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1、全部倒装在大学级别的考试中,应用是非常广泛的,包括在阅读、完形、写作以及翻译当中;总共分为两种形式:全部倒装和部分倒装。全部倒装:主谓宾构成了正常的语序,把谓语动词提到了动词的前面,谓语动词直接发生在主语之前,那么就是全部倒装。另外一种情况就是,仍然是主、谓、宾结构,谓语动词都有时态、人称的变化,把谓语动词上的助动词提到了主语的前面,这个就叫做部分倒装。全部倒装的情况:1. The bus is coming here.Here comes the bus.进行时态在变为倒装的时候要变为一般现在时。2. Students went away.Away went students.3. The

2、boy rushed out.Out rushed the boy.here/away/out/ 在英语当中称作方位副词或时间副词。当首句为方位或时间副词,谓语动词为go,come等时通常用全部倒装。如果是进行时态的话,倒装后要改为一般现在时。Then came the hour we had been looking forward to. 方位副词或时间副词置于句首 如果句首出现了地点状语,句子也可以进行全部倒装。The old man lives in the city center.In the city center lives the old man.A temple stands

3、 on the mountain.On the mountain stands a temple. 当句子当中出现分词结构的时候,可以把现在分词或过去分词和地点状语联系在一起放在句首,把be 动词留在中间当作谓语动词,主语放在后面。Lying on the floor was a boy aged about 18.On the floor lies a boy aged about 18.Sitted on the ground are a group of yound people.eg. 访问北京的是300名日本青年。/ 300名日本青年正在访问北京。300 Japanese young

4、 people are visiting Beijing.Visiting Beijing are 300 Japanese young people.全部倒装的情况:当首句为方位或时间副词,谓语动词为go,come等时通常用全部倒装。 如果句首出现了地点状语,句子也可以进行全部倒装。 当句子当中出现分词结构的时候,可以把现在分词或过去分词和地点状语联系在一起放在句首,把be 动词留在中间当作谓语动词,主语放在后面。主要出现在阅读当中,在翻译当中考到全部倒装的可能性比较小。部分倒装:部分倒装的形式: 主谓宾保持原来的形式,谓语动词的助动词放到主语的前面。1、当句首状语为否定词或带有否定意义的词

5、语时,这个句子就需要部分倒装 这类词语有hardly, scarcely, rarely, seldom, never, few,little, less, at no time, by no means, in no case, under no circumstance, in no way,on no account, on no consideration, no longer, not only等。 eg. He never smokes. 他从来不抽烟。 Never does he smoke. eg. Not only did the customer complain abou

6、t the food, he also refused to pay forit. 这位顾客不仅仅 抱怨食物不好,还拒绝付费。 eg. 在任何情况下我都不会相信你。Under no circumstance do I trust you.2、当句首为only加状语的时候,这个句子需要部分倒装。 eg. Only with you can I feel happy. eg. 只有当你来了这,我们才可以开始会议。 Only when you come, can we start themeeting.3、so.that 结构中的so位于句首时,常引起部分倒装 eg. He runs so fast

7、 that I cant catch up with him. 他跑得实在是太快了,以致于我都没有办法追上他。 So fast does he run that I cant catch up with him. eg. The moon was so bright that the flowers bright as by day. 皓月当空,花朵就像白天那样的鲜艳。 So bright was the moon that the flowers bright as by day.4、句子开头的as 处在第二个单词的位置上,表示虽然的意思。 eg. Although I am young,

8、I can live by myself. 虽然我很小但是我却能养活自己了。 Young as I am, I can live by myself. eg. Although she is a girl, she can support the hole family. 虽然她是个女孩,但是她却可以养活整个家庭的人。Girl as she is, she can support the hole family. eg. Although I like music very much,. Much as I like music,.5、常见的固定搭配结构中需要用倒装的情况。 hardly.wh

9、en. 一.就. scarcely .when. hardly,scarcely 后面一定要用过去完成时,when 后面用一般过去时。 eg. Hardly had he seen me when he ran away. 他一看到我就跑开了。 eg. Hardly had the baby cried when his mother rushed to carry him. 婴儿一哭,他妈妈就跑去抱他。 no sooner.than. 一.就. no sooner 后面一定要用过去完成时,than 的后面用一般过去时。 eg. No sooner had they reached home

10、than it rained more and more heavily. 他们一到家,雨就越下越大起来。 the more .the more. 越.越. eg. The harder you work, the happier you feel. 你工作越努力,就越觉得快乐。一 非谓语动词一不定式:一)不定式的常考形式:一般形式:He decided to work harder in order to catch up with the others.被动形式: He preferred to be assigned some heavier work to do.语法功能: 表示与谓语

11、动词同步发生完成形式:He pretended not to have seen me.被动形式:The book is said to have been translated into many languages.语法功能:表示发生在谓语动词之前二)不定式常考的考点:1)不定式做定语-将要发生2)不定式做状语-目的3)不定式充当名词功能-To see is to believe.三)不定式的省略1)感官动词 see, watch, observe, notice, look at, hear, listen to, smell, taste, feel+ do 表示动作的完整性,真实性;

12、+ doing 表示动作的连续性,进行性I saw him work in the garden yesterday.昨天我看见他在花园里干活了。(强调我看见了这个事实)I saw him working in the garden yesterday.昨天我见他正在花园里干活。(强调我见他正干活这个动作)感官动词后面接形容词而不是副词:The cake tastes good; It feels comfortable.2) 使役动词 have bid make let 等词后不定式要省略但同1)一样被动以后要还原toI d like to have John do it.I have my

13、 package weighed.Paul doesnt have to be made to learn.3) help help sb do help sb to do help do help to do四)有些动词后只跟不定式如:want,wish,hope,manage,promise,refuse,pretend,plan, offer,decide,agree,expect allow sb to do, cause sb to do , permit sb to do, enable sb to doforce sb to do. be more likely to do lo

14、ve to do warn sb to do be able to dobe ambitious to do. begin to do . start to do五) 有的时候to后面要接-ing形式accustom (oneself) to; be accustomed to; face up to; in addition to; look forward to; object to; be reduced to; resign oneself to; be resigned to; resort to; sink to; be used to; be alternative to; be

15、 close/closeness to; be dedication/dedicated to; be opposition/opposed to; be similarity/similar to.三、need/want 后的-ing形式具有被动的意思。其中,want不太常用。He needs (a lot of) encouraging.倒装分为全部倒装和部分倒装。全部倒装:当首句为方位或时间副词,谓语动词为go,come等时通常用全部倒装。 如果句首出现了地点状语,句子也可以进行全部倒装。 当句子当中出现分词结构的时候,可以把现在分词或过去分词和地点状语联系在一起放在句首, 把be 动词留在中间当作谓语动词,主语放在后面。部分倒装:1、当句首状语为否定词或带有否定意义的词语时,这个句子就需要部分倒装 。2、当句首为only加状语的时候,这个句子需要部分倒装。3、so.that 结构中的so位于句首时,常引起部分倒装 。4、句子开头的as 处在第二个单词的位置上,表示虽然的意思。5、常见的固定搭配结构中需要用倒装的情况。 hardly.when.; scarcely .when. ;no sooner.


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