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1、英语(六年级下册)Unit 7 Summer holiday plansSound time & Culture timeTeaching contents 教学内容Sound time & Culture time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 了解oy在单词中的发音。2. 在了解oy组合发音的基础上,补充学习oi组合的发音。3. 继续了解一些英语国家的著名地点。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 能正确地朗读Sound time里的

2、单词和句子。2. 了解四个英语国家的四个景点。教学难点:1. 整理含有oy的单词。2. 朗读Culture time里的单词。 Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Warm-up1. T: Lets have a brainstorming game. (复习以前学过的各国景点)【设计意图:通过看图片,温习学过的一些景点,为接下来Culture time的学习做好铺垫。】2. Ask and answer (1) Will you go to other places for the summer holiday? (2) Where will you go? (3)

3、 When will you go? (4) How long will you stay there? (5) What will you do there?【设计意图:通过日常对话,顺接上面图片景点内容,引出Culture time。】Step 2 Presentation1. Culture timeT: I want to see many places. And I want to see the world. (课件出示世界地图) First, I want to go to the UK. Can you find it?S1: (指出英国在地图上的位置)T: Good. You

4、 can find the UK here.T: Next, I will go to the USA. Who can find it?S2: (指出美国在地图上的位置)T: Then, Ill go to Australia.S3: (指出澳大利亚在地图上的位置)T: At last, Ill go to Canada.S4: (指出加拿大在地图上的位置)T: (教读单词Canada) Look at their National flag.【设计意图:世界地图已用国旗标注,巩固复习以前学过的国家和国旗,引出新的国家加拿大。】T: There are many interesting pl

5、aces in these countries. What will you find? Lets see some pictures. (利用课件呈现图片教授Uluru, the Grand Canyon, Buckingham Palace, Niagara Falls)T: In which country can you find these interesting places? Lets work in pairs and match them.T: Lets try to say with “Youll find _ in _.”S: Youll find Uluru in Au

6、stralia. Youll find Niagara Falls in Canada. Youll find the Grand Canyon in the US. Youll find Buckingham Palace in the UK.2. Sound timeT: Travelling around the world makes me happy. I can get a lot of joy.(出示新单词joy并朗读和释义)T: Do you have any words containing “oy”? Look at the picture and sentences. S

7、1: Look at the boy.S2: Hes playing with his toy.S3: Hes full of joy.T: (教读full of) Id like to let you know another word. Can you read this?S: Enjoy.T: I have more words for you to read.【设计意图:通过学生来对比oy和oi组合,总结一些单词。】Homework 家庭作业1. 跟录音朗读Culture time和Sound time 3遍。2. 抄写含有oy和oi的单词和音标4遍。Teaching aids 教学准

8、备(含板书设计)教学准备:图字卡、教学课件。板书设计:Unit 7 Summer holiday plans Uluru Australiathe Grand Canyon the USBuckingham Palace the UKNiagara Falls Canada说课本课一开始,教师通过“头脑风暴”活动帮助学生回顾已学的各国景点,为接下来的问答活动做好铺垫。然后教师通过看“看地图,找国家”这一活动引出Culture time涉及的国家,再顺势呈现Culture time中这些国家的标志性景点,最后让学生以固定句型进行描述的方式进行复习巩固。在Sound time板块,教师先呈现Sound time部分的图片和句子,让学生读并感受字母组合的发音,然后呈现更多含有该字母组合的单词,帮助学生发现规律并运用规律。


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