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1、 2022年6月英语六级阅读理解语法:非谓语动词 2022年6月英语六级阅读理解语法:非谓语动词 非谓语动词构造常见考点突破 一,非谓语动词的概念 不能作谓语的动词形式就是非谓语动词,主要有以下三大类:分词、不定式和动名词。非谓语动词可以充当多种成分,如:主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、宾语补足语等。下面我们将从句法功能入手来分析这三大类非谓语动词。 二、非谓语动词的三夫类型 1.分词 分词有两类,即现在分词和过去分词。从意义上来说,现在分词主要表示主动或进展状态;过去分词则表达被动或完成状态。分词在句中可作多种成分: 分词作定语。例如: Trucks and buses were driven

2、 on gas carried in large bags on the roof.(在该句中,gas后紧跟-个过去分词构造作其后置定语,表示一种被动状态,说明gas是被如何运输的。) The girl standing there was crying.(在该句中,standing there作The girl的后置定语,且使用现在分词形式表主动。) 分词作状语。例如: He glanced over at her, noting that though she was tiny,she seemed veny well put together.(在该句中,逗号后紧跟一个noting引导的

3、分词构造,作glanced over at her的伴随状语,表示同时进展的动作。) 2.不定式 不定式由“to+动词原形”构成,具有动词的特征,同时也出名词、形容词和副词的特征,详细属于哪个特征应视所处语境而定。 不定式作目的状语。例如:He sent his daughter to America to learn English.(在该句中,不定式to learn English作状语,说明去美国的目的。) 不定式作宾语补足语。例如:We believe him to be guilty.(在该句中,不定式to be guilty作him的宾语补足语。) 不定式作后置定语。例如:The

4、topic to be discussed at the meeting is still unknown.(在该句中,不定式to be discussed作topic的后置定语。) 不定式作主语。例如:To know oneself is difficult.(在该句中,不定式To know oneself作句子的主语。) 不定式作表语。例如:My work is to clean the room every day.(该句为“主语+系动词十表语”构造,不定式to clean the room作表语。) 3.动名词 动名词在形式上与现在分词一样,都是在动词原形的词尾加-ing,但其表达的动

5、作意义不如现在分词强,由于动名词已经将动作名词化了,从某种意义上说,动名词就相当于名词、代词了。 动名词作主语。例如:It”s necessary to be prepared for a job imterview;having the answers ready will be of great help.(在该句中,动名词构造having the answers ready充当后一分句的主语。) 动名词作表语。例如:Her job was washing clothes.(该句为主系表句型,washing clothes是动名词构造,用作表语。) 动名词作宾语。例如:I avoid te

6、lling Jane the truth because I knew she would be angry.(动名词构造telling Jane the truth在句中充当avoid的宾语,说明avoid的内容。) 动名词作定语。例如:A sleeping car(表示“卧铺车”,sleeping表示car的功能;sleeping是动名词作定语。)试区分:A sleeping dog(表示“睡觉的拘”,sleeping是dog的动作;sleeping是现在分词作定语。) 非谓语动词构造真题难句荟萃 分词 1.Primary care physicians who refuse to com

7、promise quality are either driven out of business or to cash-only practices,further contributing to the decline of primary care.(09.12 Passage 2) 分析:主干:.physicians.are either driven out of business or to(cash-only)practices. either. or.并列连接两个介词词组out of business和to cash-only practices,接在driven之后。句子主语

8、physicians有前置定语primary care和who引导的定语从句修饰。句末的现在分词短语contributing.作状语,表示伴随are driven.而来的结果。 译文:不愿降低效劳质量的初级护理医生要么被迫停业,要么供应只收现金的效劳,这进一步加剧了初级护理效劳的下滑。 2.Ultimately we must get a handle on those issues as well,or a creature that outlived the dinosaurs will meet its end at the hands of humans,leaving our des

9、cendants to wonder how a creature so ugly could have won so much affection.(09.6 Passage 1) 分析:主干:.we must get a handle(on.)or a creature.will meet its end. 本句是由or连接的并列句,or表示“否则,要不然”。前一分句中,get a handle on表示“开头理解或了解”;后一分句中,主语a creature后有一个that引导的定语从句修饰,outlive“比更长寿”,现在分词短语leaving作状语,表示谓语“meet its end

10、(玩完)”所造成的后果。leave.to .中的不定式to wonder作our descendants的补语,wonder后接了一个how引导的宾语从句。 译文:最终我们也肯定要解决这个问题,否则这些比恐龙幸存时间还长的生物就将在人类的手上灭亡,到时我们的后代可能会奇怪,为什么如此丑陋的生物竟然能够得那么多的关爱。 不定式 3.Remove the pressure for primary care physicians to squeeze in more patients per hour,and reward them for optimally managing their dise

11、ases and practicing evidence-based medicine.(09.12 Passage 2) 分析:主干:Remove the pressure.and reward them for. 本句由and并列连接的两个祈使句构成。前一个祈使句中,不定式短语to squeeze.(往每个小时的时间里塞更多的病人)作定语,修饰the pressure,该不定式的规律主语由for引导。后一个祈使句中,介词for.表示缘由,后面接了两个动名词短语managing.和practicing.。 译文:要解除初级护理医生在单位时间内多看病人的压力,并对那些能很好掌握疾病和实践循证医

12、疗的医生赐予嘉奖。 4.But economists say families about to go into debt to fund four years of partying,as well as studying,can console themselves with the knowledge that college is an investment that,unlike many bank stocks,should yield huge dividends.(09.6 Passage 2) 分析:主干:.economists asy(families.can consol

13、e themselves with.) say后面的内容都是say的宾语。该宾语从句的主语是families,其后有一个不定式短语to go.修饰;不定式to fund.作前一个不定式to go into debt的目的状语;as well as相当于一个并列连词,连接partying和studying.knowledge后的that从句作其同位语,说明“该学问”的详细内容;an investment后的that引导的是定语从句,从句的主语和谓语被插入成分unlike.分隔开了。 译文:不过经济学家说大家是一项投资,而且和很多银行股票不同的是,这项投资可以带来巨大的红利,准备举债来供应4年狂欢

14、和学习资金的家庭在知道这一点之后可以有所劝慰了。 动名词 5.Make primary care more attractive to medical students by forgiving student loans for those who choose primary care as a career and reconciling the marked difference between specialist and primary care physician salaries.(09.12 Passage 2) 分析:主干:Make primary care more at

15、tractive. 本句主干是个祈使句,用了“make+宾语(primary care)+补语(more attractive)”的句型。介词短语by.表示方式,后面带了两个动名词短语forgiving.和reconciling.。forgive的常用意思是“原谅”,句中则表示“豁免,免除”;reconcile表示“调和”。who引导的定语从句修饰those,从句中用了choose.as.的构造,表示“选择做(职业)”。difference后面有一个between引导的介词短语作定语,between的宾语是(specialist and primary care physician)salaries,也就是说,salaries有两个定语,specialist和physicia



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