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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上西方邀请礼仪中的习语一、邀请与你牵手 西方人的邀请一般比较慎重,他们一般不随便邀请别人到家里做客,也不轻易许诺邀请,一旦他们提出比较郑重的邀请,被邀请者则必须作出明确的答复。 邀请的艺术 表示邀请的常用句式有: 1. would you like to.?你愿意吗?如: would you like to xxe to my birthday party? 你愿意来参加我的生日聚会吗? would you like to go to the zoo with me? 你愿意和我一起去动物园吗? 2. i hope you can.我希望你能。如: i hope you

2、 can xxe to my birthday party next sunday. 我希望你能来参加下周日我的生日聚会。 i hope you can go to the cinema with us. 我希望你能和我们一起去看电影。 3. id / wed like to invite.我/我们想邀请。如: id like to invite you to my birthday party. 我想邀请你来参加我的生日聚会。 wed like to invite you to go shopping with us. 我们想邀请你和我们一起去买东西。 4. will you(please)

3、.?请你好吗?如: will you please xxe to my home, mary? 玛丽,请你到我家来好吗? 5. can / could you.? 你能吗?如: can / could you xxe to play football? 你能来踢足球吗? 6. do you want .?你想吗?如: do you want to xxe with us? 你想和我们一起来吗? 接受邀请的表白 1. yes / certainly / sure. id like / love to. 是的,我很愿意去。(注:答语后面的“to”不可省略) 2. yes. with pleasur

4、e. 是的,我很荣幸。 3. yes, im glad to. 是的,我很乐意。 4. thats very kind of you. thank you. / its very nice of you. thank you. / that would be very nice of you. thank you. 你太好了,谢谢你! 5. id love to xxe. thank you for inviting / asking me. 我很高兴来,感谢你邀请我。 不能赴约的婉言谢绝 1. thats very kind of you, but im afraid. 你真是太好了,不过恐

5、怕。 2. id love / like to, but i have to. 我很想来,但我不得不。 3. im very sorry, but i cant. 很抱歉,可我不能。 4. sorry, but i cant. thank you all the same. 对不起,但我不能。可是我仍然要谢谢你。 邀请到某人的高兴之情 1. im so glad you can xxe. 你能来我很高兴。 2. its a real pleasure to have you with us tonight. 今晚能请到你们,真是太荣幸了。 二、请求许可与你相约 请求许可 1.正式的请求用:ma

6、y i ., please?语气十分委婉,意为“请问,我可以吗?”。如: may i use your telephone, please? 请问,我可以用一下你的电话吗? 2.非正式的请求用:could / can i ., please? 意为“请问,我能吗?”在这种句式中,用could比用can 语气委婉,显得有礼貌,而用can则指家人、朋友等不拘礼节的较为随便的场合。如: could i open the windows, please? 请问,我能打开窗户吗? 请求许可应答语 同意请求的常用语: 1. yes. / sure. / certainly. 当然可以。 2. of cou

7、rse, you may. 当然可以 3. yes, please. 请吧。 4. go ahead, please. 请吧。 5. ok. / all right. 好吧。 6. no problem. 没问题。 7. yes, you may (can). 可以。 不同意请求的常用语: 1. no, please dont. 请不要。 2. im sorry you cant. 对不起,你不可以。 3. sorry, im afraid not. 对不起,恐怕不行。 4. youd better not . 你最好别。 5. no, you mustnt. 不可以。 6. no, you

8、cant. 不能。 特别提示 做某事可能引起对方不便或打扰别人时,常用:do you mind if i do.?意为“如果我做某事,你反对/介意吗?”如: do you mind if i open the door. 我打开门你介意吗? 对do you mind if i do. ?进行应答时,如果表示“允许/不介意”,常说: no, i dont mind. 我不介意/我允许。 certainly not / of course not. 当然不介意。 no, go ahead. 不介意,你干吧。 not at all. 一点也不介意。 如果表示“不允许/介意”时,常说: im sorr

9、y you cant .很抱歉,你不 能。 im afraid its not allowed. 恐怕这是不允许的。 邀请你来练兵 1.excuse me. may i use your pen, please? _. a. thats nothing. b. it doesnt matter. c. im sorry, but im using it now. d. no, thanks. 2. would you like to xxe to the party tonight? id love to, _ im very busy. a. so b. but c. as d. and 3. if youre not going to do anything tonight, how about having dinner together? _ a. all right. b. not at all. c. see you later. d. bye. 4. do you mind if i sit here? _. its for mr brown. a. not at all. b. never mind. c. im sorry you cant. d. of course not “邀请、请求许可”与你同行参考答案:14 cbac专心-专注-专业



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