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1、说明文 :现象解释型(模板一)描述现象段:1)Nowadays/In recent years/In modern society, 总述现象(, which has / have been brought into focus / have aroused great concern.)2) 现象表现或变化. 3) Moreover / In addition, 进一步描述现象表现或变化. 4) The reason for this phenomenon are varied. / There are different factors deciding / influencing 该现象

2、或其相关情况. 说明原因或因素段:5)Among all these reasons / factors, 原因一/因素一 play/plays a critical role. 6) 进一步说明原因一/因素一. 7) Moreover/Furthermore/whats more, 原因二/因素二. 8) 原因三/因素三.阐述观点段/说明影响段/说明问题段:9)(In my opinion/ As to me, )“我”的态度/相关情况或是现象将来的趋势、可能带来的(好的或坏的)影响或存在的问题. 10) For one thing/ On the one hand, 理由一/影响一/问题一

3、. 11) For another/On the other hand, 理由二/影响二/问题二. 12) To conclude/Therefore, 总结全文(经常是提出建议或期望). 9) No doubt/ From my point of view, 对该现象作出总体评价. 10) However, 可能存在的问题/it is worth noting that 应该注意的事项. 11)进一步描述问题或注意事项. 12) All in all/Therefore, 总结全文. On Students Selecting Their Lectures1) 有些大学允许学生自由选择某些课

4、程的任课教师2) 学生选择教师时所考虑的主要因素3) 学生自选任课教师的益处和可能产生的问题On Students Selecting Their Lectures1)Nowadays, many universities entitle their students to freely choose teachers for courses. 2) This policy is welcomed by most students. 3) In addition, teachers have also paid much attention to it since it has direct

5、effect on their career fate. 4) There are many different factors deciding the students choosing a lecturer. (描述现象段)5) Among all these factors, a teachers professional knowledge and ability play a very important role. 6) They tend to be preconditions for a good teacher since many students choose to f

6、ollow the good teachers to acquire knowledge. 7) Moreover, quite a few students think teaching methods and skills are essential factors to evaluate the teachers ability. 8) Besides, a teachers humor sense is also an important factor that many students will consider. (说明原因段)9)In my opinion, free choo

7、sing of lecturers has disadvantages as well as advantages. 10) For one thing, it can provide a good chance for a teacher to prove his ability, and give students more initiative in learning. 11) For another, since it is a free choice, the limited excellent teachers will become the focus when students

8、 select their lecturers, which will lead to an unreasonable class size and seriously influence teaching effect. 12) To conclude, both students and teachers should make good use of this policy to create a better study environment. (说明影响段)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write

9、a composition on the topic Parents Accompanying Their Children at College. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1) 近年来,许多高校都出现了大学生家长陪读的现象2) 导致这一现象的原因3) 谈谈你对此的看法Parents Accompanying Their Children at College 1) In recent years, there h

10、ave appeared many parents who accompany their children at college, which has aroused great concern. 2) A great number of parents rent a house near their childrens college. 3) Moreover, it is usually the mother who accompanies the child. 4) The reasons for this phenomenon are varied. (描述现象段) 5) Among

11、 all these reasons, parents concern about their children plays a critical role. 6) They want to ensure their children eat healthily and study well. 7) Whats more, more and more children get addicted to and indulged themselves in the Internet, which causes the increase of parents who accompany their

12、children at college. 8) Besides, with the presence and help of their parents, children can set up their goals, get into the good habit, and overcome difficulties. (说明原因段) 9) No doubt, parents do help a lot in the childrens life and study by accompanying their children at college. 10) However, with p

13、arents around, college students will lose many opportunities to independently face difficulties. 11) In the long run, they may fall into the habit of dependence. 12) Therefore, parents should give their children useful guides rather than accompany their children at college. (阐述观点段)说明文 :现象解释型(模板二)Top

14、ic描述现象段: 1)Nowadays/In recent years/In modern society, 总述现象。2)现象表现一. /The main reason for 该现象 is 原因一. /Why 产生这种现象?One reason is 原因一. 3) Moreover/In addition, 现象表现二./ 原因二 is an important factor/reason for 该现象. /原因二, which is also responsible for 该现象. 说明影响段:4)(As everyone sees / Undoubtedly, )该现象 has/

15、have brought /is/are bringing /can bring great /negative effect/influence (on 影响对象) / damage /benefits (to 影响对象). / 现象涉及的主体 can benefit a lot from 该现象. 5) Above all, 影响一. 6) (For example, ) 进一步说明影响一. 7) Whats more, 影响二. 8) In addition / besides, 影响三. 阐述观点段/说明问题段:9)No doubt / From my point of view, 对

16、该现象做出总体评价. 10) However, 可能存在的问题 / It is worth noting that 应该注意的事项. 11) 进一步描述问题或注意事项. 12) All in all / Therefore, 总结全文. 9) As to me / From my point of view, 对该现象做出总体评价、对现象的发展做出预测或提出建议(, but指出注意事项/提出建议). 10) For one thing, 评价一/建议一. 11) For another, 评价二/建议二. 12) To conclude/In a word, 总结全文. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Digital Age. You sh



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