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1、7B Unit 3 自主复习1. 名词所有格(书P119)这位妇女的女儿:the womans daughter 汤姆的姐姐: Toms elder sister 查尔斯的钢笔: Charless pen(s) 双胞胎的父母: the twins parents 学生们的家乡: the students hometown 儿童节: Childrens Day 中华人民共和国: the Peoples Republic of China 2. 形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词单数复数第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称形容词性物主代词myyourhisheritsouryourthe

2、ir名词性物主代词mineyourshishersoursyourstheirs这是我的书。 This is my book. 这些是我们的书。 These are our books. 这本书是我的。 This book is mine. 这些书是我们的。 These books are ours. 3. An old friend of mine is coming to see me, Hobo. Hobo,我的一个老朋友要来看我。 =An old friend of mine is going to come to see me, Hobo.用进行时表达将来时:Where are we

3、 going for the spring outing?我们要去哪儿春游?4. Is it enough for a tin of dog food? (enough + n.; adj./adv. + enough)e.g. 我们没有足够多的钱买一套公寓。 We dont have enough money for/ to buy a flat .他能跑得足够快赶上其他人He can run fast enough to catch up with others.5. The exchange students are from the UK. = The exchange student

4、s come from the UK.e.g. 来自英国的交换生要来了。 The exchange students from the UK are coming .6. We can take them to visit our school. = We can show them around our school.e.g. 让我带你参观我的家乡吧。(两种) Let me take you to visit my hometown. Let me show you around my hometown.7. It takes only 40 minutes by underground.

5、(it takes sb. some time to do sth.)e.g. 他通常要花一小时做家庭作业。(两种)It often takes him an hour to do his homework .= He often spends an hour doing his homework .8. buy wonderful presents for my family and friends (buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth.) =buy my family and friends wonderful presents 9. if 引导的从句,主句将来时

6、,从句一般现在时e.g. 如果你不喜欢中餐,也有一些西餐馆。If you dont like Chinese food, there are/there will be some Western restaurants too .如果你想知道跟多关于中国艺术的知识,不要错过那儿的戏剧表演。If you want to learn more about Chinese art, dont miss the opera shows .10. why not + do sth. = why dont you + do sth. 为什么(你)不做某事e.g. 为什么不和我一块儿去购物呢?(两种)Why

7、 not go shopping with me? = Why dont you go shopping with me?11. look forward to + n. / doing 期望、盼望某物/做某事e.g. 我期待着这次聚会。Im looking forward to the party .我们盼望着尽快见到你。We are looking forward to seeing /meeting you soon .12. to do sth.动词不定式作为后置定语e.g. 在这儿有很多事情可以去做。 There are lots of things to do here.在故宫有许

8、多东西可看。 There are many things to see at the Palace Museum.e.g. 这是个居住的好地方。It is a good place to live .13. Whats the Western food like there? 你认为那儿的西餐怎么样? = What do you think of the Western food there? = How do you like the Western food there? 14. how far (提问距离)多远;how long (提问长度)多长e.g. 从宾馆出发有多远? How fa

9、r is it from the hotel? 从你家到学校要花费多长时间? How long does it take you from your home to the school?15. hear/see sb. + do sth. (经常做);hear/see sb. + doing sth. (正在做)e.g. 经常听见鸟鸣 often hear the birds sing 经常看见他踢足球 often see him play football Can you hear someone singing (sing) an English song at the moment?

10、16. smell/look/taste/feel/sound + adj. e.g. 闻起来香的 smell nice/delicious 听起来美妙的 sound beautiful 尝起来甜的 taste sweet 感觉柔软的 feel soft 17. some , and others 一些,另一些e.g. 一些男孩正在踢球,另一些在游泳。 Some boys are playing ball, and others are swimming. 一些学生在教室里做作业,另一些在聊天。 Some students are doing homework in the classroom

11、, and others are chatting. 18. hope to do sth. / hope sb. will (can) do sth.e.g. 希望去养牛 hope to raise cows 父母希望他能成为一名大学生。The parents hope he will be /can be a college student .7B Unit4 自主复习1. be afraid 害怕, 恐怕 of sth e.g. I am afraid of dogs. 我怕狗be afraid of doing sth e.g. Im afraid of walking in dark

12、. 我怕在黑夜里走路。 to do e.g. Jack is afraid to sing songs. 杰克怕唱歌。2. have to 不得不 ,否定形式为:dont (doesnt) have to 不必 e.g. I dont have to practice the piano on Sunday. 我不必在周日练习钢琴。3. in+ the +方位词+ of (在内部) A is on+ the+方位词+ of (接壤) B A在B的某个地方 (to+ the )+方位词+ of (不接壤) e.g. Tibet is in the south-west of China. (西藏

13、在中国西南部) Japan is to the east of China. (日本在中国的东部) Russia is on the north of China. (俄罗斯在中国的北部)4 that从句 remember to do 记得要做某事,该事没做 doing 记得做过某事,该事已做 e.g. Remember to close the door when you leave. 当你离开时记得关门。 e.g. I remember telling you about this. 我记得告诉过你那件事。5. make people laugh make 使役动词,+省略to的动词不定式, 同样用法的还有let/have/see/hear e.g. This pair of shoes makes me feel hot.这双鞋使我感觉热。6. Cross the bridge, and youll see the elephants. (祈使句+ and+ 简单句 ) cross=go across =If you cross the bridge, youl


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