gre考试备考需要这些技巧3篇 gre怎么准备考试

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《gre考试备考需要这些技巧3篇 gre怎么准备考试》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《gre考试备考需要这些技巧3篇 gre怎么准备考试(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、gre考试备考需要这些技巧3篇 gre怎么准备考试下面是小编分享的gre考试备考需要这些技巧3篇 gre怎么准备考试,以供参考。gre考试备考需要这些技巧1God神The Savior救世主The Holy Spirit圣灵angel天使archangel天使长cherubim, cherub小天使devil魔鬼The beyond来世paradise天堂heaven天purgatory炼狱hell地狱limbo净界The elect有福的The reprobate被罚入地狱Grace恩典soul灵魂vision显灵apparition幽灵mystery玄义miracle奇迹Gre考试备考需要

2、这些技巧gre考试备考需要这些技巧2Throw the spotlight on 让受到群众关注释义If you throw the spotlight on something, you make it draw public attention.例句hamas objective was to throw the spotlight on the governments inability to control the situation while at the same time portraying itself as the true power in Palestinian.GR

3、EThe lionization of Vladimir Nabokov as one of North Americas literary giants has thrown the spotlight on his peripheral activities and has thus served to foreground his efforts as an amateur entomologist.vladimir Nabokov是一位北美文学巨匠,对于Vladimir Nabokov的神化让他生活的各个角落都受到群众关注,这种关注让他想成为昆虫学者的努力也广为人知。gre考试备考需要

4、这些技巧3for fear of 为了防止释义If you take a particular course of action for fear of something, you take the action in order to prevent that thing happening.例句she refused to say anything to journalists for fear of hurting her reputation.GREfilmmakers need to resist the impulse to move the camera quickly from detail to detail for fear of boring the viewer, to frame the image for the sake of drama alone, to add music for fear of silence.电影制片人需要抵制这样一种激动:为了防止让观众陷入无聊而在细节之间快速移动摄影机,仅仅为了戏剧性而进行构图,为了防止无声的场景而参加音乐。


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