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1、 有关圣诞英语情景对话Dialoug 1A:Could you tell me something about your Christmas Day?A:你能否给我讲讲你们过圣诞节的一些事情?B:Well,it”s celebrated every year by Christians for the birth of Chirst on 25 December.B:好啊,这是基督教徒每年都庆祝耶稣基督12月25日诞辰的日子。A:How do you celebrate itsA:你们怎么庆祝这个节日?B:We can have fun,and forget about everything

2、else.B:我们可以玩啊,忘掉一切别的东西。A:Yeah,we do need a time to rest.A:是啊,我们的确需要时间休息。B:We don”t need to be busy with work until the day after New Year”s Day.B:我们不必忙于工作,始终玩到过了新年。A:It”s full of fun.A:太好玩了。有关圣诞英语情景对话Dialoug 2A:What are you doing for Christmas this year?A:你们今年圣诞节预备做什么?B:All my relatives are getting

3、together at my house.B:全部的亲戚都会来我家聚会。A:That”s great.Most of my family is coming home too.A:太棒了。我家大局部人也都回家过圣诞。B:Who can”t make it in your family?B:你家有谁不能到?A:My sister.She is going to her in-law”s house this year.A:我姐姐。今年她到她公婆家过圣诞。B:That”s too bad.So,what did you ask for Christmas this yearB:真是太糟了。今年你想

4、要什么圣诞礼物?A:I asked Santa to bring me a new sweater and some computer games.A:我盼望圣诞老人能送我一件新毛衣和一些电脑嬉戏。B:I want some computer games also. I gave my parents a really long Christmas list.B:我也想要一些电脑嬉戏。我给父母列了很长的一张圣诞购物清单。A:I hope that I get what I asked for.A:我盼望能得到我想要的。B:So what does your family do on Chris

5、tmas Day?B:你们家圣诞节那天做什么?A:We wake up early and go to church.Then we come back home and open our gifts together. How about yourA:我们很早就起床了。上教堂,再回家拆礼物。你们呢?B:Our family is a little different.We go to church on Christmas Eve instead.B:我们家有点不同。我们在平安夜去教堂。Dialoug 3A:Did you get a nice treeA:你买到一棵好树了吗?B:Sure

6、did. It”s a beauty.Where do you want itsB:买到了。这棵树很美丽。A:Let”s put it over there.A:就摆在那儿吧。B:Let”s go to work. We want to have the tree ready to light up by evening.B:我们现在就把它布置好。把它摆在什么地方?到今日晚上我们得全部弄好,满树灯光照射。A:Let”s string the lights first.Then we won”t have to mess up the decorations.A:我们先把小灯泡系上。这样就不会和

7、其他的装饰品缠在一起。B:Hand me some globes and paper flowers,I”ll put them on these top branches.B:递给我一些彩球和纸花。我把它们放在高处的树枝上。A:There,.we”re about done.A:看呀,我们差不多就装饰好了。B:Let”s switch the lights on.B:插上电源试试看。A:OK.Here goes.A:好极了,现在全亮了。B:Well,I guess we”re all set for another merry Christmas.B:好吧,我想又一个欢快的圣诞节完全布置好了

8、。Dialoug 4A:Are you ready for the Christmas party tonightA:今晚的圣诞派对,你预备好了吗?B:Almost.I have to get dressed.It”s a formal party and I have spe-cial party make up!B:差不多了。我得盛装出席。这是个正式派对,我得好好装扮一下!A:Use this lipstick and it will make your lips shine!A:用这款口红,它会让你的双唇闪闪动人哦!B:Great!Uh,remember that there”s a g

9、ift exchange,too.We all have to bring a gift.B:太好了!呢,别忘了还要交换礼物。我们必需带礼物去。A:I”ve already got mine.A:我的已经预备好了。(At the Party)(圣诞聚会上)B:It”s Christmas Fve!”time to open presents!B:圣诞夜到了。是翻开礼物的时候了。A:Here!Open mine first.A:这个!先开我的。B:Wow!It”s just what I wanted!B:哇!这正是我想要的。A:Hey!Why don”t I have any presents!A:嘿!为什么我连半点礼物都没有!


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