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1、 Lesson7 Homework 海港区耀华小学董春花一、Class opening and review.1.Greetings.T:Good morning,boys and girls.Ss:Good morning,Ms Dong.T:How are you today?Ss:Im fine thanks,and you?Ss:Im fine,too.T:What day is today?Ss:Its Tuesday.T;How many days are there in a week?Ss:Seven.T:What are they?Ss:Sunday,Monday,Tuesd

2、ay,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday.(出示大屏幕)T:You are so clever.Let me play a song for you.Sing together with it.2.Play the song”The days of the week.”二、T:You sing so well.Class,I like to sing a song,but Im busy by day,so I sing a song in the evening.The teacher point to the phrase of “in the eveni

3、ng”on the blackboard .Ask the Ss to read it.1.T:And I also like to read a book in the evening.This is a book.(师手里拿一本书)Look here,(大屏幕)book,book.read,read,/ea/pronunce /i:/,read,read,read a book,read a book。Team one :read it together,team two together ,team three:together (师做圆圈手势) .Together.(全班齐读)The

4、teacher put up the phrase on the blackboard and read it.T:Do the action like me, read a book,(两次),(The teacher point to the blackboard ).I read a book,(两次)In the evening ,I read a book(两次)2. T:I also like to write a story in the evening.Here is a story book.,story,story,(师指着书),story(扬声),story(降声),st

5、ory(扬声),story(降声),(指屏幕)write ,write.Team four:read it one by one ,Team five:one by one.Team six:one by one.Together(圆圈手势全班齐读).The teacher put up the phrase on the blackboard and read it.T:write a story,write a story.I write a story。(两次)In the evening,I write a story(两次)(The teacher point to the blac

6、kboard ).I write a story,the story is about “wash my clothes,sing a song,play a game”(师出示幻灯片,领读一遍)。Do the action,like me(读第二遍时)师朗读自己所写故事内容。3.And I like to draw a picture for my story,too.draw,(扬声)draw(降声)(两次)Picture,picture,draw a picture,draw picture,Boys:draw a picture,Girls:draw a picture.Togethe

7、r(圆圈手势,全班齐读)The teacher put the phrase on the blackboard and read it.T:draw a picture,draw a picture.I draw a picture.(两次)In the evening,I draw a picture.(两次)(The teacher point to the blackboard ).I draw a picture for my story.(手拿故事书,指着大屏幕).(齐读两遍)Which team can read it.(加分)4.T:I do so many things,wh

8、at do you do in the evening?(指着大屏幕)what do you do ,what do you do ,in the evening,in the evening,what do you do in the evening.what do you do in the evening.(接着指向黑板齐读)Who can answer me?(找生单独答,引出what do you do 和家庭作业).(加分)学生可以用汉语回答家庭作业,师开始讲授家庭作业。Home,home,work,work,homework,homework ,/o/Pronunce /ou/o

9、u/,/or/Pronunce /,/,do,(扬声)do(降声),(两次)(打出汉语),do homework,do homework,do my homework,do my homework.Now I say loudly,you say silently.Then the teacher put the phrase on the blackboard and read it.T:I do my homework,I do my homework(两次),In the evening,I do my homework.(The teacher point to the blackbo

10、ard ).(两次)You can read them in your teams and ask one team to read it.Then read it together.(师指着黑板全部读一遍)。三、T:I have a chant for you.Read it together with me.四、,点读机(听力,跟读)T:Do you want to know what LiMing does? Ss:Yes.T:ok.Open your book,turn to page18,listen it twice(听两次后跟读)。Read it together.两遍之后,让生

11、跟读课文。T:Good.(竖大拇指)五、1.T:Are you happy? Ss:Yes. T:Lets play a game,ok?(师拿着句子卡片台前师范) I need three Ss to come here,Im a teacher.I have the question card,you can choose one.I ask first,the others answer.Then the other student has the question card.He or she will ask the the others.Understand? Ss:Yes. T:

12、Work in teams. (学生操练)Then ask the Ss to act.拍手三下,Which team can act?(加分)T:Very good. 2.T:Lets play another game.These are some words of the four sentences, you can put them in right order,and then put them up on the blackboard .(做演示)when you finish it,please hands up ,lets see which team is the winn

13、er. Ss:Yes. T:Work in teams. (师巡视)拍手三下.T:The first,second,third team can come here to show your blackboard.Very good,(加分)!展示完后T:Please go back to your seat.T:Are you tired? Ss:Yes. 六、T:Lets sing a song,OK? Ss:OK.Play the song .七、At last:Homework:Finish part3 and part 4 on page 19 in the activity book.板书设计: Lesson7 Homework What do you do in the evening? read a book. write a story. In the evening,I draw a picture. do my homework.


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