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1、2019-2020年八年级英语下学期期末复习练习(四)仁爱版1.目前大部分同学的学习很紧张,不得不放弃很多自己喜欢的活动, 为此他们感到很苦恼。以 Ran的名义写一封e-mail, 向心理医生Dr. Li询问, 请他给出如何面对这种烦恼, 以及调整好自己生活的建议。Dear Dr. Li, I have a problem. I really need your help. I love playing basketball. But now it becomes more and more difficult for me to play it. Both my teachers and p

2、arents dont let me play it any more. They said it was bad for my study. Is it true? I hope I can play it as before. Im very upset. I dont know how to stop these unhappy feelings. Would you please say something about that and give me some suggestions?2.在日常生活和学习中, 你一定会遇到一些困难。那么如何面对困难呢?下面是中学生经常面临的问题及解决

3、问题的建议, 根据表格内容,写一篇80字左右的短文。ProblemsSolutionsslju:n解决方案和学生相处不好相互理解,分享快乐沉迷于电子游戏累的时候可以玩一会儿成绩差,被人嘲笑请老师指导,认真学习Its common for us to have different kinds of problems. Some times we cant get on well with our classmates, and even fight with each other. We should understand each other, share happiness and prob

4、lems with each other. When we do badly in our lesson, we should ask our teachers for advice to improve our ways of study and work harder. Sometimes we lose ourselves in computer games and show no interest in(在方面表现出没有兴趣) study. Its bad for our health and study. We should stop doing that or play such

5、games only when we feel tired. If we can solve these problems, we will feel better.3.在你的成长过程中, 家长倾注了大量的心血。 家长不仅关注你的学习和生活, 还会提一些建议, 但作为子女的你总会在某些问题上和父母分歧。 看看下面的提示词, 搜索你记忆的长河。, 看看有没有值得你回忆的事情。提示:watch TV, be strict with, as usual, understand, love My mother is a kind and nice woman. But she is very stri

6、ct with me. One Sunday night, when I was watching the film Harry Potter very happily, mother asked me to go to bed. I didnt move. Then she got angry and turned off the TV. I was so sad that I went into my room and cried. The next day she talked with me as usual. I didnt answer but she didnt mind. Sh

7、e said, “I want you to have a good rest.” Then I understood her. I love my mother. x k b 1 .c o m4.现在有汽车的人越来越多了, 骑自行车的人越来越少了, 你能否简单地阐述一下骑自行车的好处,宣传一下,让更多的人骑自行车。 More and more people have their own cars. Fewer and fewer people go to work by bike. We should encourage more people to ride bicycles every

8、day. Riding a bicycle is a good way to keep healthy. Its also easy to park because the bicycle needs less space than the car. Besides, riding bicycles saves more time for us than walking. It also saves money and energy and it can avoid air pollution. I hope more and more people will ride to work ins

9、tead of driving cars.5. 假如你的英文名字交Jenny,请你给曾经教过你的外籍教师Miss Rona发一封e-mail。内容提示:1.爸爸在上海找到新工作,你现在就读于第八中学;2.校园和家乡的校园一样绿树成荫,整洁美丽; 3. 食物不如家乡的可口,交通拥挤;4. 与老师和同学相处融洽; 5. 在上海生活的感受。Dear Miss Rona, Hows everything going? Im now in Shanghai because my father found a new job here. Im studying in No.8 Middle School.

10、 Its as clean and beautiful as that in my hometown with many trees in it, but the food isnt as delicious as that in my hometown and the traffic is too heavy. On my way to school, Im often worried to be late. But I get along very well with my teachers and classmates, they are all friendly to me. So I

11、 like living in Shanghai, and I think Ill get used to the life here soon. Jenny6.假如你是赵阳,你的班主任韩老师想了解班上同学的状况, 以便有针对地对学生进行考前心理辅导。请你根据下面的内容要点给韩老师写封信, 说明自己的情况,并请她给你提一些建议。 内容要点:1.学习任务重,睡眠不足,缺少体育活动,没有时间与同学们沟通和交流。 2. 在家不能看电视、上网、听音乐等,感到苦恼。Dear Miss Han, Im very glad to write to you. I have a lot of troubles

12、these days. Every day have a lot of homework to do. So I dont have enough time to sleep. And I nearly have no time to do sports. My friends and I can hardly find time to talk or play together. When I get back home, my parents dont let me watch TV, surf s:f冲浪the Internet(上网)or listen to my favorite m

13、usic. I dont know what should I do . could you please give me some suggestions? Best wishes. Yours, Zhao Yang7.良好的生活习惯对于成长中的我们是非常重要的,你认为良好的生活习惯是怎样的呢? 根据下面信息提示,写一篇作文。1.健康饮食,保持饮食平衡,各种食物都是必要的。一定要吃早餐。 2. 不要熬夜,早睡早起。 3.参加运动,强身健体。 I think a good lifestyle is very important for us. As we all know, we should

14、 keep a balanced diet. Different kinds of foods are necessary. Remember to eat more fruits and vegetables and less junk food. Breakfast is very important. It gives us energy for the morning. Staying up late at night is bad for our health. We should go to bed early and get up early and get up early.

15、Of course, its also necessary for us to take exercise. Exercise will keep us active and strong. As we know, food gives us energy. We have enough food to keep us healthy. If we choose the right food, we can have healthy eating habits. We should eat more fruit and vegetables instead of cream biscuits, hamburgers, Beijing Roast Duck and so on. We should eat fewer snacks and candies. Differen


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