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1、英国部分 Chapter1 Official name官方名称:The official name of the United Kingdom is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. British Empire大英帝国:About a hundred years ago, as a result of its imperialist expansion, Britain ruled an empire that had one fourth of the worlds people and one fourth

2、 of the worlds land area. However, the two world wars greatly weakened Britain. The British colonies became independent one after another. The British Empire gradually disappeared and it was replaced by the British Commonwealth in 1931. Commonwealth of Nations/the British Commonwealth英联邦:Its a free

3、association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. It was established in 1931, replacing the former British Empire. Member nations are joined together economically and have certain trading arrangements. The Commonwealth has no special power. The decision to became a member of t

4、he Commonwealth is left to each nation .At present there are 50 member countries within the Commonwealth. Chapter2 Heptarchy七王国:During the AngloSaxons time, Britain was divided into many kingdoms. These seven principal kingdoms of Kent, Essex, Sussex, Wessex, East Anglia, Mercia and Northumbria. The

5、y were given the name of Heptarchy. Alfred the Great亚尔弗雷得大帝:Alfred was the King of Wessex, who was strong enough to defeat the invading Danes and reached a friendly agreement with them. He founded a strong fleet and is known as “the father of the British navy” .He reorganized the Saxon army, making

6、it more efficient. He established schools and formulated a legal system. He translated books from Latin into English. William the Conqueror征服者威廉:He was also known as William, Duke of Normandy. In 1066, he invaded England, defeated and killed Harold near Hastings in Sussex and conquered England. He c

7、onfiscated almost all the land and gave it to his Norman followers. He replaced the weak Saxon rule with a strong Norman government. So the feudal system was completely established in England. Chapter3 Domesday Book末日审判书:Its a book compiled by a group of clerks under the sponsorship of King William

8、the First in 1086.The book was in fact a property record. It was the result of a general survey of England. It recorded the extent, value, state of cultivation, and ownership of the land. It was one of the important measures adopted by William I to establish the full feudal system in England. Today,

9、 its kept in the Public Records Office in London. The Great CharterMagna Carta大宪章:The Great Charter has been also known as Magan Carta which King John was forced to sign in 1215.The Great Charter has been regarded as the foundation of English liberties, a guarantee of the freedom of the Church and t

10、he spirit of it was the limitation of the powers of the King. Joan of Arc圣女贞德:Joan of Arc was a national heroine in French history. She led and encouraged the French in driving the English out of France in the Hundred Years War. Chapter4 The Wars of the Roses玫瑰战争:The name Wars of the Roses was refer

11、 to the battles between the House of Lancaster, symbolized by the white, from 1455 to 1485.Henry Tudor, descendant of Duke of Lancaster won victory at Bosworth Field in 1485 and put the country under the rule of the Tudors, From these wars, English feudalism received its death blow. The great mediev

12、al nobility was much weakened. Bloody Mary血腥玛丽:Its the nickname given to Mary I, the English Queen who succeeded to the throne after Henry .She was a devout Catholic and had so many Protestants burnt to death that shi is remembered less by her official title Mary I by her nickname Bloody Mary. The E

13、nglish Renaissance英国文艺复兴:(1)Renaissance was a cultural movement in Europe from the 14th century to the 16th century.(2)It originated in Italy and began to come to England in the late 15th century.(3)The English Renaissance was largely literary, and achieved its finest expression in poetry, drama and

14、 prose.(4)The greatest literary writer of the English Renaissance was William Shakespeare.Chapter5 The Reform Act of 1832改革法案:(1)Its also known as the Greater Charter of 1832, it was passed by Parliament in 1832.(2)According to the Act, “rotten boroughs” were abolished, and parliament seats were red

15、istributed more fairly among the growing industrial towns.(3)It also gave the vote to many householder and tenants who were required to have certain property. Charles Darwin查尔斯-达文:(1)A famous British scientist in the 19th century.(2)He has been especially remembered for his important book “the Origi

16、ns of Species” in which he developed his theory of evolution.(3)The theory of evolution caused evident reaction of the Victorians and contributed to the decay of Victorianism. The Victorian Age维多利亚时期:(1)It refers to monarchy of Britain under Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1901, the longest reign in British history.(2)The Victorian Age was an age of national development and national optimism.(3)The Victorian



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