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4、解决了。当一切都在争分夺秒时很难跳出来统观全局,但可以在一个休息日里制定计划改善自己的世界。从简单小事开始从那些不会令你破财、不会伤害你自尊、也不会花费你巨大时间的小事做起。妙就妙在不必奋力“抓住”点什么径直开始就好。5 Easy Things You Can Do Today That Will Noticeably Improve Your LifeAs we wind down a busy 2012 and take time around the holidays to reflect, it can quickly become overwhelming, with so many

5、 differing theories on ways to lose weight, increase productivity and improve family relationships. While external factors have their place, the only true way to improve yourself is to start at the source: you. Self-improvement is never over, and for some of us, the task is daunting. However, there

6、are few easy things you can do today right now that will have a noticeable impact. No reason to wait until January 1 to set an official “new years resolution” when you can do a few things with a couple of weeks of December left; this holiday season, give yourself the gift of peace of mind.Reignite y

7、our passion. Whatever deeply moves you, set it on fire. Cooking gets you going? Call the neighbor youve been meaning to get to know better, email your colleagues, and call up your college buddy whose schedule just hasnt matched yours lately youre hosting a dinner party. Car racing makes you feel lik

8、e a million bucks? Take your son to a NASCAR race, or play his car/driver video game with him. Feeling frazzled and disconnected with your significant other? Rekindle the romance! Seriously. The more passion you have in your life, the more creative youll be.Read more. There are so many amazing books

9、 and articles readily available for us all to consume. Its like having the ability to sit down with an incredible thought leader every single night. What a joy. Dedicating 20 minutes nightly to reading will expand your horizons ten-fold, without a huge time commitment.Write a gratitude list. The mor

10、e we can connect with our deep appreciation for all the good around us will help us conquer all the challenges we face. If youre reading this, it means you have a computer (and chances are, that means a roof over your head and clothes to keep you warm this winter). Theres a lot to be thankful for, a

11、nd writing everything down makes it readily apparent.Do a random act of kindness. The more you give, the more you will receive. I know it sounds fluffy and cosmic, but it actually works. Improving someones day makes yours better. If youre walking back to the office with leftovers from your lunch mee

12、ting and someone asks if you can spare anything, give him your lunch. Hell have a meal in his belly and youll have warmed your own heart by helping.Seek honest feedback. Sometimes our weaknesses are not as apparent to ourselves but very clear to others. Ask people for direct advice and you will find

13、 the most important things to work on. When confronted, you might realize that your tardiness to morning team meetings bothers your boss its easy to set the alarm a bit earlier every morning, and voila problem solved.Its hard to stay on top of things when everything is moving at breakneck speed, but on one of these days off from work, figure out a game plan to improve your world. It starts with baby steps easy things you can do that wont break the bank, hurt your ego or take a tremendous amount of time. The beauty is theres no “catch”: just start!


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