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1、2022年考博英语-暨南大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Working with the mentally handicapped requires considerable( )of patience; and understanding.问题1选项A.meansB.stocksC.provisionsD.resources【答案】D【解析】本题考查名词辨析题。means“方法;手段”;stocks“股份;库存”;provisions “规定;条款”;resources“资源;物力”,此处resources of patience表示“全部的耐心”的意思,故正确答案为选项D。

2、句意为:与精神上有缺陷的人工作需要拿出所有的耐心和理解。2. 单选题People innately( )for superiority over their peers although it sometimes takes the form of an exaggerated lust for power.问题1选项A.striveB.ascertainC.justifyD.adhere【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。strive“努力;抗争”;ascertain“确定;查明”;justify“证明合法”;adhere“坚持;依附”,根据句子结构可知此处应该填入一个动词与for构成词组,

3、根据后面的superiority,分析四个选项可知此处填入strive最为恰当。句意:人天生会去使自己比别人优越,尽管这经常以对权利极大的欲望来体现。故正确答案为选项A。3. 单选题On many occasions, we tend to interpret the actions of children( )our own experience as an adult.问题1选项A.for the sake ofB.on behalf ofC.in terms ofD.in accordance with【答案】C【解析】考查动词短语。A选项for the sake of“为了”;B选项o

4、n behalf of“代表”;C选项in terms of“依据,在方面”;D选项in accordance with“与一致”。句意:在很多时候,我们倾向于依据自己作为一个成年人的经验来解释孩子的行为。根据空格前后的句意关系,只有C选项in terms of“依据,在方面”符合句意,其他选项意思不对。因此C选项正确。4. 单选题The rebel army( )the democratic government of the country lawlessly.问题1选项A.overthrewB.overtookC.overturnedD.overruled【答案】A【解析】同形词辨析题。

5、overthrew“打倒;推翻”;overtook“追上;赶上”;overturned“推翻;倾覆”;overruled“驳回;否决”,根据rebel army“叛军”和lawlessly“非法地”可知此处应该是指叛军推翻了民主政府,所以答案从选项A和选项C之间选;overturn主要是指某种具体事物在位置上的颠倒,或者是指推翻某种已有的理论或者制度;overthrow主要是指用武力推翻某种制度或者机构,所以此处用overthrow比较恰当,故正确答案为选项A。5. 不定项选择题Would you stop buying Apples products if it decided to hel

6、p the FBI open a terrorists iPhone? I thought not.Which is to say that Apple CEO Tim Cook, in his refusal to help the FBI break into iphones, is ahead of most of the population. But maybe not all that far ahead. His very public stance might even turn out to be the smartest thing hes done for Apple s

7、ince becoming CEO.We all give our privacy away every day, constantly, to a panoply of entities. I actually snorted a laugh when Facebook and Google proclaimed their support for Cooks position. Facebook and Google horde more data about us than any other commercial entities and make billions of dollar

8、s on it. Remember, their products are free; their core business is selling the details of our lives to advertisers.At the moment, when most consumers say theyre concerned about privacy, theyre kidding themselves. A recent survey by TRUSTe and the National Cyber Security Alliance found that 92 percen

9、t of respondents who use the Internet said they worry about online privacy, yet 89 percent do not avoid businesses they feel are not respecting their privacy.In other words, our anxieties about this stuff are completely disconnected from our actions.And encroachments on our privacy are only going to

10、 get worse. Wearables like Fitbits, smart home devices like Nest, connected cars and Internet of Things sensors are all creating ever more data about ever more detailed and intimate aspects of our lives. Artificial intelligence software can stitch together different kinds of data to paint a ridiculo

11、usly accurate picture of an individual.In many ways, we welcome this the better technology knows us, the better it can serve us. But at what point does the exploitation of our details turn from convenience into invasion? And dont we want control of that knob to understand and decide what were agreei

12、ng to share?Cook is making us think about all that now. Do most people care much about this one case, this one phone? Not likely. But this fight is making us realize that we need to make some decisions, individually and as a society, about digital privacy before it gets away from us. A cynic might s

13、ay Apple can afford to take this stand because it doesnt rely on selling advertising as a business model. But every company should take the publics interest in Apples decision to heart. Privacy is rising to a new level of awareness.Apple, so often on the forefront, seems to know this. The FBI said C

14、ooks stand is a marketing ploy. In Cooks letter to customers, he snorted, “Absolutely not. Nothing could be further from the truth.” He added, “This is and always has been about our customers. We feel strongly that if we were to do what the government has asked of us - to create a backdoor to our pr

15、oducts not only is it unlawful but it puts the vast majority of good and law abiding citizens, who rely on iphone to protect their most personal and important data, at risk.”So, really, Cooks position may not be a ploy. It could turn out to be brilliant marketing.1. Why did the author snort a laugh when Facebook and Google proclaimed their support for Cooks position?2. What does the word “encroachment” in paragraph 6 mean?3. The following devices are creating more data about our lives in a more detailed and intimate way EXCEPT( ).4. What can we infer from th



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