.6.妇女节到了,你应对妈妈说:( )A.Happy Womens Day Mom! B.Have some tea Mom!C.Happy TeachersDay Mom!7.开学了,你见到了你的新同学,你说:( )A.Nice to meet you too. B.Nice to see you too.C.Nice to see you again.8.同学做错事,向你道歉,你应说:(

7、)A.Youre welcome. B.Its OK. C.Im sorry.七在B栏中找出A栏的回答,将其序号填在题前的括号中14%A B( )1.Where are you from? A.Its OK.( )2.Nice to see you again. B.Good afternoon!( )3.How are you? C.Im from Canada.( )4.Good afternoon1 D.Very wellthanks.( )5.This is my new friend Amy. E.Goodbye!( )6.Im sorry! F.Nice to see you to

8、o!( )7.Goodbye! G.Nice to meet you!八、看图回答下列问题.10%1. How many bottles?_2. How many balls? _3. How many dogs? _4. How many birds? _5. How many trees? _九用所给单词填空,把句子意思补充完整6%big smart minute can student school teacher1.Lets play teacher and student.2.Good morning .Good morning boys and girls.3.My name is

9、 Mike.Im a .4.Welcome back to boys and girls.5.The elephant is .6. you read your name?十仔细观察下图,判断句子正误,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。10%Name:Miss MayAge: 22From:AmericaJohns act teacher( )1.Miss May is an English teacher.( )2.Miss May is funny.( )3.John is Miss Mays teacher.( )4.Miss May is young(年轻)( )5.Miss May is from America.



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