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1、 职场双语:让就业打破歧视的壁垒这已经是韩佳悦(音译)其次次被人事经理拒绝了;而颇具挖苦意味的是,他们的评价都是:“假如你是男的就好了,我们肯定会录用你。“The 23-year-old Wuhan University of Technology graduate has a good GPA and an impressive resume. The only reason she has yet to get a job offer is that she is female.这名现年23岁的武汉理工大学毕业生有着很棒的大学科目平均成绩,简历也非常出彩。而导致她仍没有找到工作的缘由竟是她

2、的女性身份。“I was qualified for everything,“ said Han. “But I got eliminated in the final interview because I am a woman.“我可以胜任任何工作,“韩佳悦说:“但就由于我是女性所以在最终面试中我经常会被淘汰出局。“According to a recent survey by Beijing Working Committee on Children and Women, more than 61 percent of female graduates are the victims o

3、f gender discrimination.依据北京市妇女儿童工作委员会的最新调查显示,超过61% 的大学女性毕业生曾患病过性别卑视。But things do not stop there. Employment discrimination of various kinds is widespread. Experts warn that job discrimination has already become a social problem that poisons the cornerstones of a healthy society justice and equalit

4、y.但事情还不止于此。各式各样的就业卑视无处不在。专家警告,就业卑视已然成为一个社会问题,正在毒害着安康社会的基石公正公正。A 2022 survey on college graduates employment by China University of Political Science and Law revealed that more than half suffered employment discrimination from gender to age, height to Hukou.一项由中国政法大学于2022年发起的毕业生求职调查显示,超过一半的学生患病过性别、年龄

5、和户口等方面的就业卑视。Recently, a state-owned petroleum company rejected several job applicants who had Hepatitis B despite regulations about not discriminating against them.尽管相关规定制止乙肝卑视行为。但近日,一家国有石油公司还是拒绝了几位患有乙肝的求职者。According to a report by Beijing Yirenping Center, an organization dedicated to combating Hep

6、atitis B discrimination, over 60 percent of major state-owned enterprises require a Hepatitis B examination as a precondition of a job offer.北京益仁平中心致力于消退乙肝卑视,据该组织的一项报告称,有超过60%的大型国企要求求职者进展乙肝检查,并将此作为去留的先决条件。Yang Liyan, of a Wuhan-based psychological consulting company, said that bias is the cause for

7、discrimination, which could be avoided.来自武汉一家心理询问公司的杨丽艳(音译)表示,之所以卑视是由于有偏见,而我们是可以避开这点的。“People”s fear of the disease is the root of prejudice,“ said Yang. “Like HIV, people would not be infected just being around carriers. But the public is not informed enough to accept that.“人们对于疾病的恐慌是卑视的根源,“杨丽艳说:“就

8、像艾滋病一样,同HIV携带者的日常接触中是不会被传染的。但是公众并没有得到充分的信息来明白这点。“Job hunter Han agrees. “People think women employees will be a burden because they will get pregnant, take maternity leave and will breastfeed,“ said Han.作为一名求职者,韩佳悦对此表示同意。她说“人们认为女性职员将是种负担,由于她们会怀孕,休产假、哺育孩子。“However, according to Liu Xiaonan, assistant

9、 professor at China University of Political Science and Law, discrimination in the workplace damages social justice and equality. Liu”s 2022 research found that 59 percent of employers require a local Hukou in their hiring specifics.而来自中国政法大学的助理教授刘晓楠(音译)则认为职场中的卑视会危害到社会的公正和公正。刘晓楠在2022年的一项讨论中发觉59%的用人单

10、位在聘请细节中要求本地户口。“This is institutional discrimination inherited from the era of the planned economy,“ said Liu. “The Hukou system is of the many obstacles that prevent a healthy mobility of talent around the country.“这是从打算经济时代遗留下来的制度性卑视“,刘晓楠说:“户籍制度是众多阻碍国内人才良性流淌的因素之一。“Cai Dingjian, a professor at the s

11、ame university as Liu, told The Beijing News last year that discrimination is rampant in the job market which is fundamentally a lack of equality which undermines social stability.同样来自中国政法大学的蔡定剑教授在承受新京报采访时称,去年的就业市场中普遍存在卑视现象,究其根源是公正的匮乏,而这将破坏社会稳定。As to Han, people say that third time”s the charm. She finally found a company which did not mind her being a woman.在韩佳悦身上,正应验了那句俗语“事不过三“。最终她找到了一份不存在性别卑视的工作。“But I was asked if I”d agree not to get married until my fifth year in the company,“ said Han.她说:“但我曾经被问及,能否同意工作五年后再结婚。“



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