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1、 2022年自考英语(一)课堂笔记(unit23)本课主要单词1.non-verbal adj. wordless, without involving the use of language (非词语的,非语言的)non-是一个常用前缀,通常加在形容词,名词或副词前,表示“非”,“无”,“不是”,“不重要的”,“无价值的”。如nonbeliever (无信仰的人)nonsmoker (不抽烟的人),nonstop (不停的,直达的), nonviolence(非暴力的),nondegree (非学位的),nonbook (无真实价值的书)1)Gesture is a form of non-

2、verbal expression. (手势是一种非语言的表达方式。)2)Professor Wang is going to give us a lecture on non-verbal communication. (王教授将给我们做关于非语言交际问题的讲座。)3)You will have a better idea of it after you read the verbal instructions.(看了文字说明你就会对此有更深的了解。)2.oral adj. 口头的1)He gave us an oral report after inspecting the factory

3、. (视察了那家工厂后,他给我们作了口头汇报。)2)They will have an oral English test tomorrow afternoon. (明天下午他们将有一个英语口试。)3)He broke the oral thermometer and had to buy a new one. (他摔坏了口腔温度计,不得不去买个新的。)3.approval n.agreement to an idea, plan, decision, etc.(赞成,同意);a formal statement that sth. is acceptable (认可批准)-al是一个名词后缀

4、,用在动词后面构成名词,表示“动作”,“过程”。如:arrivearrivaldenydenialrefuserefusalsurvivesurvivaltrytrialwithdrawwithdraw 等等我们以前也学习过-al做形容词后缀,如:brutal 的),mortal (致命的),racial (种族的),social (社会的)等等1)He nodded his approval when we informed him of our plan. (当我们把打算告知他时,他点头表示同意。)2)His proposal won the approval of many people

5、. (他的建议赢得了很多人的支持。)3)My idea is unlikely to meet with the approval of my parents. (我的想法不行能得到我父母的认可。)4)This project has the approval of the National Treasury. (这个工程得到了国家财政部的批准。)5)She didn”t conceal her disapproval of what we had done. (她毫不掩盖自己对我们所为的不赞成。)6)The colonel looked at the soldier with disappr

6、oval. (上校以非难的目光看着那个士兵。)7)His marriage was not approved by his family. (他的家人不赞同他的婚姻。)8)My boss approved of my attending the conference. (老板同意我出席会议。)本句中的approve作不及物动词用,后面接of + (动)名词,不接复合宾语。4.frown n. v. 皱眉;不满1)He gave me a frown of disapproval. (他向我做了个不赞成的表情。)2)She frowned at her mother when she was a

7、sked to do some housework.(要她做点家务事时,她朝母亲皱眉头。)3)Critics frowned on/upon the idea. (评论家对这种意见表示不赞同。)5.reaction n. 反响;对抗在前一单元中,我们学习了动词react, reaction是react的名词形式。无论用动词还是名词,当表示“对作出反响”时,后面要用介词to.如:1)How did he react to the news? (他对此消息如何反响?)2)What was their reaction to your proposal? (他们对你的建议有何反响?)3)I am n

8、ot sure how he will react to such a straightforward answer. (我吃不准他会对如此直率的答复作出什么反响。)4)What was the audience”s reaction to his speech? (听众对他的发言有何反响?)6.embarrass v. 使窘迫,使犯难;麻烦,阻碍1)She was embarrassed by her husband”s drunken behavior. (她丈夫的酒后举止使她尴尬。)2)It embarrasses me even to think about it. (我连想想这件事都

9、觉得不好意思。)3)We didn”t want to embarrass him in any way. (我们一点也不想使他犯难。)4)We found him embarrassed with debts. (我们发觉他已经负债累累。)7.staff n. 全体职工、参谋部 v. 为配备工作人员1)The company has got a staff of more than 800. (这家公司有800多名职工。)2)The editorial staff of a newspaper demanded pay increases. (一家报纸的全体编辑人员要求增加工资。)3)He

10、served as a chief of staff in the army. (他在部队做参谋长。)4)The labs are staffed with two engineers. (试验室里配备了两名工程师。)5)We must staff the center with men with a formal training. (我们必需为中心配备受过正规训练的人员。)在第七单元中我们学过stuff这个词,并把staff和stuff做过比拟,再请看几个例句,留意stuff的意思和用法。1)The secretary has to get all the stuff ready befo

11、re the meeting starts.(会议开头前秘书得把全部的东西预备好。)2)Do you want some jelly? (你想来点果子冻吗?)No, I hate the stuff. (不,我厌烦那东西。)3)The buses are always stuffed with passengers during the rush hours.(上下班顶峰时间,公共汽车上总是挤满了乘客。)4)He really wanted to stuff his ears with cotton-wool when his mother rattled on. (母亲喋喋不休时,他真想用棉

12、托把耳朵堵上。)8.gesture n. 姿态,手势;(外交等方面的)姿势 v. 做手势1)He gestured to me to sit down. (他示意我坐下。)2)She gestured with her head towards the closed door. (她用头朝紧闭的门示意了一下。)3)The old man gestured me to his study. (老人示意我去他的书房。)4)He raised his hands in a gesture of despair. (他举起双手以示无望。)5)What he has done is just a pol

13、itical gesture to draw popular support. (他所做的只是争取民众支持的一种政治姿势。)9.proximity n. 接近,亲近,近似这个词用得很正式,意思相当于closeness.如:1)Much of the town”s attractiveness lies in its proximity to Niagara Falls.(这座城市吸引人的地方主要在于它离尼亚加拉瀑布很近。)2)I have grown accustomed to the continual proximity of the animals. (我已习惯总有动物在我四周。)3)b

14、e in close proximity to (特别接近于)4)in the proximity of (在四周)5)proximity of blood (近亲)6)proximity effect (邻近效应)7)proximity talks (近距离间接会谈)10.cultural adj. 文化的在讲第三个单词approval时,我们提到-al可以做名词后缀用,也可以做形容词后缀用。在cultural这个单词中-al做形容词后缀用。1)Cultural differences caused a lot of misunderstandings. (文化方面的差异造成了很多误会。)2

15、)These peoples have different cultural traditions. (这些民族有着不同的文化传统。)3)This city is often referred to as a cultural desert. (这个城市常被称为文化沙漠。)11.invasion n. 入侵,侵略这个单词的动词形式是invade.In是个前缀,意思是 “into”,vade是个词根,意思是 “to go”。-sion是个常用的名词后缀,加在动词后面构成名词。如:decidedecision (打算)pervadepervasion (充满)evadeevasion (躲避)1)Japan launched an invasion into China. (日本入侵中国。)2)This is an evas


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