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1、剑桥小学英语 第一册 Unit 9 Food 教学设计 李萱 硚口区宝善街小学Teaching contents: P82. Part 13Teaching aims:1.Ss can understand and communicate with sentences: Do you like ? What about ? Whats your favourite?2. Ss can understand the phrase: Chinese food3. Ss can read the dialogue and act it out.4. Ss can make their own con

2、versations and act them out.Teaching important and difficult points:1. Ss can understand and communicate with sentences: Do you like ? What about ? Whats your favourite?2. Let Ss know how to communicate with others.Teaching aids: CAI, food pictures, sentence cardsTeaching steps:Step 1 开课交流1. Greetin

3、gs.2. Introduce the judgement: Louder Natural Say more.Step 2 对话呈现1. Look! This is my new restaurant, HAPPY restaurant. Im the boss. Look, So many delicious food. Let me show you my food. (PPT)Say together.2. Do you want to eat them? (Yes.) Im the boss and waitress here. (胸牌、围裙) Ill serve you. (盘子)

4、3. Call me waitress, Ill go to your seat.(学生叫)4. (学生:Waitress!)Hello, lady/sir. Welcome to HAPPY restaurant. Do you like ice cream? (学生1:Yes, I do.) Here you are. (学生1:Thank you.) Youre welcome. Help yourself, please. 5. (学生:Waitress!) Good morning, lady/sir. Welcome to Happy Restaurant. Do you like

5、 fish? (学生2:Yes, I do./No, I dont.) (如果学生说:Yes, I do. 师就要说Here you are.)What about chicken? (学生2:Yes, I do.) Here you are. (学生2:Thank you.) Youre welcome. Help yourself, please. 6. (学生:Waitress!) Good morning, lady/sir. Welcome to Happy Restaurant. Do you like dumplings? (学生3:No, I dont.) What about

6、 pizza? (学生3:Yes, I do.) Here you are. (学生3:Thank you.) Youre welcome. Help yourself, please.7. (学生:Waitress!) OK, Im coming. Wait a minute. Oh, Im busy now. Im tired. Who can help me? Who wants to be waiter? Who wants to be waitress? Can you try? (学生回应) 8. OK. Please tell me, if you are waiter or w

7、aitress, what can you say? (粘功能句,板书,给评价)评价语:Good sentence. (说出功能句)Youre so polite/clever/smart. (礼貌用语)Wonderful!Excellent!Perfect!Great!Beautiful!9. Youre so great. Now I want to choose good waiter and waitress. Who can come and try? Now youre waiter/waitress. (打扮学生,换盘子) Im the boss. Serve me first.

8、 10. (学生4表演) colaNo, I dont. It makes me fat. orange juiceNo, I dont. Its too sweet. popcornIt smells good. But I dont like it very much. milkYes, I like it very much. I love it. Its good for my body. Yummy! (师回应: Thank you.)师评价学生表演:I think youre good waiter/waitress. (师给评价: You are louder. /Youre n

9、atural. /You can say more.边说边贴奖励食物)11. (换盘子,学生5表演,招待其他学生) Now youre waiter/waitress.(打扮学生) Please serve your customers.(指向全班学生)师引导全班学生评价学生5表演:Is he/she a good waiter/waitress? Is he/she louder? Is he/she natural? Can he/she say more? (老师根据学生的评价贴奖励食物。而后对顾客进行评价,边说边贴食物)12. 换盘子,学生6【不同性别】表演,招待其他学生。方法同学生5

10、。13. I need more waiters and waitresses. Please work in pairs. One is waiter, one is customer. Use your food. Maybeallthesesentenceswillhelpyou.(老师指向PPT) Begin.(老师巡视)14. Who can come and show? (请Pair 1,表演) (当学生表演完后,老师马上上前问顾客)Hello! Welcome to Happy Restaurant. Im the boss.Nice to meet you! (与生握手,生回应

11、Nice to meet you, too.) Do you like food in my restaurant? (学生回答) Please tell me whats your faouvrite? (学生回答, 老师在调查表上打勾) Thank you, this is important to me. Hope you can come again! Good bye!(与生握手)教师请生评价Pair 1 的表演,贴奖励食物。15. Any more?( Pair 2,表演)表演后老师与顾客交流,方式同上。16. Do you like food in my restaurant?

12、Whats your favourite? (贴功能句)【设计HAPPY餐饮调查表】(PPT)Please do a survey for me.17. 请3-4对学生表演对话。每对学生表演完对话后,老师上前收调查表,同时与学生握手:Thanks for your cooperation! Step 3 走进文本1. (电话铃声响) My phone is ringing! Whos calling me? Oh, Its Peter.2. (PPT, 与Peter视频对话) Jenny:Hello,Peter. Peter: Hello, Jenny. I heard that you ha

13、ve a restaurant. I would like to go and eat. Jenny: Great! Do you like Chinese food, Peter? Peter: Yes, very much. Jenny: Whats your favourite? Peter: Jiaozi and Kaoya. Jenny: What about noodles? Peter: No, I dont like noodles. But I like Baozi very much. Jenny: Ok, see you later. Peter: Ok! goodbye

14、, Jenny! Jenny: Bye, Peter!3.(PPT, 出示问题1) What food do I prepare(准备) for Peter? (老师自言自语:Jiaozi and . Oh, I forgot! I think I should call back. 老师给Peter打电话,学生将对话再听一遍。)4. T: What food do I prepare(准备) for Peter? Do you know?请生回答问题:Baozi, Jiaozi and Kaoya.T: What about noodles? Ss: No.T: No, Peter does

15、nt like noodles.5. (PPT, 出示问题2) Does Peter like Chinese food very much? (PPT, 展示三张不同国家食物的照片,师追问) Which is Chinese food?6. Read the dialogue follow PPT.7. 分角色朗读:Boys are Peter. Girls are Jenny. Girls are Peter. Boys are Jenny. 8. Practice to read the dialogue in pairs.9. The pairs show the dialogue. (给奖励评价)Step 4 拓展运用1. Im happy today. I know tomorrow is a nice day. I want to go picnic. Do you want to go picnic with me?2. Ok, lets disscuss what ca



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