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1、- 2 -Unit 2: Jobs and Careersopening: n. 1. An opportunity affording a chance of success. Synonym: opportunity 机遇:提供成功机率的机会参见 opportunity 2. An unfilled job or position; a vacancy. 有空缺的工作或职位;空闲drop by: To stop in for a short visit. 顺便访问:停下做短暂访问Passage A: Your Dream Job: A click Away1. click: n. A br

2、ief, sharp, nonresonant sound: 喀哒声:一种短暂、尖利、不延续的声音:eg. the click of a clock . 闹钟的喀哒声 with a click of your mouse, you can get access to any information you want.2. placement: : n. 放置, 布置, 安置job placement 工作安排(根据个人的能力分派工作)3. refer to: 1) send (someone or something) to (usu. someone else) for decision o

3、r action 2) mention; speak aboutThe dispute between the two countries was referred to the United Nations. Dont refer to the matter again.The speaker referred to his past experience,4. liberal arts: Academic disciplines, such as languages, literature, history, philosophy, mathematics, and science, th

4、at provide information of general cultural concern: 大学文科:提供关于一般文化、信息的学术学科,如语言、文学、历史、哲学、数学和科学5. entry: n. The act or an instance of entering. 进入:进入的行为或状态book keeping by double single entry 复单式簿记Chinas entry into WTO6. criterion: 【复数】 criteria或 criterions n. A standard, rule, or test on which a judgme

5、nt or decision can be based. Synonym: standard 标准:一种基以作出判断或决定的标准、准则或测试7. administrator: n. One who administers, especially business or public affairs管理者,理事,行政官员:特指管理商务或公共事务的人administrate: vt. 管理,执行,处理You can log on to the system with the administrators account and password.8. Md. = Maryland 美国马里兰州9.

6、 resident: n. a person who lives (in a place) and is not just a visitor 居民 adj. 居住的, 常驻的The local residents were angry at the lack of parking spaces. The residents of the town are proud of Its new library.the resident manager 住店经理10. come across: meet or discover, esp. by chance偶然遇到或找到came across my

7、 old college roommate in town today. 今天在镇上遇到我大学的老同学I have just come across a beautiful girl in the street.11. exhibit: vt. 展出, 陈列 n. 展览品, 陈列品, 展品 spent the afternoon at the space exhibit. 花了一个下午的时间看太空展exhibited her paintings at a gallery. 在画廊中展出她的作品12. profile: n. 剖面, 侧面, 外形, 轮廓, 人物概评(表现主要人物最值得注意的特点

8、和成就的传记性的文章)draw in profile 画侧面像轮廓kept a low profile until the controversy had abated. 保持低姿态直到争议减少a profile of the new prime minister 新首相传略13. interview: A formal meeting in person, especially one arranged for the assessment of the qualifications of an applicant. 面试:面对面的正式会见,尤指为评价申请人资格而安排的会面14. eleva

9、te: vt. To move (something) to a higher place or position from a lower one; lift. 提高:(将一物)从低处向高处移动an elevating book 能激励人心的书Reading good books elevate ones mind. 阅读好书可提高人的心灵修养。The clerk was elevated to a managerial position. The government is trying to elevate the living standards of the people.15. c

10、areer: n. 职业,事业, 生涯,经历adj. 职业的make a career 在事业上有所成就a teacher in the midst of a long career. 处于漫长教书生涯之中的老师a career diplomat 职业外交家16. listing: n. 清单, 列表listing of materials 材料的列单17. teller: n. A bank employee who receives and pays out money. 出纳员:接受和支付钱款的银行雇员 ATM = Automatic teller machine18. segment:

11、 n. Any of the parts into which something can be divided: 部分,片:某些可被分割的任一片:段, 片, 部分, 节a segment of a television program.电视节目的一个片断19. scan: look through quickly细看,审视,浏览,扫描scanned the morning papers while eating breakfast. 吃早饭时浏览早上的报纸You can scanned the book into computer with a scanner.20. intrigue: n

12、. 阴谋, 密谋; 诡计political intrigues 政治阴谋 The royal palace was filled with intrigue. 皇宫中充满了勾心斗角。vi. 密谋, 私通 vt. 激起.的兴趣, 用诡计取得intrigue against ones friend 阴谋陷害朋友 intrigue with a woman 同某女人私通The news intrigued all of us. 这条新闻引起了我们大家的兴趣。21. procedure: n. 程序, 手续 accounting procedure 会计程序, 会计手续complained to th

13、e manager, and by this procedure got the money back. 向经理投诉,通过这种程序拿回钱22. recruiter: n. 征兵人员, 招聘人员 recruit: n. 新兵, 新分子, 新会员 v. 征募新兵, 充实, 补充, 使恢复a raw recruit 新兵, 新手; 生手recruit food supplies 补充给养 recruit ones health 恢复健康23. chronicle: n. 编年史 The Chronicle of Narnia 24. check out: 检查, 核对, 结帐离开收款(零售商店中对所

14、购商品的记录、计价及收款)The cashier checked out and bagged my order. 收款员计价收款并给我包装了商品25. spot: n. 班点, 污点, 地点, 场所, 现场 vt. 认出, 发现There are a lot of spots to visit in the old city. 这座古城有许多可供参观的名胜spots of rain 雨点 a spot on ones fame 名誉上的污点 a scenic spot 风景胜地a historic spot 古迹spot a friend in the crowd 在人群中认出一个朋友spo

15、t sb. as the winner 在竞赛开始前认准某人会得胜The night sky is spotted with stars. 夜晚的天空繁星点点。His performance was spotted at 8oclock. 他的演出被排在8点钟。26. refugee: n. One who flees in search of refuge, as in times of war, political oppression, or religious persecution. 难民:在战争、政治压迫或宗教迫害的时候为寻求避难而逃出的人27. Bosnia: 波斯尼亚:南斯拉夫

16、中西部的一地区。7世纪塞族人定居于此,12世纪成为一个独立国家。1483年以后波斯尼亚被土耳其控制,后来被奥匈帝国吞并28. end up with: 以告终He thought that he could make a fortune from the business, but he ended up with a total loss.29. potential: adj. 潜在的, 可能的 n. 潜能, 潜力a potential problem. 潜在的问题 a potential customer 潜在的顾客30. log on: 登录31. opening: An unfilled job or positio



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