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1、 有关母亲节英语作文:母爱永在母亲离开我们已经一年了。然而,她的音容笑貌依旧清楚地印刻在我的脑海里,她的殷殷教导依旧深深地影响着我、鼓励着我、支持着我,她的远见和才智依旧像长夜里的明灯照亮我的心田。 Mother has left us for a year. However, her one”s voice and expression still clearly engraved in my mind, her earnest teachings still deeply affected me, encourage me, support me, her vision and wisdo

2、m still like the night light to illuminate my heart. 母亲是一个典型的农村妇女。没有上过学,除熟悉自己的名字外大字不识,但她却是一本无字的书,一本永久读不完的书,无私的母爱像一股清泉在儿女们心中绵延流淌。母亲多岁开头守寡,始终和我们相依为命,用人世间最博大、最无私的母爱悄悄践行着自己朴实的:孩子是她身上掉下的肉,她失去了丈夫不能再失去孩子,再苦再难也要把孩子培育成人。 Mother is a typical rural women. Did not go to school, in addition to know their names a

3、nd illiterate, but she is a wordless book, a book will not finish reading the book, selfless love like a clear spring flowing stretches in the children heart. The mother was widowed 40 years, and we have always depended on each other, with the most profound, the most selfless love silently practicin

4、g his simple commitment: the child is she falls upon the flesh, she lost her husband can”t lose the child, no matter how hard also for children to adult. 母亲生情刚直要强。父亲去世后,我家成了生产队的老亏支户。为了生计,母亲拖着带病的身体,常年下地劳动,挣工分糊口。但是靠母亲一人养活我们弟兄四个实在是勉为其难。每到年关,日子是最难受的时候,不但口粮拿不回来,还要遭别人的白眼。母亲是一个自尊心很强又很要面子的人,但为了我们过年能吃顿饱饭,总是硬


6、过。这看似寻常看似朴实的评价,却是母亲刚直自尊的真实写照。 Mother love is stronger than any. After father died, my family into a production team old lose support households. In order to make a living, the mother dragged his body, have to work, earn workpoint life. But by a mother to feed us four brothers is a reluctance. Every

7、year, the day is the most sad, not holding back not only food, but also by the contempt of others. His mother is a strong self-esteem and is to face the people, but we have the Spring Festival to eat meal, always bite the bullet and ran to the brigade department to apply for relief food, or when, al

8、one in the attic silently in tears. Have the Spring Festival is the most festive time of year in rural areas, other people”s children are in the whip shooting, visit their relatives and friends, be full of joy, mother is afraid we wore tattered clothes out let people look down, then take us off at h

9、ome, for we tell Grandpa was Japs shot story and my father 13 years old up his suffering experience, education of our family was poor not rude, poor people not of short, to rely on their own hands to change the poor and bitter day. Have a year because of floods, the production team the crops, many v

10、illagers for the full stomach, in groups to the vicinity of the septum Lake farm to steal grain. When the elder brother has not yet adult, which also joined in someone else”s instigation, before starting to be mother know. The mother is very angry, angry his brother back home from the crowd. After h

11、er mother died the villagers speak with praise the mother: her life even the others had not taken a straw. This seemingly evaluation usually seemingly simple, but mother but true portrayal of self-esteem. 母亲虽然没有文化,但明事理,大事小事分得很清,特殊是在培育孩子上不惜一切代价。记得初中毕业那年,一天放学回家,我硬生生地对母亲说,不想上高中了,要自己养活自己。正在剪鞋样的母亲深感意外,但还


13、眼泪打湿了我的衣裳,我和母亲紧紧地拥抱在一起,很久很久。我的左腿上至今还清楚地留着一道疤痕,它成了母亲望子成才的见证和催我奋进的动力。可以说,我们的几个弟兄都没有辜负母亲的良苦专心。 Although the mother has no culture, but sensible, big and small share very clear, especially in the training of children at all costs. Remember junior high school graduation that year, home from school one da

14、y, I ever said to his mother, don”t want to go to high school, to feed himself. Is cutting shoe mother by surprise, but still said to me: you mother knows, but home to mama, no skill, but also to ensure that you finish high school. When I was 14 years old, has grown since that, won”t listen to mothe

15、r”s words, anger blunt world threw a resolute don”t go to school. The mother wanted to scare me, who informed urgently, throw the hands of small scissors unexpected hand. A small scissors is firm in the thigh root my. In order to achieve the purpose of dropping out of school, I bite the bullet, endu

16、re pain, coerce mother promised. Mother”s mood suddenly out of control, she said, “there is no culture never amount to anything“, “confessed not high school how to your deceased father, must not let mother regret forever“. Mother”s words like a needle in my heart, that is far more than the physical pain. I put the scissors out, mother like err children trembling like a wound for me.


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