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1、英语部分:14:00-15:30 共85道 满分150分。第一部分:同义词填空,20个 就是给出4个词,选出一个填到一个句子中,感觉和以前六级英语的同义词填空不一样,六机考的词基本上是考认不认识,认识的话基本都能对,中行考的是词义辨析。现在只记得4个了:如* approval _ (A. rate, C. ratio)* ;*an_interview (A. exclusive, B. exceptional )*;*a _ monument (A. perpetual , C. lasting );*_ on sb. to do sth.* (A. prevail C. persuade,答

2、案选A ) . 第二部分:改错,10个 就是给出一个句子,划线4个部分,让选出哪个有错,和以前托福语法改错格式差不多。现在就记得一点了:an abundance of evidences, 应该选B. 还有一个enable sb. to do 加下划线了,不过这个是对的。 A B第三部分:完型填空 20个 主要是关于对待非母语问题,说美国人到了美国大陆,要求印第安人不能使用自己的母语,要将其去除,其中有个选项是eradicate, 否则就会受到惩罚,有个选项是punishment。因此印第安人就刻意不把母语pass on 给下一代。德国也是如此,要求是用德语,在教堂里,学校里还有什么地方都要讲

3、德语,把其他语言书籍都烧掉了。后来说到中国人,虽然在国外上语言课,但是都是segregated class, 里面全是中国人。中国人都喜欢和中国人在一起,比如Chinatown.语言成了影响人们找工作的问题之一。Blabla第四部分:四篇阅读理解 第一篇:居然回来搜了下找到原题,不过没答案。How many people in the world speak English as a first a native language? Exact information on this point is not available, but an estimate of 230 million

4、cannot be very wide of the mark. Of these, 145 million live the United States, a little less than 55 million in the United Kingdom, and something like 30 million in the British dominions and colonial possessions. It is even more difficult to arrive at a figure representing those who speak English as

5、 a second or auxiliary language. A reasonably conservative conclusion would thus place the total number of speakers of English between 300 million and 325 million, about one seventh of the worlds population. If one thinks solely in terms of total number of speakers, it must be conceded that some aut

6、horities place Chinese, the various Indic languages, and Russian ahead of English, others only Chinese. Both Chinese and Indic, however, are terms covering a large number of mutually unintelligible dialects; and though the number of speakers of these languages may seem impressive, communication with

7、in the language is much more restricted than in English. Total numbers, moreover, constitute but one phase of the matter. The factor of geographical distribution is equally, possibly even more, significant. English is spoken as a first or native language on at least four continents of the world, Rus

8、sian on two, Chinese and the Indic language on one, English is without question the closest approach to a world language today. It goes without saying that no two persons ever have an identical command of their common language. Certainly they have not precisely the same vocabulary. There are at leas

9、t minor differences in pronunciation: indeed the same individual will not pronounce his vowels and consonants in absolutely identical fashion every time he utters them. Everyone possesses in addition certain individual traits of grammatical form and syntactical order, constituting that peculiar and

10、personal quality of language which we term style. All of this is implicit in the well-known phrase, “Style is the man”. No two men are identical; no two styles are the same. If this is true of but two persons, the potential of difference resident in a language spoken by more than 200 million truly s

11、taggers the imagination. 51. According to the author it could be said that _. A more people speak Chinese dialects than EnglishB more people speak English as an auxiliary language than as a first languageC about one seventh of the worlds population speaks RussianD more people speak English in the UK

12、 than in Ireland 52. The extract implies that _. A a little less than half the native English speakers in the world live in the United StatesB the 55 million inhabitants of the British Isles speak like the 30 million inhabitants of the ex-British dominions and coloniesC about one tenth of the total

13、English-speaking world population lives in ex-British dominions and coloniesD it would certainly be an underestimate to suppose 230 million people speaking English as a native language 53. The reason why English is the closest approach to a world language is that _. A Chinese and Indic languages are

14、 mutually unintelligibleB Chinese is too complex to be a world language C Russian is only spoken on two continents D there are more native speakers of English than of any other language54. According to the author the fact that the same individual will not pronounce his vowels and consonants identica

15、lly every time shows that _. A everyone has their own literary style B mutual intelligibility is a mythC peoples vocabularies varyD no two people speak the same language in exactly the same way55. According to the author, style is _. A significant when it comes to comparing only two people B a question of grammatical and syntactical correctnessC the particular way an individual uses language D a strange type of language 第二篇:关于美国的mandated最低工资问题。 一开始说最低工资统一规定不好,不同的州情况不一样。然后就举了几个州最低工资差异。有人反对最低工资,提出最低工资造成企业成本增加,社会失业率增加。后面好像说在经济繁荣的时


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