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1、扶风初中问题导读(生成)-评价单 自主、合作、探究 英语班级姓名组别设计韩雪艳审核课题Unit 5 Grammar Focus-3c P35导学提纲1. Ask about the TV show and check the students previewing paper2. Ask and answer the questions about their preferences.自主预习请同学们预习P35内容,完成下列习题。1. 今天晚上你计划看什么?_ do you _ _ watch tonight?2. 为什么你喜欢看新闻?_ do you like _ _ _?因为我希望弄清世界

2、各地正在发生的事。Because I _ _ _ _ whats going on_ _ _.3. 你期望从情景喜剧中学到什么?What do you expect _ _ _ the sitcoms?4. 你认为脱口秀节目怎么样?What do you _ _ _ _?我不介意 / 我无法忍受 / 我喜欢看I _ _them. / I _ _ them./ I_ _ them.5. 和我一起看电影怎么样?How about _ a movie _ me?我的问题:同学们根据刚才的初步尝试,大家可能会遇到很多不同问题,请将写在横上 班级姓名组别设计韩雪艳审核课题Unit5 Grammar Fo

3、cus3c P35学习目标1. 能够掌握课标要求的“四会”单词:discussion, stand, happen, expect, joke2. 总结归纳并陈述自己的看法和意见。3. 了解各类电影和电视节目类型的名称。学习重点掌握“ What do you think of?”这个句型。学习难点能够正确谈论自己的喜好。当堂检测:选词并用其适当形式填空。live help go be make1. The old man doesnt expect _ in America.2. What do you hope _ when you grow up?3. Lucy wants _ a bea

4、utiful kite for her little brother.4. My sisters plan _ to Hainan for vacation this summer.5. The young girl decides _ the old man find his home.拓展延伸:单项选择1. _ fathers cant go to the class meeting because they have gone to business.A. Jack and Mikes B. Jacks and Mikes C. Jack and Mike D. Jacks and Mike2. - Would you mind _(do) the dishes? - OK. Ill do them right away.我的收获: 自我评价: 小组评价: 教师评价


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