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1、钱粮湖镇中学导学案年级:八 科目:英语 教学内容:Unit2 第二课时(2a- Grammar Focus)教学目标:Key words:could, call sb. up, ticket, surprise, on the phone, Whats the matter? 重点难点:1.Sentences: What should I do? You should write him a letter. What should he do? Maybe he should say hes sorry. What should they do? They shouldnt argue. 2.

2、should和could 的区别。 3听力技能和技巧。 学生双色笔记一 课前测评: 听写:单号:1. keep out 2. play 3. argue 4. wrong 5. out of style 双号:1. style 2. Whats wrong? 3.argue with 4.loud 5.want sb. to do sth. 二 预习交流小组合作学习本课时的生词。could call sb. up ticket surprise on the phone Whats the matter? 三展示提升1听力训练 (1)看2a中的五个句子并翻译成中文,听录音材料,完成2a. (2

3、) 注意句型“Whats wrong ?和“What should I do?”及句子:Maybe you should call him up. You could write him a letter. (3) 核对答案 (4)学生看2b 中的5个句子和回答并翻译成中文,听录音完成2b。 (5) 核对答案 2熟读2a&2b的听力材料(P87-88)3完成2c的pairwork, 并进行展示(要求组员积极参与,并脱稿)4学生分小组朗读语法要点中的句子。三 小结反思五课堂反馈(堂堂清练习)I根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1Close the window to k the wind out.2

4、. Whats w with Alison? -He doesnt have enough money to buy a ticket to the soccer game.II. 用所给词的正确形式填空。1. I was very (surprise) to see her in the street yesterday.2. He had an (argue) with his sister yesterday evening.III.单项选择。1 my surprise, he passed the exam.A. To B. For C. On2. I dont have to buy that pair of sports shoes. Its too expensive.A. enough moneys B. enough money C. many moneyIV.中译英。1我认为我们可以通过电话谈一下。I think we can have a talk .2.你应该给他写一封信。You should a letter.3.我该怎么办呢? I ?六教学反思。



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