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1、渤海大学本科毕业论文(设计)辽宁省温泉休闲旅游问题及对策研究Hot spring leisure tourism problems and countermeasures research in liaoning province学 院: 金融与商贸学院 专 业: 旅游管理 学 号: 学 生 姓 名: 入 学 年 度: 2012 指 导 教 师: 完 成 日 期: 2016年4月20日 辽宁省温泉休闲旅游问题及对策研究摘 要 随着社会经济的发展,国民收入水平不断提高,人们更加注重生活享受,温泉休闲度假旅游在国内迅速兴起,许多地区先后借助高科技,创建了多种温泉休闲旅游项目,不仅使人们在温泉休闲旅


3、辽宁省应当从实际情况出发,深入剖析现存的问题,从树立绿色旅游意识,加大温泉休闲旅游投入;加强旅游人才培养,提高旅游服务质量;提高品牌意识,规划温泉特色旅游路线;完善基础设施建设,规范管理标准;挖掘特色文化,加大产品创新力度;树立全局意识,依托温泉资源丰富旅游产业链;健全法律法规,实现温泉休闲旅游的可持续发展等方面着手,来改善辽宁温泉休闲旅游的现状,努力使之成为辽宁经济的新增速点,带动全省经济的转型和发展。关键词:辽宁省;温泉;休闲旅游;问题;对策- I -辽宁省温泉休闲旅游问题及对策研究Hot spring leisure tourism problems and countermeasure

4、s research in liaoning provinceAbstract With the development of social economy, national income level rises ceaselessly, people pay more attention to enjoy life, hot spring leisure vacation travel in China grew rapidly and many areas successively with high-tech, to create a variety of hot spring lei

5、sure tourism project, not only make people relaxed body and mind in the hot spring leisure tourism, but also lead to the development of the related derivative industry. Hot spring leisure tourism in liaoning province in terms of resource distribution, market prospect has many inherent advantages, fo

6、r the hot spring leisure tourism development provides superior resources conditions. In recent years, however, with rapid development of hot spring tourism in liaoning province, there are some prominent problems, such as the insufficient recognition of leisure travel, the lack of capital investment;

7、 Lack of hot spring leisure tourism talents, tourism services need to be strengthen; Brand consciousness is weak, the product homogeneityphenomenon serious; Supporting facilities is not perfect, the lack of unified standard; Consumption experience is relatively single, lack of product innovation pow

8、er; Lack of affiliated leisure projects, not form the industrial chain; Hot spring leisure tourism policies and regulations construction, threatened the sustainable development, etc., these problems has to a certain extent, restrict the healthy development of hot spring leisure tourism in liaoning,

9、and even has a resistance to the economic development of liaoning province. In view of this, should be starting from the actual situation of liaoning province, the paper analyzed the existing problems, from the idea of green tourism, increase the hot spring leisure tourism investment; Strengthen the

10、 tourism talent training, improve the quality of tourism services; Increase brand awareness, hot spring special tourism route planning; Improving the infrastructure construction, standardizing the management standards; Mining characteristic culture, strengthen product innovation; Set up a global con

11、sciousness, relying on the rich hot spring resources tourism industry chain; Perfect laws and regulations, realize the sustainable development of hot spring leisure tourism and other aspects, to improve the present situation of the hot spring leisure tourism in liaoning, efforts to become the new gr

12、owth point for economy in liaoning, driving the transformation and development of the whole province economy.Key Words:Liaoning province; Hot springs; Leisure tourism; Problem; countermeasures目 录摘 要IAbstractII引言1(一)研究背景及意义1(二)相关研究综述1一、相关概念及理论概述2(一)温泉的概念2(二)温泉休闲旅游的概念2(三)温泉休闲旅游发展概述3二、辽宁温泉休闲旅游资源特点级温泉休闲


14、意识,规划温泉特色旅游路线9(四)完善基础设施建设,规范管理标准9(五)挖掘特色文化,加大产品创新力度10(六)树立全局意识,依托温泉资源丰富旅游产业链10(七)健全法律法规,实现温泉休闲旅游的可持续发展10结语11参考文献12- 18 -辽宁省温泉休闲旅游问题及对策研究彭琳珂渤海大学金融与商贸学院 邮编121013引言(一)研究背景及意义随着全国各地对温泉休闲旅游资源的大力开发,辽宁省的温泉休闲旅游在资源分布、市场前景等方面的优势逐渐被挖掘出来,形成了开发温泉休闲旅游的优越资源条件。然而,由于温泉休闲旅游开发在理论与经验等方面的不足,导致了其开发过程中存在着产品单一、服务缺乏特色、知名度不高

15、等问题。这些问题的存在,很大程度上制约着旅游者在旅游过程中的旅游体验。鉴于此,本文以辽宁省温泉休闲旅游为研究对象,通过对其现存问题进行深入分析,从理论上探讨出解决当前问题的对策以及未来发展的策略,丰富辽宁省温泉休闲旅游发展的指导理论。除此之外,还通过分析辽宁温泉休闲旅游发展的优势和不足,从辽宁省的温泉休闲旅游资源特点和地域文化特色入手,塑造独具辽宁人文景观特点和历史文化氛围的温泉休闲旅游产业,进而促进辽宁特色休闲旅游的发展。(二)相关研究综述早在20世纪初,温泉休闲旅游就己经开始发展了起来,特别是二战以后,世界旅游业的迅速发展也助推了温泉休闲旅游的发展,越来越多的人到温泉地旅游。国外对于温泉休闲旅游的研究起步较早,Deborah Wightman和Geoffrey Wall (1985)较早的对区域温泉休闲旅游发展历史进行了研究,并以加拿大镭温泉度假区为例,分析了政府、企业、交通设施等对温泉地旅游发展的影响;Lover


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