Unit 5 Being Helpful.doc

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1、Unit 5 Being HelpfulThe first period教学目标:一、 知识目标:1、“四会”单词及词组:turn on ,turn off, put away, take out, trash, light, put on, hang up, clean up, in a minute ,later 2、“四会”句子: Can you take out the trash, please? Sure. Ill take it out. Im proud of you. Can you hang up my clothes? Sure. Ill hang them up in

2、a minute. Can you clean up my room, please? Sorry. Im busy now.二、 能力目标:1、 能使用基本句型表达请求: Can you turn on the light, please? Sure. Ill turn it on. 2、 能在实际生活中灵活运用句子来表达自己的请求,能听懂别人的请求,并能按照指令做出反应。教学重点:1、 掌握四会单词及词组。2、 理解并灵活运用句型:Can you do sth? Sure. Ill do sth.教学难点:1、 单词发音的准确性。 2、 句型的活用及 turn it on, take it

3、 out, hang them up 的正确用法。教学准备:老师准备所用的图片、录音机。学生人手一套图片。 教学内容:turn on the light;turn off the TV;take out your notebook;put away your books; take out the trash. Can you take out the trash,please? Sure.Ill take it out.教学过程:一、 Warming up:1、Greeting: Where were you yesterday? Did you go to the park last Su

4、nday? What are you go to do today? No, I didnt. 2、Revision:What will the weather be like in the afternoon? It will be warm and sunny. Will there be a balcony ? No,there wont.二.教学呈现:1. 上课前将窗帘拉上,走进教室时,看看教室说:Its dark. Its bad for your eyes. Please turn on the light.(作手示) 重复几次,板书: Can you turn on the li

5、ght ? Sure. I will turn it on. 贴上图片,学习词组:turn on the light 2. 创设情景,同样方法教学词组: off the TV, put away your books ,take out your turn notebook, take out the trash. 3. Play a game : A、Look at my mouth and guess the phrases. B、Make a small dialogue after modle. 4.Listen to the tape first, then listen and r

6、ead after it . 5.Learn Target. Listen and read after the tape. 6.Read by yourselves.三、把所学词组的图画卡片堆成一堆。学生随意抽取一张卡片上的短语造一个表示请求的句子,如:Can you turn off the light?另一学生用动作表演回应请 求,接着,请其他的学生继续进行活动。四小结:简单小结本节课的知识并复习学生的薄弱知识点。 五Homework:Copy the new phrases and sentences.预习 Vocabulary 的其余三个词组和 Conversation. 板书: Unit 5 Being HelpfulCan you take out the trash ? turn on the light turn off the TV Sure. Ill take it out . turn it on turn it off


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