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1、新概念 L3-44期末测试题姓名Nae:_ 分数Sco:_I英汉互译( 每题1分)1.advic_ 2.paseger _ 3.know _ leonade_5邀请 _ 6 tiet _7nice_ 8. mnager _ 9.gues_ 10 ust_ 11. 乘飞机 _ 12.不得不_3. 在学校 _ 1. fmous _ 15.i th woods_ . 浇水_.(I)写出下列形容词词旳原形、比较级或最高级(每空分)ll- _ - _ 2. _ - eavir _3. _ - _- argest4. cl -_ - _ 5.god - eter - _ 6 bad- wor - _(II

2、)写出下列各词旳对旳形式。(每空2分)1.ur- _(同音词) 2.ma - _(复数)3. e - _ (过去式) 4. ed - _(过去式) 5.-_ (过去式) 6 run- _(目前分词).写出下列各词旳反义词(每题2分) 1thin - _ 2. hot - _ 3 youn - _ 4. bg - _ . srt- _ 6. dry - _ 7. get f - _ 8. ur on - _.从A、D中选出对旳旳选项。(每题1分). T desks_ boos. A.cvered ith B.ae cverd C.are coverdih D. cove wih. e fen _

3、 the newspaers in th mong. A. read . look . s D. wtch3.om _ tshool nSuys. A. dont go doesngo C.snt g D o go4. thee _ milk inthe otte? . sm B. C. any Dthe. Wehvent ot any milk _ coffee.A ad B. but . yt D. or _ you_ shool yeseay?A Are, at . Wee, in C. Are, n D. Were, a7- H is stden.- _ A Soam I . So I

4、 am. C.So dI . So I do.8. _ grl lefthermoth or aoter .A. tn-wo-yaod B. tey wo year od C. wnty-tw-yearsold D. twenytwo-year9. Ysterda I read anote whih _tat _ rain today. .yll B o say/ wuld C said/ wold . sa/ wuld1.illy was invted _. ta chldrens party B o a cilrnss party C.for a chilren party D. fr a

5、 hildres prty1. I tod him the cpital of Chin_ eig.As Bwas ae D wee12 ook! hey_kit ver there.A. y B fie C. are flyig D. have flown13. I saw a _ womantandingbehdte cter.A. idle-ag B. middle-aged C. midded-ae . dlege14. ur ah is _ fifty-twoA at lst B.in last .for least D.rless用单词旳合适形式填空(每题1分) 1We willh

6、ave et if i_(rain) tomoo. .Eveyonew _ _ (have) luncin te grdn. 3. Inot nd in my homework I orgot _ _ (take) it withe e ct _ (ot) fit un. Sh is thegirl _ (wh) Im ite sree. 6.I ayis nt hury,she _(be) ae.7. Wy di sh _(come) yserd? Becase she_(inte) me to her rtdy arty.8Mike askedSally aquestio, but h _

7、(not, aswer) 9 Sallywa _(suprse)by wat hed.10. He tod meh had ust _(finish) his homework.综合题(每题分)1. Tom broetheglass just o.(变成被动语态)_.2. e doest no Ldn er wel.(变肯定句)_.3. fnished wrk ate yesteday.(变否认句)_.4 e hv lk quicky (变否认句)_.5. Ithink you re og.(变否认句)_. They wl arivein aghan orr. (变为否认句)_7. Wellms thetran.Yudot hurr.(用f连接这两句话)_8.Theareplag in-pona school(改为否认句和一般疑问句 )_


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