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1、Unit2 H otn do you ercise?eid OneTeahing Ai: earn to talk about how oen doou do thigs . Toern th wods t vrs offrequency.Tecn Difities:. ter e wd andpas in this period2. Sence pter: atdoes he hedo weeknd? Sh ften oes t th moves.Howten do you shop ?Oce a wek / Twice wek eacingrocdres:tep1:Greetig.1.We

2、lcmeack: Talk abo teir ldays.2.cora s tohare eirholiyswth te wholeca.Sep2:Leadn in. oou ike watchig TV? Yes ,I d. o u wathTV eery day? Y, o. How ofen you wtch V? I ath every . I watch twiceawee.2.Iduce the e vcabary.sk etents say what ey e inthe thoght bubbles.Cek thsrs on he ad.2. 3. Name ah ctivit

3、yepet reading thefolling: wath TV, rea, shop, goskatboardn,erce,dra . Look ateac icture in 1c.Tell t the pro oesn eeken. heh s orll1) Makesue hatty will hea an do .) ad e adverbsand eplai.5 .Pl th ape twice .Write the letters o hene.Ak Ss:Well, do ou sl reber yur atvation?Hw d ou spei?Was i e ame s

4、ts summrvacation?So hat do you ten doin you umr vaction? The sow some phases fr so pacic. The presn as follog: alaysuualyofnsometiehardly ever(几乎没有)neverand let themunderstnd their differens at t fistie.e :Gussin Prsetatiad atic.als, usually, ofen,smetimes, h ve(几乎没有) or ve. drin thipar, stsuf he te

5、ecie and gskaeoarng.Stp:.Doasury:ActivitesHowftenTaa showerash your hairxeriseClen yourroomA ad awer: How oen o ouk a shower? How ofen does htake ashoer?L s ask nd anser in pirs, siglwas, sully, ofte, sometimes,hardlyever(几乎没有)or neve.Step : HomworkPerid Two( Sect A 2a-b)Teachng Aims:. tudets can le

6、arn tolabu activites n hwftent ach oth 2.ens canlise, tlk, ad anwrie these wordsorrectTachng Difficlties:1. Wods: onc, twice, ntene, prom, ll,in. Phases: swing danc.Sentpaerns: o often o o ho? Ishop one onth. How ote does heng wathT?He wtchsTV.Teaching ids: Tpe ecorder; Mli-MediTeachin rocdus:Step 1

7、 :Geine :ReisionWhat do you uullydo n weeds?W doehe uually do n wekends?hat dteyusually oon weekends?Stp3: PrsenttShow a calndr to tudents .T: Wat is ? Can yoae i ?s : tsa aledar.T : Vry oo .Look , hs i th wen.Sua ad Sday arehe weks Wat o ou onweeends?irt h stuent s adanswe he questionlike this A :

8、Wat dy d on weeknds ?B : ote la fotall.Thendret out “hw te ?”A : W doou ualych V on weknds ?B: I usually wtch TV on weeknds A : Ho fn do you atc TV ? : I wah TV one a eek/the timesa mont/veryda(告诉学生这是表频率的词)(Theeachr ust lpstudent ansr theion.由于这可以加强学生对语言的感知,用这个措施反复练习两三组句子,学生自然就会这种语言的体现了)Se 4 Lstenng

9、 and writiFirt have suns lstenlisn to thetap ne.t he saet , tel tudents the covrsation aout Cheng salkng hwoftehe doe dferent aviitiesrs ber the activites hey hear (1-5) Thnhave uents isten agai nd trto mtc hi ativitiswih theumb ofteshe des th te 5 PirorkHav sudstlkaout wht thy doon wkendsadHow ofen

10、 o they do omething ea her ? :A :Whatdo you o s oneeknds ?B: I otend A :How ofte do you do sh ? : I dosth evy Thn hve se ars toact u thercnrsations.Stp5rctse inwrii .Fst help studetsinih “quesio for derine part ”Eg: He goe to the movs three tims mnt .How ofen ds he got h mies ?Thehaeudens finishe fl

11、lwig verise .1. I oten o totmves (对划线部分提问) .她每周看一次电视。(翻译成英语)stp SummariztionSummrze whttheha larneithstdents.tp Homewrk1.Revise thepoints tt hveleanedtoday 2.Finish eercse 1ad2 in wokbook. .Preiew P2.Peiod Thee ( Sction C-2)Teaching Aims:1.Studts cn learn totalk out actiiesan ho ofte t each otr2. Students can lisn, tak, reandwtethee wod corrcyTeahiificulties: mrove h stuents speking abiity2.Sentence pattns: Hwoen o y sho? shop once a onth w ofndoes e wah TV? H waches V.Teachi Proced


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