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1、Unit 9 Can you come to my party?第一课时(Section A 1a-2c) 1. 学习目标:学习并掌握词汇:prepare forhave the flu, available, another time学习目标语言:-Can you come to my party? -Sure, Id love to. / Sorry, I cant. I have to 情感态度目标:邀请别人参加活动,增进人与人之间的感情学习重点:学习邀请和接受邀请及婉言拒绝表达学习难点:学习邀请和接受邀请及婉言拒绝表达2. Learning Process学习过程Step I目标导学航

2、,自主学习(课前完成)读一读,记一记单词, 默读并理解对话,根据中文写出单词或短语。(一)单词1.使做好准备;把.准备好 2.考试 3.流行性感冒;流感 4.有空的;可获得的 (二)短语1. 在星期六下午 2. 必须不得不 3. 为考试而准备 4. 去看医生 5. 患流感 6. 有空 7. 改天,下次 8. 感谢邀请 9. “太多.” Step 合作探究,展示提升Task 1: 小组讨论交流自主学习内容,小老师讲解疑难,然后相互检查对这些短语的理解情况。Task 2:观察图片,并和1a中的短语匹配。Task 3:听录音完成1b, 然后根据1c问答,看看哪组的答案最全面。Task 4:听录音完成

3、2a,2b. 并转换人称问答。Task 5:独立完成2c表格并问答。Task 6: 质疑互究:1、have to的用法: have to意思是_,强调客观上需要做某事,含有形势逼迫的意思,否定式是_. must意思是_,强调说话者主观上认为必须做某事,含有主观判断的意思,否定式是_.2、to much和too many的区别: (1) to much意为太多,后跟不可数名词. (2) too many意为太多,后跟可数名词.学点训练:1) We _ to wear sports shoes for PE class.2) We _ learn English well.3) We have t

4、oo_ homework to do. 4) There are too many _ (student) in our class.3. 有空做某事be available to do sth. Im afraid Im not available _(clean) the room4.can 用于表示“_”,如: 汤姆会骑马。_Can you? 表达 “_”,答语:同意用 _不同意用 _Step III【达标检测】( )1. Thanks _helping me_ my English. A. for; about B. to; with C. for; with D. with; for

5、( )2. -Would you like to go bike riding with us? -Sorry, Im afraid I cant. I have_ homework to do. A. a little B. a lot C. a few D. a lot of( )3. The T-shirt is too small for me. Would you show me _one? A. other B. the other C. another D. others( )4.Are you _ tomorrow?-No, I have to prepare for the

6、math exam. A. busy B. sad C. glad D. available( )5.-Would you like to come to dinner this Sunday, Bill?-_. A. Id love to. But I have lots of things to do.B. Oh, no. Thatll be too tired.C. Ill stay at home. D. Yes, please.( )6.-Whats that terrible noise(可怕的吵闹)?-The neighbors for a party.A. have prepa

7、red B. are preparing C. prepare D. will prepare( )7. My parents never remember my telephone number, and they always look it up. A. must B. can C. should D. have to( )8.I have work to do. A. too many B. too much C. much too D.many too9. 在大型考试之前他总是紧张。He is always nervous _.10. 恐怕我没空陪你玩。Im afraid _.11.

8、 如果你感觉不舒服,就该去看病。If you dont feel well, you should_.12. 上周吉姆患了流感,所以没来上学. Jim didnt come to school last week because he _.13. -下周六你能参加我弟弟的生日宴吗?-我很想去,但是我必须去乡下照看外公。 -_my brothers birthday party _? -_, but I _.14. 也许下次我们可以去划船。Maybe we can _.15.-Hi , Jeff. Can you come to my party on Saturday?- Im sorry ,

9、I cant .I _ _ _ _ _ (得去看我的阿姨)on Saturday .16. - Hello, Marry. Can you come to my party on Saturday?-_ _ _(我愿意)17. -May Lee ,can you come to my party tomorrow?- Im sorry I_ _ (得帮我妈妈)18. - Claudia, can you come to my party on Saturday?- Im sorry ,I_ _ _ _ _ (要去看电影)19.-Hey, Paul._ _ _ to my party_ _?(周

10、六你能来参加我的聚会吗?)- Id love to . 第二课时 Section A 2 (2d-3c) 语法课1. 语言知识目标:学习并掌握词汇:until, notuntil hang out, catch, invite, accept, refuse学习目标语言:-Can you play tennis with us? Sure, Id love to.-Would you like to hang out with me tonight?-Sorry/ Im afraid not. I have to meet my friends.Sam isnt leaving until n

11、ext Wednesday.情感态度目标:邀请同学参加活动,增进同学间友谊学习重点:灵活运用所学语言发出邀请,接受或婉言谢绝邀请学习难点:灵活运用所学语言发出邀请,接受或婉言谢绝邀请2. Learning Process学习过程Step I目标导学(一)单词1.到.时;直到.为止 2.悬挂;垂下 3.邀请 4.及时赶上;接住;抓住 5.接受 6.拒绝 (二)短语10. 去骑车 11. 直到.才. 12. 与某人闲逛 13. 星期一见 14. 在周末 15. 在星期四晚上 16. 为数学考试而准备 Step合作探究,展示提升Task 1:小组交流自主学习成果,小老师解决学习中疑难Task 2:读” Grammar Foucs” 仔细体会其中不同的表达法Task 3: 根据提示完成3a,3b,3c 的内容。Task 4:读2d对话,回答问题,然后分角色对话1. Can Nick go to Jeffs house on Saturday? Why or why not? 2. When will Sam leave?Task 5: 质疑互究: 1.翻译以下的句子(1)恐怕我不能。_. (2)萨姆要一直待到下周三才走。S



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