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1、凉州区康宁乡中学集体备课教学设计第 十四 单元教学设计单元教材分析1.本单元的主题是环绕“分享过去的记忆、经历,畅想将来”这一话题,复习初中所学的英语知识。2. What appned n Gradetaws secil?3 remmber lsing mscholag inGade 74 aws did yhomwork arellyto meet histdrds单元教学目的1语言目的: 能掌握如下单词及短语:urve, staad, insrctn, double,gaut, crng , separate,ogratulation,thakfu, sty,genlen2 技能目的:能谈

2、论过去和将来的生活. 情感目的:爱惜初中生活的点滴,培养对高中、将来生活的憧憬。树立远大人生目的。单元教学重难点重 点难 点1) 掌握本学时中浮现的生词2) 掌握一般过去时的构造对过去事件的描述。单元教学措施让学生置身于实际情景中进行模拟练习,同步在课后布置延伸阅读作业,让学生带着爱好自己去练习和运用课本中的知识。教学中运用图片、动画和多种仿真情景激发学生的学习爱好,保持学生参与学习的积极性,引导学生把所学内容运用到实际生活中,达到学以致用的真正目的。同步,也能唤起学生对初中生活的点滴,培养对高中、将来生活的憧憬。树立远大的人生目的。凉州区康宁乡中学集体备课教学设计编写时间: 4 月 2 日

3、学期总学时:40课 题Ui14 memer meig l f you in Grade 7. Prioone课 型新授课教学目标知识技能知识:Wt hapned inGrade7 tha was peca?I emembe oingmycholbag inGrde 7. away dd y omework rfuly o meet is stanars.技能:To now ho t tak bt h pasypacticng nd ol-pla.过程措施Liseing andseaking mods. i wrk.情感态度价值观Atr lrg tispat, ery student ill b

4、 have aweetmmoy fhi/her ownpas threeyears and will rmeme thefrgttable memoris.教学重点TrgeLanuae教学难点How t t aout te pst教学内容及教师活动二次修改 Step 1 armng up.Doyou have any specia emori of nor ighschol?. hiteas wilyo misthe ostae junio hig cool?Step resenation Wor n .Check the tigsyou rmberdong a or high schol.

5、Add otothe list.Praice npairs using h inrmatio i 1a.t ju igh sco,Iremember: 1._winning a prize 2._big a olueer3._oing shol rve4._nhelpig me with aprolemearn the nw word: surveyStep Lseig1.Wor on .Lisen nd match he emrywith heo.ist,lt Ssnersa theeaningf thes etene.Ten play he eord. Che thenwith the s

6、Larn te newwrd:standard. se agan and aswr questons. 1) Wht did Marylose i rde 7?) ho eled erfnd it?3) Watid ete do to et M.rwns tadars?3. ork on 1. st soe mmorie adexpeiences fromjunior hig schol. Shru lists ih yourpartne an some nword.4Wor on 2a. iten to e cneraton Chec()hfacsou heairst, et Ss red

7、he snces. Then play he record and chck the wr.tp 4ractie ndLaguage pointsok on 2c.Role-paaconveation n our opinth inforat in a nd b.Step 5 Smary and Homwrk1. citee convesatin in 2d.2. Finishthexercses n thwrkbook 教学反思凉州区康宁乡中学集体备课教学设计编写时间: 月 20日 学期总学时:41课 题Uit4 I rembrmetingall of you iGrad 7 eiod o课

8、 型新授课教学目标知识技能1. oablry:n a ow, juirhih shol, win a rize, do a scolsuvey,h sb. Witha pblm, remeboin sth2. Gaa:rmember +ding sth过程措施The sitationl echnapprachTas-bs languagetehing meth情感态度价值观Toloo bacon yorlast three ears.教学重点Target Lauge教学难点H o talk bot h pas教学内容及教师活动二次修改tep .RevisiCheck the wordstep

9、2 Warm uWat activities canthe write rememb abou is o hrliein junior i? I remembrSt3 Radig 1. Wor on 3. Red he passage nd ansrthqeons:1) What kindof wrting this? 2) Whtisthemain suec o hiswriing?3) h d you hik the witr is?2.Workn3bRead t pem agi. Writehewordsat rhy with the wors blhigs rings yr _ cla

10、s _ad_ schol _ flower _3. Work on 3c. Hv you experieced no e folloing thigs? Hoid ou fl? How doe thewriefeel abotthem?1) trin o e on tie for moning reading2)runningtote dinng halwhen thlunch bel rig) trining for sprsday4) starting he irst yn Grade)slowlymkngsenewrens6) helpig clmats ith homeork7)prp

11、arin or art stivals8) gg t New Yers partes9) larng EngishSte4 Lanuagepits anpractic1. Everyie look bat my chidhod, cano helissin my deargrndma. onime准时 intime 及时选用in time或o time填空。1) W stuntshould go to school _) Th doct cme_and sav th little bs life2.prie为名词,常用搭配为ta pride in或te prid of。proud为形容词,常用搭配为be oud 。根据句意选用恰当的选项填空。1) m _ (pride / roud)t be yu fied.2) H wor hismeals wh _ (pride rud). 3) Im roud_ (of / on) y hoew.教学反思凉州区康宁乡中学集体备课教学设计编写时间: 月 20日 学期总学时:4课 题Unit 14 I eemermenall of you i ae7 erod Three


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