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1、西湖区2013学年第一学期七年级期末英语试题卷听力部分一听力(略)笔试部分二 单项填空(共15小题,计15分)请从A, B, C, D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 21.Which underlined letter sounds different from the other three? A.time B.ice C.trip D.price 22.-Whats this new thing? -Its an_A.computer game B.tape player C.model plane D.English notebook 23.-Is Christmas_Decem

2、ber 25th or 26th ? -25th, I think. A.on B.in C.at D.for 24.Lets play basketball. -Oh, great idea! That sounds_.A.busy B.diffficult C.boring Dcool 25.Tony Smith is a tall boy. We call_“Big Tony”.A.it B.him C.her D.his 26.-_is the girl in a red coat? -She is my cousin, Anny.A. What B.How C.Who D.Where

3、 27.Johns birthday is coming.Lets_the gift(礼物).A.think about B.ask for C.look after D.thank for 28.Kates room is not tidy. Her things are_.A.nowhere B.somewhere C.everywhere D.anywhere 29.Uncle Tetsu(彻思叔叔)cheese cakes sell well_they are so nice.A.because B.so C.but D.and 30.Tomorrow we are going to

4、Xixi National Wetland Park. Lets_at the gate on Wensan Road.A.meet B.email C.call D.help 31.My father lost _keys. Now he cant get into the house, the office or the garage (车库).A. a pair of B.a piece of C.a cup of D.a set of 32.There_some bread. Would you like to try it?A.is B.are C.has D.have 33.The

5、y put their books_to make the library clean and tidy.A.under the chair B.on the floor C.behind the door D.in the bookcase 34.These shorts are on sale.They are_25 yuan each.A.always B.only C.sure D.sometimes 35.-Have a nice day.A.You are welconme. B.Thanks.And you? C.You too. D.All right.三完型填空(共10 小题

6、,计10分) 通读下面故事节选,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Cinderella has to do all the housework. She makes the beds. She watches the clothes. She cleans the room. She 36 the meals. She goes shopping_37_the family.One day, the family goes to a 38 at the princes palace (皇宫). Cinderella is 39. She says, “I want to

7、 go and dance, too! ”Then, a fairy(仙女) comes and says, “I can help you. ” She gives Cinderella a party dress and a pair of glass 40. Then she says, “Come home early. You must get home before 12:00_41_”Cinderella goes to the party and 42 with the prince. She forgets about the43. Then she sees a clock

8、. It is almost midnight. Cinderella 44 home and she gets home right at 12:00, _45_she loses one of her glass shoes on the way.( )36AeatsBmakesCbuysDgives( )37AwithBupCin Dfor( )38ApartyBmovieCpicnicDtrip( )39ArelaxingBbusyChappyDboring( )40AshoesBhatsCpantsDgloves( )41Ain the morningBin the afternoo

9、nCin the evening Dat night( )42A. sings B. dances C. plays D. talks( )43A clothesBhouseworkCmusic Dtime( )44A goes B walksCtakes Druns( )45A but B and C so D Because四 阅读理解(共15小题,计30分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中选出最佳选项。A If you go to England, you may want to visit Big Ben. Big Ben is not the na

10、me of a man but a name of the clock in London. It has a long history of about 150 years. It is at the north end of the Palace of Westminster(威斯敏斯特). The big clock has four faces. So you can read the face of the chock everywhere.The hands of it are about four meters(米)long.When the new year comes, it

11、 chimes to welcome the start of the new year. There are also many fireworks over the clock tower. The big clock makes a very loud sound “Ding dong.Ding dong”-the clock gives the sound every 15 minutes of an hour.46. hat is Big Ben? A. A man B. A tower C. A clock D. A plane47. How long are the hands

12、of Big Ben? A. 2 meters B. 4 meters C. 15 meters D. 16 meters48. Which of the following is True about Big Ben? A. It has three faces. B.Its in the UK. C. It gives the sound every 30 minutes D. It is about 200 years old.49. What dose the underlined word chimes mean? A. 微笑 B. 报时 C. 呐喊 D. 跑步50. Whats t

13、he best title(标题)of the passage? A. The clock tower B. The palace of the westminster C. Clock hands D. Big BenB Miss Beautys Clothes Store T-shirts 50% offTrousers $ 5 one pairSkirts Buy one get one freeYou can find us at No.398 Oxford Street.Come and have a look!Full Mark Stationery ShopRulers $0.5 eachPencils now half priceSchool Bags 10% off if you have a student ID cardWait


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