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1、摘 要软件开发和使用的历史已经留给了使用者很多由于软件缺陷而导致的巨大财 力、 物力损失的经验教训。 这些经验教训迫使软件开发者们必须添加一个相应的流程, 并在此流程中采取强有力的检测措施来检测未发现的隐藏的软件缺陷, 也就是软件测 试。随着计算机软件的规模越来越大,软件测试成为了软件质量保障的关键环节,软 件测试自动化也成为了软件测试领域所无法逾越的发展阶段。 软件测试的核心是测试 思维,你的思维能深入到什么程度,测试就能做到什么程度,本次课题旨在训练我们 的测试思维,同时通过本次的课题实例掌握测试流程与技巧,为我们成为真正的测试 人员打下坚实的基础。 本文将使用网上飞机订票系统进行测试,通

2、过设计测试方案,对程序进行系统 的单元测试,收集测试数据,对测试数据进行分析等手段,最终生成相关资料及最终 测试报告,详细介绍及探讨软件测试技术在 Web 中的研究和实现。 本论文的展开将通过以下三个部分: 第一部分:软件测试以及性能测试技术的相关介绍,市场上主流测试管理工具 的对比分析。 第二部分:本论文相关项目的案例分析和测试规划,网上飞机订票系统测试的 测试思路和测试方案设计 第三部分:网上飞机订票系统性能外部测试的具体测试细则关键字:黑盒测试,白盒测试,测试管理,测试桩,测试点。1Software testing technology in the Web in the Researc

3、h and ImplementationAbstractSoftware development and use of history has left many users due to software defects caused by the enormous financial and material resources, experiences and lessons of loss. These lessons to force software developers have to add a corresponding processes, and in this proc

4、ess to take strong measures to detection of detection did not find the hidden software defects, that is, software testing. Software testing is to test the core of thinking, thinking you can go to what extent, will be able to test to what extent, the subject of this test designed to train our thinkin

5、g, at the same time the subject of this example of the testing process and techniques to master in order to become a real test of our staff and lay a solid foundation. With the increasing scale of software, software testing software quality assurance has become a key link in the software test automa

6、tion has become the field of software testing stage of development can not be crossed This article will use the online booking system for testing aircraft, through the design of test programs, procedures and systems for unit testing, test data collection, analysis of test data and other means, and u

7、ltimately to generate relevant information and final test reports, and to explore the details of software testing technology in the Web research and to achieve. In this paper, the launch will be the adoption of the following three parts: Part I: Software testing and performance testing of the relate

8、d technology, the mainstream of the market test of the comparative analysis of management tools. Part II: In this paper, the text of the case studies related to project planning and testing, on-line booking system to test the aircraft's test program design and testing of ideas Part III: Online booking system performance aircraft external test specific test rulesKeywords: black-box testing, white-box testing, test management, test piles, test points2目 录1 引 言 . 5 1.1 选题背景 . 5 1.2 本文的目标和主要工作 . 6 1.3 测试环境的搭建 .



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