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1、 2022大学英语四级阅读文章:美国孩子四大优点独立性很强来源:考试大的美女编辑们In the United States, learning is child thing. U.S. students develop a young age, “according interested in learning“, “learning is its own thing,“ the self-learning attitude. Moreover, this independent spirit has already deep into all aspects of child develop

2、ment, if the United States, a child after the age of 18, we must own to make money to feed themselves. Even some very wealthy families, would normally not be spending all kinds of fees for children, but to write them to the home, IOUs, asking them to return after graduation. This spending your paren

3、ts also have to repay the situation, in case of China, Chinese parents do not know think?在美国,学习是孩子自己的事。美国学生从小就养成了“根据兴趣学习”、“学习是自己的事”的自主学习态度。不仅如此,这种独立精神早已深入到孩子成长的各个方面,假如在美国,一个孩子18岁以后,就要自己去赚钱养活自己。即使是一些特别富有的家庭,也通常不会替孩子支出各种费用,而是要他们给家里写借条,要求他们毕业后返还。这种花父母的钱还要归还的状况,假如发生中国,不知道中国的父母会怎么想呢?Filled with a sense o

4、f humor布满幽默感American children from the very hour, they always like to talk to people with big. In the conversation between an adult, with the inherent humor. Even the first meeting with strangers, they know how to join a little humor, so conversation is more interesting, not boring. Sometimes, peopl

5、e can learn to point and social occasions, “joked.“ This humor comes from the “Don”t take yourself seriously.“ Attitude translated into a very rude word is: do not ourselves seriously. Sometimes think about a child to face accusations of another child, slightly since the tide show their generosity,

6、wisdom, Also blocked his mouth, really lamenting that wisdom and humor, why not?美国孩子从很小时,他们就总是喜爱与大人们交谈。在与大人之间交谈中,带着与生俱来的幽默。即使是第一次与生疏人见面,他们也懂得如何参加一点小幽默,使谈话更有意思,不会枯燥无味。有时候,还能学会来点大人们社交场合的 “自嘲”。这种幽默来自于“Don”t take yourself seriously.“ 的态度,翻成很粗鲁的话就是:不要把自己当回事。有时候想想,一个孩子面对另一个孩子的指责,略带自潮的显示自己的大度,才智,还能堵住他的嘴巴,真

7、是感慨,这一点才智与幽默,何乐而不为呢 ?Like to go straight, no secret直来直去Ability of U.S. children to be independent strong performance in the emotional, too. In the U.S., usually between hearing children and their parents call them by their names. I asked a parent, he said: “This is good, normal. Kids think of me as

8、his friend, to avoid some of the hypocrisy and polite.“ Look, they are so like to go straight, no secret to express their feelings . And in the American family, the parents of a child is respected, children are willing to communicate on an equal footing, listening to some of their ideas, children we

9、re more like some of the views expressed, even if some ideas that some naive and ridiculous.美国孩子独立力量较强,表现在感情上也一样。在美国,通常能听到孩子和父母之间是直呼其名的。我当时问一位家长,他说:“这很好,很正常。孩子把我当成他的朋友,避开了一些虚伪和客套。” 瞧,他们就是这样喜爱直来直去,毫不掩饰地表达自己的情感。而且在美国家庭中,父母也特别敬重孩子,情愿与孩子们进展公平的沟通沟通,倾听他们的一些想法,孩子们就更加喜爱表达一些观点,即便是一些想法有些稚嫩可笑。Very strong curio

10、sity奇怪心很强In the U.S., the child”s curiosity is very strong. No as long as they do not hear things around you they will not stop asking. I changed planes in U.S. airports, I met a little girl beside him, her brown-orange hair, sunken eyes, with shining a hand in front of her is a constant friction to

11、y bear. I smile. My bag is blocking her line of sight, including the purchase of the limbs in the domestic dynamic transfer of small toys from her intense interest. I talk to her, she asked what was the little toys from China is what kind of place where the children what kind, etc.在美国,孩子的奇怪心特别剧烈。只要是

12、他们未闻未见的事物,他们都会围着你不停的追问。我在美国机场转机时,在我身旁遇到了一个小女孩,她棕橘色的卷发、凹陷的双眼闪着光线,一只手正不停摩擦她面前的一个小熊玩具。我会心一笑。我的包拦住了她的视线,包上在国内买的四肢能动的小玩具调起了她剧烈的兴趣。我与她交谈,她问起了这只小玩具来自哪,中国又是一个什么样的地方,那里的小朋友是什么样,等等。Asked irrelevant questions, ask some questions to make you surprised. At that time, I found that I like a wise wizard open childr

13、en, you remove the thousand, Shek Mun, pulling her towards the doorway without the knowledge of the marginal. Environment in the United States, when some of the reasons more fully outside, the more strongly stimulated, the child needs heart desires on the performance of the more intense, the greater curiosity. Eventually, curiosity or knowledge to lead the ocean. Plato said: “the curious, knowledge of the door!“ Awe!一些问题问的不着边际,一些问题问的令你惊诧。那时,我发觉,我犹如一个开启孩子才智的魔法师,你移开万重石门,牵引着她走向门洞无边际的学问中。在美国的环境中,当外在一些理由越充分,刺激越剧烈,孩子内心需求的欲望就表现的越剧烈,奇怪心也就越大。最终,奇怪心或者就引向了学问的海洋。柏拉图说:“奇怪者,学问之门”!敬畏!



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