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1、 常用英语口语8000句:同意、不同意 同意、不同意 行。 Go ahead.May I use your phone? (可以借用你的电话吗?)Go ahead. (可以。) 随你吧。 It”s up to you.You decide.可以。Sure.Would you help me? (你能帮我吗?)Sure. (可以。)No problem.Okay.Sure thing!Why not?I don”t see why not. *直译“我没有理由说不”,see表示“明白”。I don”t see why it is not all right.That sounds okay. 行

2、啊! I”m game!Let”s go out drinking. (我们去喝一杯吧。)I”m game! (行啊!)I”m all for it. (特别赞成。) 假如你不介意的话。 If that”s all right with you. *恳求对方同意、许可的说法。It”s five o”clock now. (现在5点了。)Let”s leave now, if that”s all right with you. (我们走吧,假如你不介意的话。)If that”s all right for you. 假如便利的话 If it”s all right with you, *这句同

3、上句If that”s all right with you.大致一样,但这句用在对话开头时。If it”s all right with you, I”d like to go to bed now. (假如便利的话,我想休息了。)Go ahead. (您请吧。) 可以,您请。 Yes, please do.May I sit here? (我可以坐在这儿吗?)Yes, please do. (可以,您请坐。)Sure, go ahead.No problem. 约翰,你可以回家了。 You may go home now, John. 很圆满,唯恐不行。 I”m afraid not. *

4、用于虽然对方或许不想听,或者不信任,但不得不说No(不)时。这是一种委婉的否认表达方式,含有表示怜悯对方的心情。Is this the smoking section? (这儿是吸烟席吗?)No, I”m afraid not. (很圆满,似乎不是。)I”m afraid so. *这句话的意思是“很圆满是这样”、“很圆满是这么回事”。 不要。 I”d rather you didn”t. *I”d rathernot表示“假如可以的话,我不想”、“假如可以的话我想拒绝”、“假如允许的话我想推辞”。I”d rather是I would rather的缩写形式,用于动听地拒肯定方的建议时。May

5、 I smoke? (我可以吸烟吗?)I”d rather you didn”t. (不吸。)Would you mind if I went with you? (我也可以和你一起去吗?)I”d rather you didn”t. (盼望你别来。)I”d prefer it if you didn”t.I”d prefer you not to.I”d rather that you not. 不行! Not on your life! *表示剧烈的拒绝。Would you lie for me? (你能帮我撒个谎吗?)Not on your life! (不行!)Certainly no

6、t.Not for any reason!No way!Not a chance!Fat chance!Not a chance in the world! *表示更为剧烈的拒绝。 绝不允许! Over my dead body! *表示“只要我还未闭眼,绝不让”、“完全不行能”。Would you loan me ¥100,000? (你能借给我10万日元吗?)Over my dead body! (绝不行能!)Never!That will never happen!I will never let that happen!I”d rather die first! 不!不行! Nope!

7、 *比拟任凭的俚语说法。Are you going to the party? (你要去参与舞会吗?)Nope! (不,不去。) 还没有。 Not yet.Have you finished? (你做完了吗?)Not yet. (还没有。) 现在不行。 Not now.Could you help me? (你能帮我一下吗?)Not now. (现在不行。)Later. (过会儿吧。) 这里不行。 Not here.May I smoke? (我可以吸烟吗?)Not here. (在这儿不行。) 你不能在这儿吃东西。 You may not eat here.You may not eat here. (你不能在这儿吃东西。)I”m sorry, I didn”t know. (对不起,我不知道。)Eating here is not allowed.You can”t eat here.Eating is prohibited here.Please refrain from eating here.


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