Lesson 4 My Favourite Toy教案

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1、 Lesson 4 My Favourite Toy教案蜀光绿盛实验学校 吴茂云一、教材分析:本节课的教学内容是四年级上册三单元四课第二课时。课型为交际型听说课。含有五个交通玩具单词和三个交际对话。二、教学目标:1.语言知识目标1)能会读、会说单词bus, car, train,plane,ship五个单词2)能听懂、会说句型Do you have a toy_? Yes, I do./No, I dont. What colour is it? Its_.2. 语言能力目标1)学生能够在玩具店询问店主是否有某种交通玩具以及颜色。2)培养学生分工合作的能力。3)培养学生在情境中交流的能力。3.

2、情感态度目标1)通过学习,学生体验用英语在玩具店询问玩具的乐趣。2)通过玩具的送出,学生学会分享玩具。3)通过玩具的传递,学生学会爱惜玩具。三、教学重点:能对句型“Do you have a toy _? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. What colour is it? Its_.”真正理解并运用到情境当中。四、 教学难点:1)学生能运用句型完成玩具店的玩具买卖任务。2)能在玩具店中表达Toy_ is my favourite.五、教学步骤:1.Warm-Up1)Listen to the musicVehicles. 2)I have bring you a gift.

3、Can you guess whats in the box? You can put your hands in it and find out “toy , bus, ship”。3)Listen to the sound and find out“car, plane, train”. You can use the sentences: Do you have a toy_? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. What colour is it? Its_.2.PracticePlay a game:“Pass the toys”to practice the sente

4、nces.3. PresentationLele and Peter meet in a toy shop. 1)Listen to the type and read after it. Pay attention to the two sentences.“Guess, please.”“You are right.”2)Role-play. One to be Lele and one to be Peter. You can use your group toy to practice.4. Drill1)Look at the blackboard. This is my toy s

5、hop. There is a toy plane, toy bus, toy car, toy ship. Each group has a toy shop. You can discuss in your group and then colour the pictures.2) Lets watch a vedio.There is a saler and some buyers in each group. You can practice in group for 2minutes.3)Each group have 2 minutes to PK. When it stoped,

6、 we will see which group gets more toys. And the winner group will have a show.5. Conclusion:1)Look! Who is this? Its Baby Bear. It says“Toy car is my favourite.”So what about you? Whats your favourite toy?2)For me ,toy bus is my favourite. And I want to share with you. So please share your toys with your friends.6. Homework: 1) Ask a friend or a parent and then colour the pictures. 2) Finish the following sentences. 六、板书设计Lesson 4 My Favourite ToyDo you have a toy_?Yes, I do./ No, I dont. What colour is it? Guess, please.Its_.You are right.


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