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1、长难句分析与翻译十大基本功 第二章 补足语 补足语是英语语法中一个较复杂的语言现象,它表示了动词通过一定媒介与各词类之间的关系,如:动词与动词、动词与分词、动词与名词、动词与形容词、动词与介词、动词与副词的关系。在阅读中补足语出现的频率也很高,是阅读中难点之一。 (1)宾语补足语与主语补足语。 在英语中,某些及物动词不仅需要宾语,而且还要求某个词或词组来补充说明宾语,即表示宾语代表的人或物所发出的动作或所处的状态,这个词或短语称为宾语补足语。有些语法书把宾语和补足语称为复合宾语。把带有宾语补足语的句子改为被动语态,则原来的宾语和宾语补足语就相应变为主语和主语补足语。例如: I ask you

2、to answer the question(to answer the question说明宾语you,不定式为宾语补足语。) You are asked to answer the question(to answer the question说明主语you,不定式为主语补足语。) (2)动词不定式作补足语。 1)带to的动词不定式:这类动词有:advise,allow,ask,cause,compel,consider,en- able,encourage,expect,force,get,leave,order,permit,persuade,promise,request,re- q

3、uire,teach,tell,want,warn,wish,consider,believe,feel,find,image,know,say,suppose,think,report等用于被动态。seen,appear,happen,prove用于主动态。 这类词可构成以下结构: be+-ed牛to be+名词 be+-ed+to be+形容词 be+-ed+to be+分词 be+-ed+to be+介词短语 2)不带to的动词不定式:表示视觉、听觉和感觉的动词,如:see,watch,find,observe,notice,hear,listen to,feel,此外还有let,hav

4、e,make。这种动词用于被动态时,还要带to。 上述的视觉、听觉和感觉动词,外加smell和see可用现在分词作宾语补足语。 (3)名词作补足语。 这类动名词有:call,name,elect,appoint,nominate,christen,crown等,。 (4)由朋引出的名词作补足语。 这类动词有:accept,classify,consider,define,describe,know,refer to,regard,state,take等。 (5)介词短语作补足语。 这类动词有:get,keep,make,protect,stop,set,prevent,free,put等。 补

5、足语在句中分析与翻译的实例 1. A volt is the amount of electrical pressure required to cause a flow of 1 ampere of electricity through a conductor that has 1 ohm of resistance. 使1安培电流通过具有1欧姆电阻的导体所需的电压量称为1伏特。 (to causethrough,“使通过”。介词短语through。resistance是宾语flow的补足语。) 2. Cigarette smoking is believed by most resear

6、ch workers in this field to be an important factor in the development of cancer of the lungs and cancer of the throad. 这个领域的大多数科学工作者认为,抽烟是造成肺癌和喉癌的一个重要因素。 (to be an important factor是主语smoking的补足语。) 3. It is to be emphasized that a source of electricity current is simply a device for causing electrici

7、ty to move around a circuit. 必须着重指出,电源只不过是使电流沿着电路流动的一种装置。 (it是形式主语,代替that引出的主语从句。不定式短语to move是宾语electricity的补足语。) 4. Anyone who has seen a great locomotive pulling a long train realizes that heat can do work, for it is the heat from burning fuel that makes the locomotive run. 任何人在看到巨大的火车头牵引着一长列火车时,都

8、会认识到是热能做功,因为正是这种从燃烧的燃料中所产生的热能使火车头运动。(pulling和run是locomotive的补足语。) 5. The cost of photovoltaic electricity could drop enough to make solar cells competitive with conventional sources of electrical power by the mid-1990s. 到90年代中期,光电电力的成本将下降到足以使太阳能电池可与一般的电源相竞争的程度(competitivepower是宾语solar cells的补足语。) 6.

9、 The author enumerates some of the factors which make it difficult for the sociologist to conduct experiments in the same way as his colleagues in the physical sciences. 作者列举了某些主要原因,使社会科学家难于像他的自然科学家同事那样以同样的方式进行科学实验。(difficult是形式宾语it的补足语,it代替带有逻辑主体的不定式短语forto conduct) 7. We might thus define chemical

10、 changes as those that result in the formation of new sub- stances and involve changes in the composition of the substance. 因而我们可以把能引起新物质的形成并能引起物质成分改变的那种变化定义为化学变化。(define sthas,“把定义为”。as those为changes的宾语补足语。) 8. Materials such as uranium and titanium do not exist in large quantities but they possess

11、 unusual properties which make them essential for certain highly specialized uses. 铀和钛这样一类材料并不大量存在,但它们具有非凡的特性,这使得它们成为某些特殊用途所不可缺少的材料。(essential foruses是宾语them的补足语。them代替Materials。) 9. Not only can temperature and light affect the conductivity, but also the addition of impurities to semiconductors wil

12、l make it change greatly. 不仅温度和光能够影响其导电性,而且半导体中加一些杂质也会使导电性发生很大变化。(change是不带to的不定式作宾语it的补足语,讧代替the conductivity。) 10. The falling of an apple to the ground set Newton wondering why it moved towards the earth, and not upwards into the sky. 苹果落到地上使牛顿感到奇怪,为什么苹果向着地球运动而不飞向天空呢? (wondering sky是宾语Newton的补足语。) 11. Scientists probing further and further into the secrets of nature find magnetism to be important everywhere, whether it be within the extremely small nucleus of an atom or in the vast distances of the as



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