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1、完形填空题中考分析及解题技巧完形填空:考查观察力,分析力,判断力,阅读理解能力和语言运用力。难点主要集中在根据上下文作出正确判断的词的用法上。中考分析:从20092013年的中考来看,注重考查动词,名词及形容词三大词性;还有副词,连词,介词,代词,数词和固定搭配。解题技巧:一、看首尾,预测主题; 二、跳过空格,跳读全文,领会大意; 三、通读全文,细读内容,根据上下文分析,辨别,推敲空格在中的位置,在前后的关系及所起的作用来确定词义,词性:(1)看句子 (2)看语境20092013年广东中考英语完形填空题2009年中考三完形填空( 本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分 )Water is th

2、e _46_ of all the things we eat and drink . Not many people understand this but _47_ quite true . The human body can go without _48_ for a long time . Weve got many examples for this . Yet two _49_ three days without water can usually make people _50_ . Man cant live _51_ water .Many people dont und

3、erstand how _52_ water the human body needs _53_ work well , and many people , especially young people , do not drink enough , _54_ in very hot weather . Our body has mostly water , about 65% to 75% . That is to say about two thirds of our body is water . When we do sports , some of the water will g

4、et away from our body . _55 _ we dont drink some water , we wont have enough waterAnd if we dont have enough water , well feel tired and many of us will get ill . So you know how important water is to us .( )46. A. importantB. most importantC. more importantD. different( )47.A. its B. its C. it D. i

5、s( )48.A. food B. water C. drink D. meat( )49.A . soB. And C. But D. or( )50. A. to dieB. die C. to diedD. died( )51. A. have B. with C. without D. in( )52.A. manyB. muchC. littleD. few( )53.A. and B. the C. / D. to( )54.A. even B. ever C. almostD. hardly( )55.A. IfB. For C. Since D. Because2010年中考三

6、、完形填空(本大题有l0小题,每小题l分,共l0分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。One day a rich woman lost her purse with a lot of money in itSo she made a 46“If anybody finds my purse and 47 it to me,Ill give half the money to him”A poor man 48 the purse near a shopHe sent it back to the woman,but the rich woman49“T

7、here was an expensive ring in my purse besides money,”said the woman, “I wont give you half the money in my purse until you return it to me”“But Ive never seen an expensive ring in 50 purse,”said the man They began to quarrel(争吵)The man became 51 and took her to a judge(法官)52 the judge heard what ha

8、d happened to them,he said to the woman,“Im sure that you have lost a purse,and there is an expensive ring in itBut there is 53 a lot of money in this purseSo I dont think its yours54 some timeMaybe somebody will give your purse back”Then the judge 55 to the man and said,“Take the purse homeIf the o

9、wner doesnt come to get it back in two days,it will be yours”46Aface Bmistake Cpromise Dconversation47Agets Bshows Cpoints Dreturns48Ahad Bknew Cheard Dfound49Akept her word Bchanged her mind Ctried her best Dpulled her down50Ayour Bher Chis Dmy51Asad Bangry Cexcited DWorried52ABefore BThough CAfter

10、 DIf53Aonly Btruly Cnearly Dreally54AWait for BListen to CLook after DTalk about55Aran B came C Want D turned2011年中考六、完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分;) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Helen was seven years old. One day one of her teeth began to hurt. She 41 in class at school, and her teacher 42 kindly

11、, What s the matter, Helen?One of my teeth hurts, answered Helen.Tell your mother about 43 , said the teacher, and then go to .see the dentist (牙医) .That afternoon Helen told her mother about her tooth, and her mother 44 her to the dentist s a few hours 45 . The dentist looked at the tooth and then

12、said to Helen, Its very 46 .Im going to pull it 47 , and then you re going to get a new tooth. It will be as nice 48 next year.Then he did it with no trouble.The next day Helen s teacher asked her about the tooth. She said to her, Does it 49 hurt, Helen?I dont know. Youd better ask the dentist, Hele

13、n answered.Why? the teacher asked.Because the dentist has 50 it, Helen answered.41. A. cried B. talked C. shouted D. laughed42. A. spoke B. told C. shouted D. asked43. A. her B. him C. it D. them44. A. brought B. took C. put D. got45. A. onlyB. ago C. later D. before46. A. hurt B. well C. healthy D.

14、 bad47. A. on B. in C. out D. off48. A. the other B. the one C. another D. the others49. A. much B. very C. still D. also50. A. kept B. pulled C. doneD. thrown2012年中考三、完形填空。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。 Bill, a thirteen-year-old boy, thought he had grown up to be a man. But his parents told him, “ You wont be a real man unt



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