课题Unit3 My day[1].doc

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《课题Unit3 My day[1].doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《课题Unit3 My day[1].doc(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课题Unit3 My day Story time课型新授课时共_4_课时第_1_课时学习目标1.理解迈克一天的作息安排,感知大意。2.能听懂、会读、会说in the morning/afternoon/evening、 get up、 go to school、play football、 go home、 have dinner 、watch TV、 go to bed等词组。3.培养学生养成良好的作息习惯。学情分析重点、难点:1.理解迈克一天的作息安排,感知大意。2.能听懂、会读、会说in the morning/afternoon/evening、 get up、 go to scho

2、ol、play football、 go home、 have dinner 、watch TV、 go to bed等词组。易混、易错点:1.有关日常活动的短语。2. I.at./I usually.at.句型的朗读和运用。学生认知基础:1)学生之前的学习中学习过in the morning/afternoon,并且也学习过一些日常的活动用语,比如go to school、play football等。2)学生日常的作息时间。时间分配学_25_ 讲_5_ 练_10_教学与学法自主学习教学准备PPT,卡片,自制钟学生活动教师助学课后改进Step1 Warming upListen to a s

3、ong:When do you get up?Q1:When does Peter get up ?Q2:When does Peter go to school ? Q3:What about you? Q4:What about Mike?S1:At six thirty.S2:At seven thirty.Step2 Pre-reading小组内自主朗读课文,理解大意,并试着回答问题。When does Mike get up?When does Mike go to school?When does Mike have luch?Step3 . While-reading1. Lis

4、ten and write down the time.听课文录音,并根据录音写下时间。2.Look and answer.When does Mike .?3.跟录音朗读课文 23遍Step4 Post- reading1, Act it outa, Read fluently 流利的朗读b, Read fluently and beautifully流利、优美的朗读c, Act it out with emotions有感情地表演根据课文图片和板书试着复述课文。Step 6 Homework. 必做:听磁带,有感情地模仿熟读课文并尝试背诵。选做:为自己做一张作息时间表,并可以熟练表达。为Mike制定一张作息时间表,能够流利表达。揭示课题:My day Lets get to know Mikes day.2.黑板板书Mikes day师指导学生连音,重音;伴随录音机指导语音语调语速。指导同学们根据小组的水平,选择合适自己的任务进行练习展示. 明确作业要求。课后反思得: 失:纠:


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