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1、教师业务素质提升教师“四课型”教案课 型NEW年级五(下)授 课 人范允兰课 题UINT1 THIS IS MY DAY (5)教学目标:能够针对具体情况正确使用usually, often, sometimes三个频度副词.会使用next 一词。学生能听懂并会说句型:What do you do on the weekend? I usually/often play football. Sometimes I go hiking.并能在实际情景中运用.学生学会正确使用频度副词表达自己的周末活动.教 学 重 点要求能准确使用频度副词进行表达,设计的活动要着重于学生的实际运用。对句型Lets

2、together next Sunday.能正确认读。教 学 难 点要求能准确使用频度副词进行表达,设计的活动要着重于学生的实际运用。对句型Lets together next Sunday.能正确认读。教学方法与 学习方法教 学 准 备卡片, 挂图, 同步练习册教 学 过 程Step 1 Warm-up(1)Ss read and spell the words.(2)Blank-filling: T: Climb Ss: Climb mountains. T: Hiking. Ss: Go hiking. T: Shopping. Ss: Go shopping.Step 2 Previe

3、w(1)Question: What do you do on the weekend?Let some of the students talk about their weekends.(2)Listen to the tape “Lets try”. Students listen to Lets try and finish the exercises. Check the answers. Step3 Presentation(1)When teacher asks the question “What do you do on the weekend?” Mark a star o

4、n the pictures. Then present “sometimes, usually, often”.(2)Practice the words: sometimes: clap hands once; usually: clap hands twice; often: clap hands three times.(3)T: Do you want to know what does Miss Tang do on the weekends? Ss: Yes. T: So ask me. Ss: What do you do on the weekend? T: I often

5、Sometimes I Usually I .(4)Teacher asks some questions about students.(5)Play the tape. Students follow the tape. (6)Students practice the dialogue and act the dialogue.Step4 Story time Play the tape and enjoy the story.Step5 Sum up: How can you have a happy weekend? 引导学生过积极的、有意义的双休日。板书设计 作业设计1. Copy the dialogue.2. Practice reading.3.Do the exercise book.课后反思


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