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1、世卫组织表示酒精滥用是一个全球性的问题This is the VOA Special English Health Report.这里是美国之音慢速英语健康报道。The World Health Organization says alcohol abuse is the third leading cause of death and disability in the world. A new WHO report says the harmful use of alcohol kills two and one-half million people a year. And offici

2、als say action is needed to reduce the problem.世界卫生组织表示,酗酒是全球致死致残的第三大主因。世卫组织的一份新的报告称,过量饮酒每年造成250万人死亡。相关官员表示,必须采取措施缓解这一问题。The WHO released the Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health 2011 last week. The report shows young people at risk. It says three hundred twenty thousand people between the age

3、s of fifteen and twenty-nine die yearly from alcohol related causes. That is nine percent of all deaths in that age group.世卫组织上周发布了2011年全球饮酒与健康状况报告。报告显示年轻人正处于这一危险中。报告称,每年有32万名15到29岁的年轻人死于与酒精相关的原因,占到了该年龄段群体死因的9%。Shekhar Saxena is director of the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse at the

4、World Health Organization. He says alcohol is responsible for one-third of the deaths among young people in some parts of the world.谢加萨克西纳(Shekhar Saxena)是世卫组织精神健康与物质滥用部门的负责人。他表示,在世界上某些地区的年轻人中,与酒精相关的死因甚至高达三分之一。Shekhar Saxena: Consumption and harmful effects of alcohol are increasing in developing co

5、untries, particularly in Africa and Asia, which have less powerful regulations and which have less health services available.萨克西纳:“在发展中国家,酒精的消费和有害影响正在攀升,尤其是在亚非地区,这些地方缺乏对酒精的有效监管,医疗服务也不是很完善。”The World Health Organization report finds that six percent of all male deaths worldwide are related to alcohol

6、. This is true in only one percent of female deaths. The report says one in five men die from alcohol related causes in the Russian Federation and neighboring countries.世卫组织报告发现,全球范围内所有男性死因的6%和酒精有关,而在女性中这个比例只有1%。报告称,俄罗斯联邦和周边国家1/5的男性死因与酒精相关。There are four main causes of alcohol related death. Injury,

7、 from car accidents or violence, is one. Diseases like cirrhosis of the liver, cancer, heart and blood system diseases are the others. The WHO report says alcohol abuse also adds to the development of two hundred other diseases.与酒精相关的死因主要有4种。车祸或暴力中的伤害是其中之一。肝硬化、癌症、心脏和血液系统疾病是另外三种。世卫组织的这份报告称,酒精滥用还增加了其他

8、200种疾病的发作风险。However, the majority of people in the world are not alcohol drinkers. The report says in two thousand five, almost half of men and two-thirds of women did not drink alcohol at all.然而,全球大部分人不饮酒。报告称,2005年,全球近1半的男性与2/3的女性完全不饮酒。Dr. Saxena says people who are dependent on alcohol live ten ye

9、ars less on average that those who do not have the problem.萨克西纳博士称,依赖酒精的人群平均寿命要比不饮酒的普通人群少10年。SHEHAR SAXENA: I think a large proportion of what we are talking about in the two point five million deaths are in the age groups of people who should not die at that age. So, these are premature deaths. The

10、 majority of deaths is below the age of sixty, actually.萨克西纳:“我认为,我们所说的250万死者中的相当大一部分死在一个不应该的年龄段。因此他们属于过早死亡。实际上,这些死亡案例中的大部分人都在60岁以下。”The WHO has a plan to reduce the harmful use of alcohol. It includes raising taxes on alcohol, reducing the number of places to buy alcohol and raising the drinking age. Officials say other measures include effective drunk driving laws and banning some alcohol advertising.世卫组织出台了一项降低有害饮酒的计划,包括提高酒精税,减少酒类销售场所数量,提高允许饮酒的年龄。相关官员称,其他措施还包括有效禁止酒驾的法律和禁止部分酒类广告。


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