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1、C-专题之名词 用所给词的正确形式填空But at some point we need to make sure that our expectations are the same as our _ (friend) expectations.【答案】friends注:简要分析名词的相关用法,同时引出本堂课的知识点。名词的概念:名词就是表示人、事物、地点、现象等其它抽象概念等名称的词。名词的分类:可数名词个体名词eacher, student, piano功能集体名词family, committee, people名词在句中可做主语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语、同位语或状语不可数名词物

2、质名词wood, water, steel抽象名词friendship, progress专有名词John, Smith, Beijing名词所有格一般由名词右上方+s;以s结尾的名词单复数只加“”表有生命的东西或时间,空间,距离,价格,重量等名词的所有格如:Womens Day, an hurs walk,students reading-room, todays paper 介词of名词无生命的东西的名词所有格如:amap of China, the top of the mountain可数名词的复数规则变化1.一般词后+sdays, boys, Americans2.s, x, sh,

3、 ch结尾+esbuses,dishes;(stomachs除外)3.辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i+esbabies, facories4.以f或fe结尾,变f/fe为v+esleaves,wives;(roofs,proofs,gulfs,beliefs,chiefs,staffs,safes除外)5.以o结尾,有生命+es,无生命+sheroes,potatoes;pianos,radios(hippos, bamboos)除外6.数字的复数+s或 “s”in the 1930s/1930s不规则变化1改变词中元音字母woman-women, goose-geeseman-men,foot-

4、feet,tooth-teeth2形式复数,意义单数news,maths,politics, economics等3单复同means,deer,sheep,fish,works(工厂),species, Chinese等4其它child-children, bacterium-bacteria,crisis-crises,ox-oxen,phenomenon-phenomena等名词的数:1) 复合名词变为复数的规则 有主体名词的复数形式(lookers-on,passers-by等)和无主体名词的复数形式(grown-ups,go-betweens等)。2) 集体名词的数 有些集体名词只能用

5、作复数。如:cattle,police,people等。 注意:people意为“民族;种族”时有单、复数形式。 有些集体名词只能用作单数。如:machinery,furniture,jewellery,mankind等。 有些集体名词作为整体看待时,用作单数;指其中各个成员时,用作复数。如:class,family,couple,audience,government,public等。 The whole family are watching TV now全家人现在都在看电视。 His family is a big one他家是个大家族。3) 只能用复数形式的名词 由两部分构成的名词:g

6、lasses,trousers, shorts,scissors,gloves,scales,compasses等。 4) the +姓氏的复数,表全家人: the Blacks, the Wangs5) 具有双重特性的名词 (1)意义不同的可数和不可数名词 a room房间一room空间 a chicken鸡一chicken鸡肉 an experience经历一experience经验an agreement协议一agreement同意 (2)单、复数意思不同的名词 arm手臂一arms武器 brain脑一brains智力custom风俗一customs海关 force力量一forces军队

7、 regard注意,关心一regards问候 time时间一times时代 work工作一works作品,工厂manner态度一manners礼貌spirit精神一spirits心情,情绪 content内容一contents目录loss损失一losses损失物condition状况一conditions条件 expression表达一expressions短语feeling感觉一feelings感情wood木头一woods树林 Though not so popular as before, the custom is still observed by people in many pla

8、ces, especially Tujia people, who view it as a 34 (necessary)to marriage procedure. (2011广雅模拟测试)Key; necessity名词的所有格:1) 表示两者或两者以上共同所有,在最后一个词的后面加s;表示各自拥有时,每个名词后都要+s”。如Li and Mas room李和马共有的房间; Lis and Mas rooms李和马各自的房间2) 表某人家或店铺,诊所。如:Lis李家,the doctors诊所;the barbers理发店3) 所有格除了用于有生命的物体外,也可以用于表示国家、城市等的名词

9、。如:Chinas prosperity中国的繁荣 the countrys plan国家计划4) of所有格也可用于有生命的物体,用于名词较长或名词的定语较长时。如:a story of a famous doctor一个名医的故事the son of the man you iust talked to刚刚和你说话的那个男人的儿子5) 双重所有格 “of +名词的s所有格或名词性物主代词”称为双重所有格。of后的宾语必须是人,而且是特指。如: an old friend of my uncles我叔叔的一个老朋友 a play of Shakespeares莎士比亚的一部戏剧 some h

10、ouses of my grandfathers我爷爷的一些房子 _ (Anne) sister Margot was very upset that the family had to move. However, she knew that she had to go through all the_ (difficult) with her family.Key; Annes; difficulties一、用适当的词或所给词的正确形式填空:1. There are fifty-six _ (people) in China.2. We need much _ (room) for all

11、 the furniture.3. This kind of dress was popular in the _ (1980)4. _ (girl) students and _ (woman) teachers are in the majority in our school.5. There used to be a lot of milu _ (deer) in China.6. These are art _ (work) of the Tang Dynasty.7. _ (child) shoes are on the second floor of this store dep

12、artment.8. We can see many _ (editor-in-chief) present at the conference.9. I had my hair cut short at the _ (barber) nearby yesterday.10. On the whole, he was a _ (fail) in his life.11. Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a _ of exercise .12. Now more and more people pr

13、efer to have a _ at home-a little dog, a cat or some other animals.13. My parents always let me have my own _ of living.14. We volunteered to collect money to help the _ of the earthquake.15. We all know that _ speak louder than words.答案: 1. peoples2. room3. 1980s/1980s 4. Girl, women5. deer6 works7

14、.Childrens 8. editors-in-chief9. barbers 10. failure11. lack12. pet 13. way14.victims 15. actions二 语法填空Charles Pink was a young 1 (Canada) who had a good house and he knew how to enjoy himself. Every Saturday, he went to the theatre and 2 (party). His car was one of the best in his city. He had lots of money and one day bought 3 plane. He learned to fly and flying became one of his main 4 (enjoy).One day about thirty 5 (yearly) ago, he set off in his small plane on a trip across



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