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1、高三英语适应性练习阅读理解分析北京第二十中学 蔡清月 竹怀侠 第三部分: 阅读理解此次阅读部分总词量为2224词。A篇293+103词;B篇225+193词;C篇339+116词;D篇287+131词;E篇345+195词。总计文章中出现1489词, 题中出现735词。一模的总词量为2300词, 二模的总词量为2556词。A篇是一个夹叙夹议的文章。作者通过比较自己的童年和祖母的童年来议论现在的孩子和过去的孩子。56. The writer thinks that her grandmother_. A. makes mistakes about the youth B. complains t

2、oo much about the young C. received good education at school D. led an unhappy life when she was a child 分析D正确。事实题。从文章第二段倒数第三行It must have been a dull and lonely life too, for she stayed mainly at home during her childhood.可以找到答案。57. When Granny was young, children were expected _. A. to speak to th

3、e elders loudly B. to hear and not to see C. to be present quietly D. to stay still and study 分析C正确。细节题。从文章的第一段第5行 Children in her days, she continues, were expected to be seen and not heard 可以推测出答案. to be seen是present, not to be heard是quietly.58.This passage is mainly about _. A. Grannys life story

4、 in the past B. Grannys complaints about the children C. womens life in different times D. children in the past and at present分析D正确。主旨题。第一句话的后半部分that children nowadays arent as well-behavioured as they used to be点出了文章的中心思想, 即 “现在的孩子的行为举止不如过去的孩子的行为举止好”。第一段是grandmother对童年的回忆; 第二段是作者从grandmother的像册上看到的

5、grandmother童年, 并由此推断出grandmother的童年不快乐; 第三段是作者自己现在的童年, 正好与grandmother的童年形成了对比,因此D项合适。 B篇是一篇介绍性文章, 介绍了一种新的学习方法在线学习。 59. The purpose of writing the passage is to_. A. introduce new websites to peopleB. teach how to take new courses by InternetC. present new means to learn something you want to knowD.

6、help you to solve any difficulty you meet with分析C正确。推断题。根据第二段来推断。这一段是采用对比手法写的:过去如果你要学点东西,你采取去找亲戚朋友、上夜校或去图书馆等方法,可是现在你可以用上网的方法。因此它是在讲方式方法的改变。A项的意思是“把新的网站介绍给人们”。文章中的确提到两个网站, 但是这两个网站是C项中的new means的两个具体例子。D项中solve any difficulty you meet with太绝对化了,它只是帮你learn what you want。60.How-tosites are set up to_.A.

7、 explain FAQs to the publicB. help people to learn what they want toC. tell the difference from discussion forumsD .complete the growing world of online learning分析B正确。判断题。根据第二段的第二句话But now a host of websites are springing up to provide free practical advice on these subjects and actually anything el

8、se you can think of.,即“现在很多网站正在逐步建立起来,目的是提供免费而又实用的建议”,因此它是帮助人们学习他们想学习的东西。61. The underlined word novices in the passage probably means_.A. experts who know a lotB. hosts of how-to sites C. people without knowledgeD. beginners of how-to sites分析D正确。猜测词义题。根据第三段最后一句话:These FAQs took a specific subject a

9、nd explained it to complete novices. 从上文章我们可以看出FAQs是面向大众的,它是帮助人们学习他们想学习的东西。因此A面向专家、B面向网主都不对。C不应该是面向没有知识的人,而是面向有问题想找到答案的人、想学习的东西的人。只有D项面向刚到“如何做”这样的网站上寻求方法的那些人才合适。62.It can be inferred from the passage that _.A. how-to sites are specially designed for the disabled B. people can teach himself at home b

10、y visiting how-to sitesC. it is pleasant to listen to the advice on how-to sitesD. you can just click your mouse at home to question anything 分析B正确。推断题。用排除法来做。A 中disabled 显然是不对的。C中pleasant to listen 在文章中也没有任何暗示。D中的question(质问、询问)不合适。63. According to the test, if you want to buy a tent for camping yo

11、u may _.A. visit B. visit C. visit the discussion forumsD. visit the FAQs分析A正确。细节题。排除法。从文章最后一段的how to buy a vacation home 可以推测而知。C篇是一篇应用文。讲了6个交流学生活动的记录。64.The students who refer to both the good time and bad times include _.A. Susan Lane and Sara SmallB. Linda Marks and David LinksC. Tom Jennings an

12、d Linda MarksD. Leanne Smythe and Tom Jennings分析C正确。细节题。直接按照题干中的条件(good time and bad time)到experience中去找。其中,Tom Jennings和Linda Marks中比较明确的讲到自己的good time and bad time,因此C项最明确。B项中的David Links只是提到different,不一定就是bad.65. The writing above would probably be _.A. the records of students activitiesB. the fo

13、reign students name cardsC. the notice about a visit to foreign countriesD. the advertisement from an international travel service分析A正确。主旨题。从表的格式上即可判断出来。6个表的格式是一样的,都包括:姓名、年龄、地点、花费和体验。尤其是根据最后一项体验可知,他们已经回国了,因此可排除C和D。66. The student who valued learning another language was _.A. Linda MarksB. Sara Small

14、C. Tom Jennings D. Leanne Smythe分析B正确。细节题。直接按照题干中的条件(valued learning another language) 到experience中去找。Sara Small提到I am fluent now in German, so it was worth it.67. How many students mentioned the culture difference they have experienced? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.分析A正确。细节题。直接按照题干中的条件(mentio

15、ned the culture difference) 到experience中去找。其中,Susan Lane, David Links, Tom Jennings都提到文化差异。 D篇一篇说明文。说明事实有时候也能说谎,所以要当心那些用事实欺骗人的人.68. Which of the statements is true according to the article?A. All advertisements are lies.B. You cant trust anyone who tells the truth.C. The truth can be used in dishonest ways.D. Whenever people tell the truth, they are really lying.分析C正确。判断题。A、B、D中的all、anyone、wheneve


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