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1、专项语法 关系从句 ( For Classes 2、5 & 6 Use Only )一、限制性关系从句 a) I dont like women who / that chatter incessantly.我不喜欢喋喋不休的女人。b) He is the sort of man who / that will do anything to help people in trouble.他是那种别人有难愿意尽力帮助的人。c)The people who called yesterday want to buy the house.昨天打来电话的人想买这所房子。d) This is the ma

2、n who did the work.这就是做了那项工作的人。e) Anybody who wants to come is welcome谁想来都欢迎。f) Many who know him like him.许多认识他的人都喜欢他。g) She was not on the train that/which arrived justnow.她不在刚到的那辆火车上。h) A house that/which overlooks the parkwill costmore.面向公园的房子贵些。i) Have you got anything that belongs to me?你那儿有我的

3、东西吗?j) Borrow any book that interests you.你对哪本书感兴趣就借哪本。k) This is the most detailed map that has ever beenpublished.这是已出版的地图中最详细的一种。l) The first thing that came into my sightwas a small hut halfhidden among the trees首先映入我眼帘的是半掩在树丛中的一间小屋。m) Its a book that will be very popular这是一本将广受欢迎的书。注:限制性关系从句一般紧

4、接在先行词后,但有时为了结构上的需要,也可与先行词分 离:A lot of men died who might have been saved许多本可以救活的士兵死去了。二、省略关系代词a) The author(whom) you criticized in your review has written a letter in replyb) The woman(who/that) you met yesterday lives next door.c) That is one of the things(which/that)Ill never forget.d) Ill tell y

5、ou everything I know.e) Harry still talks like the man(that) he was five years ago.f) She is no longer the person(that) she used to be g)The is the fastest traiin there is to Pairs.h) Theres something(that) keeps worrying me.有间是总让我担心三、带介词的关系代词a)The person to whom this letter was addressed died three

6、 years a90这封信的收信人3年前就去世了。b)They tried to think of a method by which they could save time andmoney他们企图想出一个省钱省时的办法。c)She was the only person (whothat),could talk to她是我惟一可以说说话的人。d)1 wanted to do the job (thatwhich) Id been trained for我想做我接受过培训的工作。e)This is something Irn very proud of这是我非常引以为豪的事情。f)The

7、next week I went again to the company(that) I had written a letter t0第二周我又去到我曾与之写信的那家公司。g)Everybody I came across seemed to know about it我遇见的每-个人似乎都知道这件事。h)That was the kind of life she was looking forward to那就是她向往的那种生活。四、关系限定词whose以及of which的使用a)The man whose wallet had been stolen immediately repo

8、sed the theft钱包被偷的那个男子立即报了失窃。b)I apologized to the woman whose coffee,spilled我碰翻了那女子的咖啡,于是向她道歉。c) I live in a dormitory whose residents come from many different countries我住在一个集体宿舍里,里边的人来自许多不同的国家。d)Hes writen a book the name of which (=whose name)Ive completely forgotten他写了一本书,书名我全给忘了。e) He Iives in

9、a town the inhabitants of which speak French他住在一个小镇里,镇上的居民讲法语。五、关系副词whenwhere和why的使用a)Sunday is the day when(=on which)people usually dont go to work星期天是人们通常不上班的日子。b)There are times(=in which)when I wonder why I do this work有时候我也不明白为什么我要做这工作,c)There are occasions when one must yield人都有不得不屈服的时候。d) Au

10、stralia iS one of the few countries where(in which)people drive on the left澳大利亚是少数几个沿左侧开车的国家之一。e)I know a wood where(to which)few people ever go我知道一处树林,那里很少有人去。f) Ive reached the point where(at which)Im about ready to retire我已到了即将退休的时候。g)Is there any particular reason why you cant come?你有什么特殊的原因不能来?

11、h)The reason that we gave up the plan was the cost would be too high我们放弃这计划的原因是成本太高。k)Thats the reason Im checking it now那就是我现在要检查它的理由。六、非限制性关系从句a) My wife,who is out at the moment,will phone you when she gets back我的妻子现在出去了,等她回来给你去电话。B)Professor Wilsonwhom you met this morningis an exceent Iecturer威

12、尔逊教授你早上见过,他讲课很出色。c) I gave him a large glass of whisky,which he drank immediate我给了他一大杯威士忌,他马上喝了。d)The Queen visited the new hospital,in which she took a great personal interest.女王参观了那所新医院,她本人对之极感兴趣。e)Im writing a letter to Mike,whose mother is ill我在给迈克写信,他的母亲病了。f)This happened in l 947,when I was a

13、baby那件事发生在1 947年,当时我还是一个婴儿。g)He came from Miami,where Jeanne had once spent a holiday他来自迈阿密,珍妮曾在那里度过假。七、of which 或 of whom与all,some等不定代词或数词连用 a) They have four children, all of whom are studying music.b) He gave several reasons , few of which were valid. c) There were twenty puples in her class. d)

14、Im taking four courses, one of which is accounting.e) Altogether 1,200 people were prosecuted, of whom 1,012 were convicted.八、非限制性关系从句说明整个主句或主句的一部分a) The meeting was put off, which was exactly what he wanted.b) She tore up the photograph, at which he was very angry.c) He said he was busy,which was u

15、ntrue.d) She was very patient towards her children, which her husband seldom was.e) The film started to get very violent,at which point I left.f) He may be late, in which case wo ought to wait for him.九、关系从句的简化a) Do you know the woman (who is ) coming towards us?b) They live in a house (which was) built in 1890.c) Those books (that are) on the shelf are mine.d) She is he woman (who is ) responsible for the improvement.e) Children who attend(或:attendin) that school receive a good education.f) English has an alphabet that consists (或:consi


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