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1、Unit One What is Lexicology?Lexicology It is a branch of linguistics dealing with the vocabulary of a language and the properties of words as the main units of language. Word It is the basic unit of speech and minimal free form which has a given sound and meaning and grammatical function. The relati

2、onship between sound and meaning is conventional because people of the same speech community have agreed to this cluster of sounds for such an animal.分类 Words may fall into basic word stock and non-basic by use frequency; content words and functional words by notion, native words or borrowed words b

3、y origin.Basic words stable and indispensablecharacteristics1 All national character:.2 Stability: 3 Productivity. 4 Polysemy: 5 collocability .Non-basic words:Terminology术语 Slang俚语 Jargon行话Argot 隐语 Dialectal words方言 Archaisms古词 Neologisms新词functional words , like :prep. conj. Auxilaries and article

4、s They dont have notion of their own. Content (notional) words constitute the main body of English vocabulary. They are nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and numerals. Native words: Anglo-Saxon words, small in number, the core of the language, neutral in style, frequent in use. Borrowed words: are w

5、ords taken over from other languagese.g. chaos, dogma, drama, pneumonia -Greek. hymn, pope, martyr, monk, anthem, shrine, creed old E Cradle, bald, slogan, flannel, down - Celtic Balcony, corridor, attack, cannon, opera-Italyvocabulary -all the words in a language together, all items in a dictionary

6、.5. Exercises: 1) Which of the following is not true? Aa. A word is the smallest form of a language. b. A word is a sound unity. c. A word has a given meaning. d. A word can be used freely in a sentence. 2) The differences between sound and form are due to Da. the fact of more phonemes than letters

7、in English b. stabilization of spelling by printingc. influence of the work of scribes d. innovations made by linguists3) Complete the following sentences: a. There is no intrinsic relationship between sound and meaning, The connection between them is _arbitrary_ and conventional. b. Content words a

8、re changing all the time whereas functional words are more _stable_. Functional words enjoy a higher frequency in use than content words.Unit Two Word Formation1.The expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on word-formation。The most productive ways of word-formation are affixation,

9、 compounding and conversion. 2.Morpheme is the smallest component of a word which contributes to its meaning. Take “read-er”for example. er is attached to a word read . Read cannot be separated any more. Thus it is called a free morpheme; er cannot stand alone, thus is called bound morpheme. bound r

10、oot is a bound form that has to combine with other morphemes to make words. An allomorph refers to a member of a set of morphs,which represent one morphemeAffixation(词缀法):is generally defined as the formation of words by adding word-forming or derivational affixes to stems. ( This process is also kn

11、own as derivation). Prefixation is the formation of new words by adding to prefixes to stems. Prefixes do not generally change the word-class of stem but only modify (change) its meaning.Suffixation is the formation of new words by adding suffixes to stem. Suffixation have only a small semantic role

12、, their primary function being to change the grammatical function of stems( the word class). exercises: 1) a minimal meaningful unit of a language ( morpheme ) 2) one of the variants that realize a morpheme ( allomorph)同位语素3) a morpheme that occurs with at least one other morpheme( bound morpheme)粘着

13、语素4) a morpheme that can stand alone ( free morpheme )5) a morpheme attached to a stem or root (affix)6)an affix that indicates grammatical relationships ( inflectional affix )7) an affix that forms new words with a stem or a root. ( derivational affix )派生词缀8) what remains of a word after the remova

14、l of all affixes ( root ) 词根Unit Three Basic Formation of Words and OthersCompounding (Composition) The formation of new words by joining two or more stems is called compounds There are different ways to compound English words: (three major ways)1. Noun compounds: N+n: chairperson, prep+n: byproduct

15、 A.+ n: deadline, N+v: toothache, N+v+ing: air-conditioning, V+ing +n: walking stick Adv+ v: outbreak, V+adv.:sit-in, 2. Adjective compounds: N+v-ing: record-breaking ,A+v+ing: easy-going, Adv+v+ing: out-going, N+v+ed: poverty-stricken N(a)+n+ed: short-sighted Num+n+ed: four-legged; N+a: duty-free3.

16、 Verb compounds: lip-reading, mass-productionto lip read, mass-produce. As is shown by the examples, back-formed verbs are formed by dropping the suffixes. III. Conversion: Conversion is the formation of new words by converting words from one class to another class. These words are new only in a grammatic


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